PC 1962-1963-393. - ~ ~ ~ ;~ ~ RESOLUTION N0.393~SERItS 1962-63 A RESOLUT;~t: OF THE CITY PLA;iNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AIdAHEID9 THAT PETTTION FOR CONDITION,AL USE PERMIT z60 gE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the ~ity o'. Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Conditionel Use.Permitfrom ,MR. and MRS.o CECIL MILES LANCASTER, 6136 Greenmeadow Road, Lakewood~ Califor- ~ nia,..and JUSWCE ONONUE, Grange.Av.enue.at Stanton Avenue9 Anaheim, California, Qwners; JOSEPH .P. GLEASON,. 6189. I.aPalma..Avenue, Buena Park, Californiay Agent of certai.i real prop- erty s£tuated in the City oi~Anaheim~ County of Oranqe, State of California, a~ follows: The North 5 aures of. the East 10 acres of the South half of the Southeast quarter of the Nor.theast quarter of SecCion 14,inT45R11~N, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as shown on a rtiap ther.eof. recorded in book 51, page 11, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County; ' EXCEPTI~~G THEREFROM the East 240 feet thereof, measured along the South line of said North 5 acreso ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion deeded to the Orange C~unty Flood Control District, by d~ed recorded June 8, 1951, in book 5747, page 158, Off icial Records, in the off ice of i:he County Recorder of said Orange County ~ ; and 1UHEREAS, the City P;anning Commissi~n did hold a public hearing st the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on = July 9~ 1962~ et 2:GD o'clor.k P.M., noticp of said public hearing having been duly givea es requized by '~t law :~nd in accordance with the pcovisions of the An.aheim fdu~idpel code, Cheptar 18.64, to heac end consider evidence for a~d against seid pruposed conditionel use and Yo investigate ond meke findings end recommendetions in connection thetewi!h; end WHEREAS, said Commission, afEer due irRp~ctioa, investigation, end study mede by itself and in its behelf, end efter due consideretion oE all evidenre an^? reparts nffered et seid hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. Thet the pcoposed use is prope:ly one for which a Conditional .Use Permit is authorized by this Code, to wit: pstablish a hospital, convalescent home, and service station. 2. That the propoaed use will not adverselp affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be loceted. ' 3. That tha size and shape of the site oropused for the use is adequete to allow thefull development ofthe proposed use in a menner not'detrimentel to ttie particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, e~d general welfare - of the Citizens of thE City of Meheim. .~ ~1. That the grenting of the Conditionel Use Permit under tne conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimentel to the peace, heaith, sefety, and general welfare of the Citizens of tl:e City of Aneheim. 5. That th:e ~raffic generated by the proposecl use ~ill nct impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and proposed to carry Lhe traffic in the area. 6. A request was received from the Orangz County Medical Associ.ation for a contin- ; uance of sub3ect pei:ition for thirty days (August 6, 19u2) to provide the Orange County .Medical Associetion, in ccoperation with the Hospital Council of Southern California, and the Orange County Department of Public Health, an opportunity to conduct a joint ~ survef of the hospital picture in the Anahei~n and surrounding areas, said survey to inciudP a study of the existir.gho>pital facilitie~ the Fresent population being servedby the'existing ' facilities, a forecasi, ot population growth, and the additional hospit:.: i~acilii:ies necessary to care for the aiticipated gro;vth, as well as the standard of hospital care ~ and services being sought by the ph~sicians~of Orznge Gounty. However, it is the ` finding of the Commission that their sol.e concern is the compatibility of land use rather tha`n hospital needs, and that a recommendation is hereby m~de to'the City Council that tF~e Council nold a hearing on subject petition na earlier than August.~73.-3:962, so .•that.they migh~ have the opportu~ity to consider the eviCence being prepared by the 'Orange County Mr,:ical Association. _ Cl-G -1- n ./M1M _{~'. • :~~Z: . . ~f~~. ~ . sr f NaW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anaheia~ City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Yermit, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite io the proposed use oE thA subject property in order to preserve the seEety and gene:el welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: ' 1. Dedication of forty-fivc.(45) feet from the monumented centerline of Orange Avenue, (20 feet existing)., .{:his .is to include .a return radius of twenty-f.ive (25) feet. 2. Prepar.ation nf .str.eet improvement plans and installation of all.improvements for Orange Avenue and Heach Bo.ulexaxd suhject to the.appxoval of the City Engineer and in.accordance with the adopted standard .~lans on f.ile in the off ice of the City Engineer. . 3. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes on Orange Avenue and Beach Boulevard. 4. .Provision of trash stor.age areas as determined by the Department of Public Works, Sanitatian Di.vision, which are adequate in size, accessible to trash-truck pickup, and adequately enclosed by a solid fsnce or ~vall prior to Final Building Inspection. 5. Subject to the approval of Reclassif ication No. 61-62-125. 6. Time limitation of one hundred eighty (180) days for the accompLishment of Item Nos. 1, 2 and 3. 7. Development substantially .in accordance with Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 including the installation of landscaping along the Oran_ge A~enue and Beach Boulevard frontages as indicated on Exh~bit Noa l. 8. Provision of all necessary air conditioning equipment to be installed in such a manner so as not to destroy the esthetic q~aalitites of the renderings of the elevations present- ed on Exhibit Nos. 3 and 4. 9a Subject.to the written approval of the State of California, Department of Public Heal~th prior to issuance of a business license for the hospital and/or convalescent home. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 9th day of July~ 1962. ----a~~L.l~A ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMINISSIO ATTEST: / SECRETARY ANAHEIM C1TY PLANNING COMMIS3ION STATE OF CALI50RNIA ) C(?UNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAH~IM ) I~ Ann Krebs~ Seccetary of the City Plaqning Commission of the City'oi Aneheim, do hereby cediP~ that the foregaing reaolution was pessed and adopted at a meeting of the City Plenning Commission oi the City of Anr.heim, held on July 9~ 1962~ at 7.:00 o'cluck P.M., by the follo~~ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Perry. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Chavos. ASSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Hapgood, Pebley. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hond this 9tli day of July~ 1962. ~ ~~~~~r"~/ ~ SECRETARY AHAHE:~Vt CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESQt.U'TION N0.393 C2-G -Z- - -°_.- --- -_-....__,_~ - ,.^ LA