PC 1961-1962-90. ;:~ i'; , .a _ ~~.` • ~-~ ~~~ ; ~' RffiOLUTION N0. 90. SHRIHS 1961-62 !' ~i A RB90LiJTION OP THS CITY PIAPIIiING Cd~[I3SIOPi OF Tfffi CITY OP ANIIfiEIk j THAT PSTITION FOFt CONDITI~iAL U9B PBRI~[IT N0. 161 SS GRANT.SD. wf~ttBA$~ the ~ity Ylanning Commieaioa of t~e City of Aaaheia did rFCeivc a verified Petition for Conditionnl'Use Permit froq~~OLF L. & BLVIRA MILLHR, 107 Hast Lincoln pvenue, Anen~im, Cali£ornia, Owners; W. W, Morningstar, 107 Bast Lincoln Avenue,Anaheim,California, o~ sertaia resi property aituated ia the City of Anahe:lm, County fl~ Orange. State of California, aa described in ~chibit "A" or as folloxa: The southerly 141.50 feet of that portion of original Lot 53, in the city of Anaheim, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 4, pages 629 and 63U, Deeds, records of Los Angeles County, California ; aad WHHltBA3~ the City Planning Commissioa did hold a pubiic Lesri~g at Rhe City H~11 ia the City of Anaheim on September 18, 1961 at 2:00 o'clock P.ld,~ noLice of saiQ public hearing having beea dmly givea as required by]ar and in accordance aith the provi- $ioas of the Mahaim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.~34~ to hear aad coaaider evidence for and against asid proposed coaditiottal uae and to inveatigate and ~ate findiaga and reco~ea- dationa in coimection therexiSh; and dOt~RBA3~ said Co~iasioa, after due inspection.iaveatigation~ and study aade by it- aelf and in its behalf~ and aftez due conaideratioa of all evidence aad zeporta affered at said hearing~ does find and deteraine the follorinig facts: 1. That th~e propoaed use ~~ properly oae for ~ehich s Coaditioaal Use Persit ia authorized by thia Code, to rit: used car lot with office and repair shop. 2. ~at the propoaed uae ~til]. not adverae~y affect the ad,~oining Yana uaea snd the groxth ~nd deveiopmeat of the areu ia Mhich it ia propoaed to be located, 3. That the aize and ahape of t1u aite propoaed fur the use ~__ adequate .to allox the fuil deveiopment of the propoaed uae in a sunner aot detri~entai 4o the parti- cular area nor to the peace~ hesith~~safety~ aad geaerai relfare of the citiuas of the City of Anaheim. 4. Tteat the traffic generated by the proposed u8e N:lii no~ iapoae sa undue bur- den upoa the atreete aad higharaqa deaignmd and iaproved to urry the traffic in the srea. 3. That ~he g=an43ag of the Coaditionsl U~e Peroit under the conditioas iaposed, if any~ Mili not be detrimen4al to the peacc~ health, safetq~ aad general xelfare of the citizenm of the City oF Anaheim. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to sub,ject petition. Q-1 • -1- - -... _ ~ ~i i~ , i I .~'~ ~ ; ' :~ ~,, l ; ~,_-_ f . c ` ..~ 'ti~ NCk1, THffitHPQRH~ HB IT RBSOLVBD that the Ancihe:tm City Plaaning Commisaion hereby approvea Conditional Use Permit No. 161 , ypoa 4he follorriag conditioas which are hereby fbund to be a necessary prerequfsite to th~e proposed use of fhe ~ub,~ect pro- perty in ord~r:to'preaeive the safety aad.generai xeifare of the Citizens af Aaaheim; 1, Repair of damaged and/or hazardous sidewalks and curbs in accordance with the approved standard plans on file in the Office of i:he City Engineer. ~ 2, Time limitation of one hundred eighty (180) days for the accomplishment of Item No. 1. TF~ PatE('~OING AB30~TtTI~I ia aiened and annroged by ae this 18th day of September,1961. ATt88T: 3B~IRY APlAHBIM CITX PIA~3Atv CQ-44ISSI~d $TA1v'H OP CALIPORNIA ) (/ COUN1'Y OP ORANGB ) as. CITY OP ANAHSIM ) ~' ~ ~ CHAIRD91l.~? ANA}DiItd CITY PIANNING CQM@~lI88 ~ ' ~! 1 I, ,TBAN PAGB , 3ecretary of the City Plaaming Cos~ieaion of the City of Aaaheim, do hereby certifq that the foregoiag resolution vaas paesed se~d sdopted at a ; nee~iag of The City Plaaniag Com~eiaaioa of the City of Aanheis~~ hexd oa September 18,1961 ~ at 2:00 o'ciock P.Al.~ bq the followis~g vote of ~he aeebera theseo€: ' i AY83: C~9TSSIOt~iBRB: Allzed, Gauer, Hapgood, Masceux, Munga.ll, Pebley, Perty, ' Summers. NQ~3: COFAlI33IONSRS: None. ' AB$HNT: a01~lI8SI~T~tB: Morris. IPI WfTTiB98 MDiBRHOP, I`have hereuato aet ay h&~md this i8th day cf September, 1961. 8 Y IdNAF~IPd CITY 8 ING COB~OtI$SY~+T ~ r. i VC?rA .,2.. RHSOLUTION N0. 90 ' ,; ... _ _,. .___ ~-~---~r-------. ___ _ __. . __.. _._..._..-------_._--- ~._..~. -- ~ - ~ ~ ~ .. . .