PC 1961-1962-72~_ ~ ;~~+ RB^aOLUTION N0. 72, Series 1961-62 A RBSOLUTIO~i OP TFI~ CITY PIAIaiING COhQiT3SI~i OP TH8 CI9'Y OP ANAHHIN TtIAT PHTITION PO~t CONDITIONAL_U88 PBRMIT NQ. 1S3 BE GRANTED WHBRBA3, the City pianning Commiasion of 4he C£ty uf Aaah~im did =eeeive a verif:ed Petition for Conditional Use Permit from M. MERCURIO, Owner, c/o LEONARD SMITH, 125-b 5outh Claudina Street, Anahetm, Californta, Author(zed Agent; of certain real property aituated in the City ofc Auaheic!, County of Orange~ 8tste of Calif~rttie, c~ descr3bel in Bxhib.it '~A" or ns folloae: ~The Easterly 130 faet of the Southerly 203 feet nf Lot ~0, e€ Placen~ti~ Aoros~ in the.City of Anaheim, County of Orange, 5tate of Call.fornia, a9 per~map rntord~c? in Hook 7; Page 14; of Miscelfneous_Maps~ ih the~Office of the ~o~nty Ececord~r of said Oran~e Co~ntyt and the.Wes~e~ly.l0.faet_:of-~khe'Southerly 213 a feat.o£ io~ 2, in 81ock K of the iCraemer::Tract, in yhe`Ci~y o~ Anah.e~m, County of Orange~ Sfate of._Colifornia,:.as p9r"m~p rgcorded in Book 12y Pages 8'~.and 88 of Miscellaneous Recordey,~.n::;th''~~„pffiCe of the County Recorder of Los Angeles~California. ; aad WHBRBAS, the City Pianning Commisaion did hold a public hearing at.the Citq Hall in the City of Anaheim oa September 6, 1961, at 2:00 o~clock p,M.~ aotice of said public tieariag having beea duly given ae required by hx aad ia accordance xith thq provi- sions of the Anaheim Municipai Code, Chapter 18.64~ to hear and coneider evidenca for and againat said proposed conditional uae aad to investigate aad make findinga and reco~ea- dat_YOtts in~ c4@~dection therewith; and ~8RBA3, bai4 Commiasion, after due inspection,inveatigation~ and atudq made bq it- ae!•~ ~nd in its behal~', and after due cottsideration of ail evidence aad.reporta offered ai ~a~d hearirfg,•, do~g~ ¢'ittd and determine the following facta: ?~, 'Th~t tl~e proposed use ~~_ properly one for which a Coaditional Uae Perait i~~s~ut}horized ~~~ thia Code~ to wit: Restaurant with cocktail lounge in an'M-1,Light Manufacturing, z~ T~~t thE propoaed uae ~tiil not adveraelq sffect Lhe ad,~oining iand asea and th~' ~"ro~h f'~d development of the area in which it is ,Qropoaed to be located. 3, That the size and ahape of the aite propoaed for the uae i,~,__ adequate to ~ii}~{~ ~he full development of the proposed uae in a aanner not detrimentai to the par4i- cular area nor te the peace, health, safetq~ and general welfare of the cilizeas of !he CiBY of Atulheim. • • 4. That the traffic genera4ed bq the propoaed uae w311 not impoae an uadue bur- deii upon the streeta and highways desigtted aad proposed ~o esrrq the.traffic.ia the ares. 5. That the granting of the Conditionai Uae Permit under the conditione inpoaed, if aay, wil} ~~ot be detYimeatal to the peace~ hesith, safety~ aad generai xeifare of the citizena :,f the City of Anaheim. 6. That the dedication of 53 feet for Anahetm Road was acquired as a condttion of ap~zroval of Reclassification No. 59-60-66. 7. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. C-1 • -1- i ~~ ~, ~ ~ ., _ ~ ~~ J ~~ ' N(~'1, ~RBPQRB, BB IT RBSOa,VBD that the Anahcim City Plaaaing Coamiasioa hereby ~' approvea Conditional Use Permit No. 153 . upon the folloxia~ conditiona phich ~ are hereby fouad to be a neceasary prerequiaite to the propoaed use of the aub,~ect pro- perty ia order to preeerve the safety aad geaeral xeifase of thc Citizens of Anahaim; 1. Provision of landscaping in the P-L, Parking Landscaping, Zone, into which the southerly portior. of subJect property is classified, plans for said landscaping to be submitted to and subject to the apprc>val of the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance, said land- scaping to be installed prior to Final Building Inspection. 2. Develooment substantially in accordance with Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2 H~ith the stipulation that the plans for the proposed stgn are not to be considered as a portion of subject petition. • 3. Preparation of street improvement plans and installation of all improver~ents for Anaheim Road, at the time of development, in accorclance with the approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineer. 4. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes on Anaheim Road, at the time of development. Tfffi PQtHGOING R~.40LUTI~i ia aig~ud aad approved by ae this 6th day of September, 1961. AT~BT: AIiA1~IF( CITY PI/IMj,~G C~O/ISSI~i ~~ 8 OP CALIPQRNIA ) ' COUNTY OP OitANGB ) ae. CITY OP ANAHBIId ) ~ _e~_ ^ ~- -- ~ CHAIRNAN ANA}IBIM CITY PIANl1YNG COi~( ION } . ) ~ i~ JEAN PAGE , gecretsr~ of the City Piaaaing Copiesion of the City of Anaheim~ do hereby certify that the for~goiaa resoiution ras pse~ed sad adopted at s aeeticg of the City Piaaniag Co~isaioa of the City of Aaahe3~, heid on September 6, 1961 at 2:00 o~ciock P.N.. by the folloxing vote of the s~eabers thereofs AYBB: COI~YII~SI@i8R8: Allred, Gauer, Morris, Mungall, Pebley, Perry, S~mmers. NQB3: C~lI33I02iffit3; None. ABS~iT: Q01~[ZBSION~tB: Hapgood, Marcoux. IN.IVI1NB98 1VfIBR80P, I have hereuato aet aq haaa this 6th day of September, 1961. ~ ANAF~IM CITY p ~ IIVG CpOlI83IQ1 VC7rA •?,_ Resolution No. 72