PC 1961-1962-221 5 ~'~ ' ~ ,, ; ,.: , ,F. ~ ~~~ ~I~ '' ~ l y : I ~ 4 a~~ ;f5 -.I .;.. ~.- ~:^v'~ RESOLUTI~1 O. 221. SHRIP 1~6~-62^,_~ ~„__,,,,~~' A RESOLUTION Or' THE CI'TY PLANNING CQMMISSION OF'THE C3TY OF ANA,HEIE~ THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE Na. 1443 , BE GRANTED „ WHEREAS, the City Planning Cummlaeion of We City of Anahalm did ~ceive a vedfled PeUti~oe for Veriance fcom MR. and MRS. W. D. BHCKHAM, 2420 Ramm Drive, Aaaheim, C~lifor~lia, Qr~mers of certain reaT propertj~ situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oraage, S'tate ofE California~ as described in Bxhibit "A", or as followa; Lot N~. 40 af 'Tract No. 2393, and furthes deaczibed as 2420 Ramm Drive ; end WHEREAS, the City Plmwiag Commisaion did hold e publlc h~adng et the City Hall in the City of Aaeheim onPebruary 5, 196Z et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of aeiA public headng heving be~- duly givea as required by law and in accoedeace wlth the pmvisions of the Anehoim Sltwicipel Ca~de, Chepter 18.68, to heac and ca-slder evidence iTc: aad egelnet eaid proposed verienco aed to 3nvtatigete aad make fiadinga ecd eecommendetioae in comeN tioa lh+newiW; aad • WHEREAS, said Commiss7oa, efEe: due inepaetlon, lnvxaHgatioa. andl amdy mede by itaelf end in its be6alf, end aiter due coneide:etioa of all evidance aa3 mpoda offeied ae seld hoar3ng, does ~ad and deteemiae the followiag facte: 1. Thet the,pelitioaer eequests e varieae~n fiom the Aaehelm Mualclpal ~Code: Secti on 18.24.030 (3) to permit an encroachment of l7 febt into the requtred rear y~rd in order to construct a single family room addition to an existin;~ single family rASidence. 2. Thet thttte ace ezceptionel oe extraotdittary cim~metencea or coaditloas applicoble to the property involved or to We iateaded uso oE 4he pccperty that do aot epply generelly to the pwperty or cleas of use ia tha aeme vidniYyr aad saao. 3. Thet the requested varience ie necoasery for the pmaeevatioa and eqjoymeat of a eubateatlel pcopeet~r ri~$t poaeawed by other peoperty ia the sema viclnity and sone, aad deaied to the ptopecty La quearioa. 4. Thet We cequoeted varience wUl not ba matadelly ~deteimentnl to tbe pnbSc weliaee or iajudoua ~ the piop- e-ty ar imp~ovemeats ia such vieinity end sone in wbich t~he propectyr is loceta~d. ' 5. Thet the requeated varience wlll nat edveraely eifoct tha Compiehensive Goneiel Plea. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. Vldi ' -1- ._~ .. . __..., ~ . ~ ~ . , .... . ,L'''. .'c~,[ `.'~ ~' , ,.,~, i~ ~; ,?n i1 r;. i ; i ....,,, ,v.c+::.:7r cc,:.. n:..,...-.........._......~.~._......w.,...r,.,.n-,.,,K.. . . .,...... w ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R~.~OLVED thet 2he Anaheim City Plenning ~~mission does hereby gran4 subject Petitlon for Vatience, upan the following conditions which are herehy fouad to be e necessery prerequisite to the pro- posed use of the subject property in order to presecve the safety and general welfere of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 1. Development substantially in accordance with Exhibit No. l. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTYON is signed and epproved by me this Sth day of February, 1962. ATTEST: CHAII2MAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION SE ARY ANAHEIM CITY PLAI~PING COMMISSION S TE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as. . C1TY OF ANAHEI-N ) I, Jean Pege; Secretery of the Clty Plenniag Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify thet the foce- goiag resolutioa was pasaed end adopted at a meeting of the City Planr.ing Commission of :he City of Aneheim, held on Pebruary 5, 1962 at 2:00 o'clocl: P.M., by the following vote of the membe:s thereoE: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry. NOES: COMMI55IONERS: None. ABSEI3T: COMh1ISSIOh`ERS: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my haad this 5th day of Pebruary, 1962. SECRE ANAHEIM CITY PLA G COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 221 Y2-G -2- --~ . . . V_ .. ~~