PC 1961-1962-372_ ,~ .....o.._._...~______.~~,..~..,...,,M~~....~,u,.~.:_1~~:~:.-. ~ :,- . .... .. - __ ,P~ ' . ~,,.~`. ' ~: • 372, SERIES 1961-62 • RESOLUTION N0. `~' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CETY OF ANAFIEIM RECUMMENDING'TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'T~EIE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT 2 1T8 6 = - .. f~ , PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. BE pppROVED WHEREAS, the City Plennine'Commission of the Citv of Anahefm dld rPcel.ve a v~.ified petition fot Reclas'sifica- ' tion from L. B. HARBOUR JR. and MERRILL BUTLER ,R~~22g3 Nl est Lir,coln Avenue~Anaheim~ California, , f , Owners of certain real preperzy situtated in the City of Anaheim, Couety of Orange, State of ~~ California as followe: Beginning at a.po~nt on the West line of said West ha3f o;"the South- /'~ east quarter of the S outheast .qu~rter of Section 7, distant along said West line North 0° 16' 57" West 40 feet from the Southwest corner of said West halfj thence pareli~l with ti~,e' South line of said W~est half~ North 89° O1' 59" East 222.78-feet; thence NortA 0° 58' O1" West 7.00 feet to ths beginning of a curve conc~ve Northwesterly and,having a radius of ::5 ' feet, a radial lire to said curve bears $outh 0 58' O1" Easts thence along said.cUrves Northea§terly, throuqh a central angle of 69° 18' 56" an arc distance af 38.9~ :ee1:;~t~.ence i tangent to said,curve, North 0° 16' 57" Nfest 194.29 feet; thence South 89° O1' 59" i~.:st. - 247.40 feet to said West linef tHence along said West line, South 0~ 16' 57'~ East'226.00 ~ feet to the point qf beginning, EXCEPT the West 80.00 fe~t thereof . ; and . ',r ~: WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commi6sion did ~old a public hearing et the City Hel! in the City of Maheim on ~ June 11~ 1962~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice of said public headng having been duly given es e9quired ~by law and in eccordance with the prcvisione of the Aneheim Municipul Code, Cheptee 18.92, to heai end coaelder evidence q for and against seid peoposed recla~aiEicetion end to inveatigete md meke flindings and eecommrndaUons in conaection therewith; and , - i . WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigetioa, enc study made by #self end in ita behelf, end after duo oonsideration ~f ell evidence and reports offered et aeid headng, doea find end determine the following.fects: ' 1. Thet the petitioner proposes a reclasaiEicetion of the ebove described propetty from the R-A~ Residefltial, , Agricultural, Zone to the C-1, Neighborhood Cortmiercial, Zone to construct a garden type '~ professional office building. , , 2. Thet the proposed reclaesiScetion of srbject property is aeceasery end/or desirable for tH.e orderly end pco- ; per develop.nent of the community. ' ,; 3. That the proposed reclessiGceUon of eubject property does properly celete •to the zon~s and'their pem~Itted l usea locelly eateblished in close proxImity to subject property and to the zones end their permitted uses geaetelly esteb- lished throu~hout the crommunity. ~ . 4. 'fhat the proposed reclassif ication of sub~ect propert does not re uire d di ti ' y q e ca on for and standard improvement of~abutting streets,because said property•doas relate to and i ~ abut upon streets and highways which are improvec( to carry the type,and quantity'of ' u traff ic, which will be generatad by the permitted uses, in accordance with the circulation { element of ~the.General Plan. 5. Thai two persons appeared in oppositiop to subJect petitiony one of whom also represented two property owners abutting to the north of' subject property. . ' ~ , . ; ~ Rl-A -1- • ~ ' . a " }Y ~ ._, ------- , ~.:.. ,ae- ~ - .~,_... , ,~ . . _ __ . _ ,; .,..._. -,,~' • v t .._ =~ 1, . ~~, . ~ q: _ 1' au'a ~,~~~ ~ ~ ~' ~F+ ~J l . ' ~' +'~~.. .,, . ~ ~~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the AneheIm City Plenning Commtseion doea hertby rccommend to tt:= City Council of the City of Meheim thet subject petition for Reclaesiffcetion be epptoved end, by so doing, that Title 1&Zoning of the Aneheim Municipel Code be amended to exclude the above descdbed property from the ' R-A, Residential Agricultural„ Zone•and to incorporate said described prQperty in the G 1, 1 Neighbarhood Commercial~ ZoRe upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be `, a necessery prerequisito to the proposed use of the sub~ect property in order tb preserve ?'~ the saf ety and geheral welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim. '' 1. Installation of sidewalks and driveways on Lincoln Avenue in accordance with the ;;~ adopted standard plans on f ile in the office of the City Engineer. 2. Payment of $2.00 per front foot f or street lighting purposes on Lincoln Avenue }c.` and Monterey Street. `~~ 3. Time limitetiun of one hundred and ei ht (160) da s for the acc 9 y y omplishment of Item,Nos. 1 and 2. 4. Development substantially in accordance with Exhibit N9s. 1 and 2 with the ex- ceptiod that parking space No. 46.be deleted and replaced in part with a minimum six (6) foot strip of landscaping, that the patio wa17.s abutting.the.Monterey Str.eet right-of-way lie relocated three (3) feet westerly to provide a three (3) foot minimum landscaped strip abutting Monterey Street, and that the building fncluding any marquees maintain a thirty-f ive (35) feet setback from the Lincoln Avenue right-of-way line. 5. Aecordation of private deed restrictions limiting the use of subJect property for business and proffessional offices only. ~ 6. Provision of a minimiun of a three and one-ha2f (3-~)~foct landscaped setback area along the wall of subject property. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION iQ ~igtted and appt~4yed by me this llth d8y Of Ju11e~ 1962. ATTEST: G~diIlzMA~' ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMM _ ~r~ ~ :~ ~ .~~ ~ SEC2ETrARY ANAHEidl CT'Y'y. ~pLp~J('1[iki~ CoMIHf~sION STATE OP i:p'~..IFO}~Nip ~ COUNTY C~ ~R~,~~~GE ) ss. CITY OF ANAH~IM ) Iy Ann Krebs~ Secretary of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Meheim, do heee6y cect[fy that the foce- going resolutton was pasaed and edopted at a meeting of the City P1onnIng Commissi~u of the City of Aneheim, held on June 11~ 1962; et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members themof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux~ Mungall, Pebley, Perry. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Hapgood. IN WITIdFSS WHEREOF, I heve heeeunto set my hend thia llth day Of June~ 1962. J , SECRETARY ANAHEIII! CYTY PLANNIIJG COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 372 R2-A ' _ , .....~ -Z-