PC 1961-1962-230~ RESOLUTION)NO, ~zn epa7aS 10A1_A2 '~°' . ~ A RESOLUTION OF TFIE CITY PLl1NNIIdG COMIYIISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAIdEIM THAT PETITION :~<?R VARIANCE NQ. 1444 BE GRANTED ' WFIEREAS, the City Plmuing Commisalon of the,Cltq of Anaheim ddd receive a vesiSed Petitioa for Vedance fraa DR. LH ROY 0. SCHULTZ, Golden Queen Miue, Mojave, California, Owner; Theodo=e B. Pearson, 1855 West E1m Avenue, Anaheim, Ca?ifoxriia, Ageat•of certaia real pioperty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Bxhibit "A" or as f.ollows: Lot No..24 of Tract No. 796 ; ead WHEREAS. the City PlennL~g Commissioa did hold e pubHc headag at the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on Pebruar,y 5~ 1962 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notica of said publicheering having be~s duly givea es requlced by lew acd in accordence wlth the pmviaioas of the Aaeheim Municipal Code, C6aptee 18.68,to hear end consider et3dea~e for end ageinat said propoaed veriance end to investigate end make flndinga end cecommesdetions :in connec- tion therewith; ~end IPHEREAS, eaid Commisalon, efter dne inapectioa. lave~Ugation, ead study mede by itself aad ia its behalf, ead eftec due conaidemtion of all evideace and eepods offerod as aeid 6earing, doem gnd end detecmiae the following faMs: 1. That the..petitioaer cequests e verience from the Meheim Municipal Codo: Sect i on 18. 24.030 (1) tc permit front ya~ds of 20 feet'and 22 feet in accordance with plot plan.submitted; Section 18.24.030(4) to permit lot widths of 65 feet es.indicated on plot plan submitted and in accordance with the Record of Survey Map submitted by the petitioner; Section 18.24.03~(3) to permit encroachment of an attached gerage into the required rear yard of subject property. 2. That there aee e:ceptioael oc extraocdinary dreumetaacea or conditionc- eppHcable to the propecty involved or to the iatended nse of the pmpeety that do not epply generexly W the propecty or clesa of nae in the eame viciaity aad zona ~ 3. That the requested vetience is aecosasry Eor the preaeivetioa aad enJoyment of ra subateatiel pcepe~tY right poeseesed by ather pcoperty ia tF~e seme. vicinity and zone, end deaied to the propeity ia queation. 4. That the cequeated varience will not be matedally detrimentel to the publlc cdelfete or lajudous to the pmp- erty or impmvements la euch vicLulty end zone ia wLich the prope~ty ie loceted. ~ 5. That the requeated varlence will aot edveroely effect the Compreheasive General Plan. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petitiAn. Vl-G -1- _- --_ - -- ~_. ~ .. N. _ , . _ - --- ~` .' _.- - ----- ---- ..~.,_aa.......~..e..tl.,..d....,..-.~.>,,.~«~.~~ ~:x.~:-~.~~-.~ ,~.....,e.,..~.......w._...~,...~..~~.~.,~a,.ro~....~,m~..,.,v~,d.~:.yM.,.....W~,,:,.:. ~` ~~ ~: . ~~} ;~;`. ~ I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ~OLVED thal the Anaheim City Plenair~g~Commissioa does hereby gn:±! ~ubject ~~~; Petition for Vedence, upon the following conditions which ere hereby found to be a aecessary preceqaisite to the pro- ~:.., rr posed use of the aubject p~aperty in order to pteaerve the sefety and general wel~-.cr of tl~e CiCizens of the City of Sr'.;~ . ''~ pnaheim. 1. Development substantially in accordance with Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and g with the revision of Elevations of Plan A and B to provide for wood shirgle or shake roofs. 2.• Recordation of Record of SurvPy Map in accordance w~*~~ the Record of Survey submitted by the petitioner, prior to issuance of the Buiidii` rmit. 3. Payment of a Park and Recreation Fee of $25.00 per c..~alling unit, to be collected as part of the Building Permit. 4. Subject to the approval of Petition for Reclassification No. 61-62-77. THE FOREGOYNG RESOLUTION is sigaed and appmved by me this Sth day of Pebruary, 1962. ~. ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS • ATTE5T: SE ARY ANAHEIM CITY P ING COMMISSION ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as. CTfY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Jean Pege, Secretary of the Clty Plaaning Commission of the City of Aneheim, 3o hereby cectify thet the fore- going reaolution was pessed end edopted et e meetiag of the City Planning Commiseion of the City of Anaheim, held on Pebruary 5, 1962 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the membecs thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Hapgood, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve heceunto set my hend this5th day of February, 1962. ~I~~f~.~ ~ A~ SECRET ANAHEIM CITY PLA G GOMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 230 V2-G -2- ~--- . . . , ~ l ~ .. ~._., _ . -r. .. . .. . . _..._._ _.. ._ ~