PC 1961-1962-7.
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RBSOLUTION NO.Y . ~I$5 1961-62
NHARBA$, the City Ylanning Commiasioa of the City of Anaheim did rece3ve a verified
pe on.for Condit'o 1 use Per f m~TI'i W• HOLT, 1557 West Mabels Qnaheim,
Ca~~~ornia, Owner; ~.~. Resgan,~~2 ~Vest 19th Street~ Costa Mesa, California, Agant.
of certain real p=operty si4uated in the City of Anaheim~ i".ouaty of Qrange, State of
California, as described ia 8xhlbit "A" or us fo?lorts: ~~ibit "A" on file in the office
of the Planning Department.
; aad
WHBRBAS, the City Planning Commigsion did hoYd a public hearing at the Cit~ Hall in
the City of Anaheim on July 10, 1961 at 2:00 o*cloc~ P.M., notice of said .
pubiit hearing having been duly given as required by]aw aad in accordsace ~eith the prov3.-
sions of the Anahein Municipa2 Code, Chapt~r 18.64, to hear and consider evidence for and
against said proposed conditionai u~e and to investigate aad make findiaga and recommea-
dations in coanection therewith; aad
WHHRBAS, said Coaimission, after due inspection,investig$tiom, and atudy made by ifi-
self and in its behalf, and aft~er due conside=ation of all ev3dence aad reports;.offere~3-_;.:. :
at said hearing~ does find snd determinE ihe fo].lowing fact~: . .
1. That the proposed use:is properlq oae for which a Coaditioatal,UsC Pera~it~ t~:
is sutfiorized by this Code~ to wite expansion of a private school. ~;;
2. That'the proposed use wiil not adeersely a£fect the ad3oluing land~uses and
the gs4vrth and developmeat of:!ne area ia which it is proposed to be iocated. .
3. That the size and cnape of.the site p=oposed for the use ~ adequate to
allaw the fu11 cYevelopmeat of the proposed use in a manner not detYimental to ~he part3-
culas area nor to the peace, health, safety~ and general welfare of the 'citizens of the
~ity of Anaheim.
4. Tt-at the traffic gerierated by the proposed use wili n_,ot impose an undue bur-
den upon the streets a~td hightvdys propor~ed 'to csrry.fhe traffic in the area.
5. That the gr~nting of the Conditional Use Pexmit under the coaditions imposed,
if any~ wi9.1 not be detrimental to the pe~;;e, health, safety, aud general trelfare of the
citizens oE 4h~ Citv of Anaheim. '~`!'
6. That co~naideration shouid be given to the,preservation of the existing rubber
tree located on the subject property provided any modification of the necessary street
improvements shail not be deemed by the City Hngineer to be detrimentai to tlie public safety
and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim.
7. That no une appeared in opposition to the subject petit:ion.
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N~N-~, 'IIigRBPORB, `B$ IT RBSOLVBB that the Anaheim City Planning Commission hereby
approves CONDITIONRL USB FBRMIT N0. 138 , ~poa the following conditioas which '
3re hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite tc the proposed uae of the sub3ect pro- i
perty in arder to preaerve the safety and geaeral weifare oF the Citiaens of Anaheim; ~
1. Compliance with the ~uilding Code to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Inspector ~
for the correction of the folloiving items: ;
a. Correction list on'uairi"UuildiS':
1, Bxit door on second flodr. ~
2. Rear stairway needs reconstruction.
. 3. Install new wa~er kieaYer vent. ~
4, P=ovide combustiotl ai1E to baseme~lt. ~.
5, Install vent over range and gasbage disposal in manager°s kitchen. '~
6. Have gas lines checked and brought up to Code. ~
b. Correction list on cafeteria:
1, gtovide vent over stot~e. •
2, Install garbage disposal and install tWo Compar~tdent sinks.
3. Remuve ivall heater. `
4. Seal door and put in to~et stalis in restrooms. 4
5. Provide one-hour fire walls inside. ;
c. Correction list on barrh: ;
1. Make one-honr fise Cotlstruction througnolit. •~
2. Reconstxuct stairways to comply to Code. ~
3. Reconstruct windows. t
4. Remove or bring furnace up to Code, }
5. Wiring ~o be checked by Blect=ical Inspector. :
o, Hxit doors to be corrected, '
d, Correction f,.g~ a~,,,. buildin s_: '!
1, Install alarm ~ystem throughout. t
2, Preparation of 'street improvement plans and installation of all improvements for Mabel ~
Street in accordance with'the appr.oved s;:andard plans on file in the office of the City '~
8ngineer. ?
3. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street ligh~`ing pe~rposes on Mabei Street. ;
4. Time limitation of one hundred eighty (180) days' for the accomplishment of Iiem Nos. ~, 2,;
and 3. . ., . ~ :, `__ , , ,,.-._,. ~
THH FOREGOING RE30LUTION }s-s-ig~ied and ap~~ov2d,hy~his SOth day of July, 1961.
$g p' ~ y lirirltIBIM CITY p IIL~ C~JNAlISSION
I, JE,41V pAGS , Secretary of the City Planaiag Cormaisaion of the City of
pnaheim, do herebp cextify that tha foregoing resolution rras passed aad adopted at a
meeting of the C3.ty Plaaning Comm3asion of the Citq of Anaheia, held on July 10, 1961
at 2:00 o'r.lac~ P.M.~ by the foliawing wte of tY~e ae~bess thereof:
AyBg: CQEr4AI33ICRISR9: Allzed, Morris, Mn~gall, Pebley, Perry, Summers.
NQH3: COFAfISSIOAffiFt3: Nane.
pBSBrIT; COAAlI3SIONSRB: Gaue=, Hapgood, Marcoux.
IN NIITNESS 1'IIiBRB~P, I have hereuntu set my hand this 10th day of July, 1961.