PC 1961-1962-52~. ~ . :~ .....,..,.......».~.............._,.............».~.._...,........~...__•__ _..---•~---•-.--.........._._........ _..._~.._-.-_,~_.............o,,,..~A.n,.1._xa4-~-r-.ri..._r,-:..,.._:;~~::._. -_'_
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A6TO~ATI~1 N0. 52: 8ffitIBS 1961-62
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~ A R8$OLUTIQY 03~ 1H8 CI?Y PI.AM~IIIdG CQ16lI;3SY@d dP T!ffi CITY Oi~ AY9AH8im '~
• s:} THAT PETITIOit Pat COI~IDITI~fAL U3B P~lIT Pt0 ~47 aF cRexTBp ,
, ~i qHBRBAS, the City plaaning Commisaion of tLe City of Aaatt~im did reccSve e verified ~i
~, ~etitiaa for Conditional us¢ Permit froa LILLIB H. JOHNSON and VIOIA L. JOHNSON, 1335 Norwood, i7
~ Anaheim, California, Owners, R. A. Wilkerson, Pastor, 146Y2 $taadasti :iwazue; pnah~m,(~lifor~a,Agert a
? of certaia renl property aitunted ia the City of /laah~im~ Count~ of Orange~ ~tete of ,
~ Califosaia, sa dec~:ibed ia BshiDiE "!-" or as follwest H~chibit "A" on file in the office
oi "
u ! ~ of the Planniag Department i
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6I.i8R8A9, the City Pisnnin~ Commisnian did )wid e pnbliC hearir~ at tLe Cit~ Iiall .ia
the Citr of Anah¢im on August 21, 1961 a! 2:Q0 o'cloel~ P.N., no8ice of o~id
aublic heaxiag naving bcea dully givma ea requfred br ~v aad im accordaace nith the provi-
aions of the Aneheim ~9uaicipal Code, Chnytes 7.$.64~ to l~ear eod con~i8er eViBenc~ fos e~
mgainn4 eaid propomed cond3tionnl uee sad to investiga4e aa~d make fiffiinge e-ad seco~sea-. ~
• ~dntions in coimection t$ereaith= ~d '
Wf~BAB, asid ~~mmiesion, nfter due in~qec4ioa,invet8tig8tion~ m~d 9ttidy mnde D~ it•
ealfr oad in its behalf~ and after dwe coaafderatioa p~ 611 @~-~IICP, Oltd TQppiLA OE~C!@d
ad said hee:riag~ doeo f'_nd and 62termina th~ follo~ring faote:
L. Thepi the propoaed use ~_, p,rop~riy one fas ~i+r.~ a Co~di4ioaal bea l~erdtit
ie antho,rized by thia C~Qe, to mit: . a churc}~, '
2. lhat the propoeed use rill nat advrreely affeet t~e adJoiaing laad u~a anB
- ti~e groxtII and deveiopmen~ of the area in odiich it ia proDomad to be located.
3. That tLe eize and ahape of the o~te proposed for the use is sdeqnate 40
allor- the fu11 deveiopmeat of t2~ propoaeal us~ 3a ~ na~s aot detrimeatal to the parti-
C41AP nren nor to tLe peace, heal4h~ safety, nnd general a~elfase of t~e.citizeas o! 4tis
Citr of Amnheim, '
4. Thnt the traffic generaled by the proposed uoe p111 nn+ impo8e na uadue tu~r-
dea upon the atreeta aad highuayo desigmed aad i~roved to.easry.the traf4'ic in 4tre eres.
3. Thnt the grsating of tha C~ditioaal Uee Pertai4 tulder the condit~oae ir~osed,
if any, aot be detrimeatal to tbe pemce. hesith, eafaty, aad gemese,i pelfere of the
citizeaa of the Cit~ of,Aneheim.
6. That verbal opposition bq two owners of property in the area was recorded against
4he sub,ject petit•'on. '
C-1 .
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N(7W, ~iPRBPORB, BB IT RBSOLVSD that the .\naheim C3ty Pianning Commission herebq
approves Conditional Use Permit No. 147 , upoa the followin~ conditioas which
are hereby found to be a neceaeary prerequisite to the proposed uae of the sub3ect pro-
perty in order #o preaerne the safety and general xelfare of the C~~izeas af Anaheim:
1. Development substantially in accoxdaace with Hxhibit No. 1 with the exception that the
central parking area be relocated from the south side o~ suBject property to the north
side of subject property and that landscaping be iastalle3 as eutlined in Condiiion No. 2. ;
2, Provision of a minimum 25 foot landscaped area on the southerly boundary line abutting
existing wall where subject property abuts the R-1, One Family Residential, Zone and on
the easterly boundary line whese subject property abuts the R-1, One Fawily Resideniial,
Zone, except fur thor~e areas reserved for access drives and walks, that trees shall be
planted as part of this landscaped area, that plans for said landscaping shall be sub-
mitted to and subject to the appru•val of the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance, that
said landscaping shall be installed prior ta Final Building Inspection, and that th'_s
condition shall not apply to the westerly 232.34 feet of subject property, measured along
the southerly property line.
3. Installation of'a six (6) foot masonry wall on the southerly property line where said
propezty abuts property classified in the R~1, One Family Residential, Zone, between
Norwood 5treet and Candlewood Street.
4. Dedic~tion oi modified cul-de-sacs at the end of Norwood Street and Candlesvo~d Street
within the subJec2 pr.operty.
5, Preparatzon ot street improvement plans and installation of all improvements for the
mo'dified cul-de-sacs in accordance with the apprcved standard plans on file in the
office of the City Hngineer,
6. Time limitatian of one hundred and eighty (180) days for the accomplishment of Item
Nos. 4 and 5.
Tt~ P~tBGOING RBSOLUTIOdV is signed and approved by me this 21st day of August, 1961.
~ ~i
I, JgAN ppGg , 3ecretary of the City Planning Co~i.saion of the City of
Anaheim, do hereby certify that the ioregoiag resolution was passed and adopted at a
meeting of the City Planning Con¢nission A£ th.° C3ty of Anaheia~ held on August 21, 19G1
at 2:00 o~clock P.M., by the following voYe of the meabera 4P~ereof:
~k ;.; .
AYB3: CQf~AlI3SI~i~:t~: A21red, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Su~ners.
NQHS: C0~lI3Sa0A~R3: None.
AB$HNT: QOhA{I9SI~Vffit9: Morris, Perry.
IN WITAIDSS WHHRBOF, I hatre hereunto set ay hand this 21st day of August, 196i.
VC2~A . -2-
R??'~QLUTION N0. 52
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