PC 1961-1962-376~:y~..~ . ~ . f ^ :;i ? RESOLUT~ON NO, 376, SERIES 1961-62 ~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNLiG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AAiAHEIIN THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE NO._1495 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, ti~e City Plenning Commission of the City of Meheim did receive a vedQed Petition for Veriance from 20th CENTURY HOML-S, INOJRPORATED, 2432 Newport Houlevard, Costa Mesa, California, Own- ers of certain real.~xaperty situated 3n..the.City.of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Ca~- ifo~nia, as followss Lot Nos. 33 and 34 of Tract 1097, and further describe3 as 426 and 420 West Wilheimina, Anaheim, California ; end WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold e public heedng at the Cifry Hall ia tLe City of Aneheim on June 25~ 19b2~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., r.otice of said public hearlag heviag been duly given as required by l~w end ia eccoedence with the pcovisione of the Anoheim MunicIpel Code, Chepter 18.68,to hearand conttider evidence for and egeinst saId proposed veriance and to inves~igate and make findings and recommeadetions in connec- ldon Woreavith; ac~ WHEREAS, said Commiealon, efter due inepection, inveatlgetion, end etudy mede by itself ead in its behelf, aad ofter due conaideratioa of all evddence and reports offerod as seid hearing, dcea find and detecmine the following facts: 1. Thet the petitioner eequests a verIIance from the Aauheim MunIcipel Code: Section 18.20.030 (2) t0 peT- mit the creatiori of two four (4) faot wide sideyards; 18.20.030 (4) to peimit the creation of one (1) seventy-fcur (74) foot wide lot ha•ring an area of 8500 square f eet and two (2) seventy- six (76) foot wide lot having a lot area of S',~0 square feet; and Section 18.64.090 (2-c) to per- mit the continued establishment of an existing single family dwelling with a side yard of four (4) feet and to permit the construction of an additional single family dwelling with a sideyard of faur (4) feet, with eave pro~ections of thirty inches. 2. Thet there ere excepUonel or extreordinary circumsfences or conditions epplicable to the properiy involved or to the intendecl use nf the propeety thet do not epply generelly to the property or class of uae in the same vicinity end zaar. 3. That the requested verience ia neceasary for the preservetion end enjoyment of a aubstantial property right posae~aed by other property in the same vic3niEy end zone, and deaied to the ptoperty in question. 4. Thet the requested variance will not be materIally detrimentel to the public welface or injurioue to the ptop- eKy or improvememts in such vicinity end zone in which the property ie located. ' 5. Thet the requestad variance will not edversely effect thn Comprehensive Geaerel Plea, 6. That no one appeared in opposition to sub3ect petition. Vl-G -1- k!'~~, .~~--. . . . , . .. ..~ , l ~ '~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plenning Commission does heceby grant subject Petition foe Varience, upon the following rnnditions which are heeeby found to be e necessary prerequisite to the pro- ; posed use of the subject propecty in ocder to preserve the sefety end general welfare of the Citizens of the Ciry of i Anaheim. ~ 1. Dedication of forty-five (45? feei from the monumented centerline of Harbor Boule- vard, (34.75 feet existing). A propert.y.line return of fifteen (15) feet sha11 be requirsd. 2. Instr.:llation of sidewalks and driveways on Harbor Boulevard and Wilhelmina Street in accordance with the adopted standarrl.plans on f ile in the off ice of the City Hngineer. ~ 3. Payment of a Park and Recreation Fee of $25.00 per dwelling unit for the propos~d r single famixy residence to be collected as part of the building permit. 4. Time limitation of one-tiundred-eighty (180) days for the accomplishment of Item Nos. 1 and 2. 5. Compliance with Code Section 17.08.250 for the split of Lot No. 34 as requested namely to reduce size of Lot Non 34 from eighty (80) feet to seventy-six (76) feet, and increase Lot No. 33 from seventy (70) feet to seventy-four (74) feet, and that said new lot line be recarded with the County Recorder. 6. Time limitation of one hundred eighty (180) days for the accomplishment of Item [Qo. 5. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is si~ed end epproved by me this 25th day of June~ 1962. ATTEST: CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNYNG COMMISSIO SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMA9ISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAN~E ) g$• C1TY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Ann KTebs~ , Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim, do heeeby certify thet the fore- going resolution wPS pessed and adop4ed et e meating of the City Flenniag Commission of the City oE Anehefm, held on June 25~ 1962, at 2:00 o'clock P'.M., by the following vote oE the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Munga'.1, Pebley. NOES: COMMISSIOHERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Hapgood, Perry. IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of June~ 1962. SECRETARY ANAHEIIYI CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION PI0.376 V2-G .2. _ra 4~_y:.