PC 1961-1962-286I ~ ~,~' ;~ Qi ~~` _ .~ _, _ ~. ~ ~ a~ RESOLUTT N N0. 286, SERIES 1961-62 ~ A RESOL.UTION OF TH~ CITY PLANN~iG COMI4iISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIki RECOMMENDING'TO THE CIT1l COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT • PETITYON FOR RECLASSI~ICATION N0.61-b2-~8 gE APPROYED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commiesioa of the City of Anaheim, did receive e veci9ed Petition for Recles'sifica- tionfrom,gAYMOND SPEHAR, 1532 Beacon Avenue, Aneheim, California, Owner of ~er- tain real Qroperty situated.in the City of Anaheim, County of Oran.ges State. of California, ~.s de'scri•bed in Exhibit ~1A~~ or as follows: Lot 139,, Tract .. No. 2779 ~ ~ ; and WHEREAS, t2~e City Planning Commieaion did hold a putlic headng et tke City Hall In the City of Aaeheim oa April 16t 1962, et 2:00 o'clock P.M..notice of aeid pub:ic Iiearing having been dply glven ea reqniced •by law ead in accordazice with the pmvisiona of the Aneheim Municipel Code, Cheptar 18.72, to heai end coneidsr evidence for and egeinst seid ptoposed reclessificetlon and, to inveatigate ar:d mmke gndinga xnd rocdmmmdetlons ia coanectioa thecewita; end . WH~REAS, said Commissioa, aEter due inspection, investigation, end study made by itaeli +ad ia its bebalf, and aRer due consideration of all evidence en@ eepocts offered at said headng, doas find end detetmine Qhe following.fecte: ' 1. That the petitioner propoaes e reclessification of the above described property from the R-3 , MULTIPLS FAMILY RBSIDENTIAL, ZONE to the C-1, NEIGHBORBOOD COMMBRCIAL, ZONS. 2. Tho! the•propr:ned reclassificetion of subJect property is necessety and/or desicable fot the otdarly end pro- pez development ~f tite commurtity. ~ 3. That the p:oposed r~clesaiHcetion of subject property does properly relate to the zones and•their oerm;tted uses locally establiehed in close proximity to subject property and to the zones aad their pecmitted naes generelly esteb- lishec~ thmughout the community. • 4. That the propo.eed, re~laesification of eubject property does requi;e dedication for and stas~dard inprovemee,t of abutting atreets becaexse.said property does relat'e to and.abut upon`atreeta snd highways which are impzoved to carry the type and quantity of traffid, which wi.ll be generated by the permitted uaes, in achotdance witL the circulation element of the General Plan. 5.' That no.one appeared in.oppoeition to~the petition. Ri-A -1- ~ ~ r ?' ~ k -: -„`---- '- 11 ? .'- ..:`'r~ -------- -- _._.~-~ . .. __ _.... __. . _ __... . ~ ~ 7Z_ , ,. ` ~ . . ,~ ;.. ; ;~ 3 ~~ y ~ ~i . ' . ~~~ f~` .~:'. -~ - -. . ~~~,. .~...,~~.w.~...~__.~_.~.............~ .....rv....,~ ..,:-...,....~~,,..~. ...............~_._.,......._..._-....___,~_.V-..._...~.......~,......_..,..,........_:........~...,'--....._ ,.... . ..._ . . _ _ . ~ ,~ i i l ~ j~5. 1\ 1~ ' ~' r~ g` ~, , NC~W, THEF.EFORE, 8E IT R~~SOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby :ecommend j to the City Counczl of the City of Anaheim that subject Petition for Reclessification be epproved end, by so doing. thst Title 18-Zoning of tc c Anaheim Municipal Code be emended to exclude the above descri5ed property from the i R-3, N.ULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONE and to incorporate said de.scribed prap- ''. erty..in the C-1.,- NEIG~iaORHOOD COMMERCIAL,- ZONE upon the fallowing conditione ~ which are hereby £ound to be a nece~sa=y..prer~.quisite.to the.pr.oposed use ~ of the citizens•of the City of Anahe3m: ~ 1, That si_gns be unlighted an_d limi.ted to windows~and~~doo=s with.o.ne free-etanding si:gn•for the puxpose of idantification ehing-le.s•not to exceed ~ 6 inches by 30 inclies-and that no flags, banners•, or rotating...ligh.ts be. '• erected subject•to the revised plana ae submitted. ~ ~ 2, Dedicati•on• _of~~ 53 feet from the -monumanted centerlina af Euclid_..Street f50 feet existing~). • 3. Provision •of Lrash stoxag~ ~ar•eas• ae ~Ietermined- by the. D•epaxxme.nL of Public Works, Sani•ta.tion-IIi,.v3.si,on,- whd•ch are adeq•uate. in size, .access.ible ~ to trash-truck p•ickup,-•and•••adaq•uat~Ly ~eaclo~ad -•by a~ .s.olid -•f-ance•• ar• waL1.,..prior to Final Buiiding•Inspection.. .~~ • ; 4. Time l.i,.m~.ta-t-ion -o£ one- hund-red •~~g~ity (1811.) da.y_s• for. tha• accomp.ll..sh- j ment of Item No.. -2. . '. 5. Recordatian of C-1 dead..restzictions. 1•imi-ti.ng the•..~s,s,e af sub.jec.t. prop- i erty to busineas offices and proffessioaa•1 of£ices on~ly. 6. Install$•t.ion of landscaping••in th~ proposed~ planting-.areas.-as-d...the..park- ; way areas, plans•••fox s~a•id land,s•capi,ng:, ta. be sub~itted Lo -and• styh.jzc,t..to. .tne a,pproval of the.-Su~eri•ntendent~ of Par~Cway •Maintenance, and .said•• landscap~.ng to be installed prior to Final Building Inspection. ~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end app:oved by me this 16 t h d a y o f A p r i 1, 19 6 2. CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIO ATTEST: ~'i%"~~ / SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PL ING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY CF OR~INGE ) ss~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Seccetery of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore- going resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on A p r i 1 `16 , 19 6 2, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of tne members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall~ Pebley. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. • ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Allred~ Hapgood~ Perry. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heceunto set my hand this 16th day of Apri 1, 1961. ~ "V ~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIhi CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0.286 ' R2-A -2- ,, ' :.< ~ ,.~ , - ._.._.____-_..__..----.._.__.~ .._.~_.~...._._.._~_ --. ._._.~ . . - ~ . , ----------- A ~ ,- - ~ ~ _ .__ _ _ --- - . .. ,a , i ~