PC 1962-1963-538~ ~ ~ ~` `~ ~~ •r ~~ ~ ~, .~ RESOLUTION NOa 538 SERIES 1962-63 j A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING OOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO REOOMMEAIDING TO THE CITY OOllNCIL THE AMENDMENT OF TITLE EIGHTEENy SECTION 18a~0.090 MII~IMUM I.NABLE FLOOR SPACE REQUIRIIJIENTSs PLACENTIA AVENUE TO THE EAST CITY LIMITS BE'IYrEEN ANAHEIM-OLIVE ROAD AND Y+ BALL ROADt AND THE DELEfION OP SECTION 18080.1009 MINIMUM LIVABLE FLQOR SPACE REQUIRFT7ENTSs PLACIIdTIA AVENUE TO SUNKIST BEIWEEN THE RIVERSIDE FREEWAY AAID ANAHEIM-OLIVE ROAD9 AND THE ~ RESCINDING OF TFiE CITY PLANDTING O~MMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 498y SERIES 1962-63. ' WHEREASy Code, Section 18e80o090 requires that the minimum livable floor space of any single family dwellin9 erected, constracted, or located in that area lying east of Placentia Avenue, south of the Anaheim-Olive Road, and north of Ball Road shall be not less than 1,350 square feety AND WHEREAS9 Codeq Section 18o80a100 requires that the minimum livable floo.r space uf any single family ~welling erected, constructed, or located in that area lying between Placentia Avenue and Sunkist Street and the Riverside Freeway and Anaheim-Olive Road shall be not less than '19525 square feet, AND WHEREA59 tnere are presently 44 tracts in that area within the City of Anaheim bounded on the west `~y State College Boulevard and on the south by Ball Road, the majority of which have beeri constructed within the last f ive (5) years, AND WHEREAS, an analysis of these 44 tracts reveals that complete information on the livable f loor space of 569 homes contained in 12 of these tracts is available, wherein 88 percent of these 569 homes contain in excess of 1,525 square feet of livable floor space, and wherein the remaining I2 percent contain an average ~f 1,425 square faet of livable floor space9 AND • WHEREAS9 fur•ther analysi~ of these ~4 tracts reveals that limited information on the livable floor space of i,066 homes contained in 18 tracts is availabley wherein 34 percent of these 1~066 homes are in excess of 1,525 square feet of livable floor space, and wherein the rema~.ning 66 percent contain an approximate average of 1,325 square feet of livable fioor space, AND WHERFAS9 an analysis of the remaining 14 tracts reveals that no information on the lilrable floor space is currently available without detailed field investigation, AND WHEREAS9 the vasc majority of homes constructed since 1960 in this area have contained an aveiage livable floor space in excess of 1~525 square feet, particularly between Sunkist Street and the Santa Ana River, where, for example, 617 homes range from 1,525 square feet to over 2,000 square feet, comparad to 274 homes with less than 1,525 square feet, AND WHEREAS, although a minimum livable floor space requirement of 1,525 square feet is effective norih of Lincoln Avenue, and 1,350 square feet south of Lincoln Aves+ue wherein homes exist with less than the required minimums9 said homes having been established prior to the effective date of these minimum livable floor area requirements, AND WHEREAS9 an upgrading of the 1,350 square foot requirement south of Lincoln Avenue to 1,525 square foot requirement would again result in a number of non-conforming homes, APID WHEREA59 an extension of the existing 1,525 square foot livable floor space requirement presently effective north of 7:incoln Avenue between State College Boulevard and Sunkist Street to that area bounded on the west by State College Boulevard~ on the north by the Riverside Freeway, on the east by the Santa Ana River and on the south by Ball Road, would complemettt the trend of development during the last two years, within the above prescribed area and would establish an area, AND WHEREASy a duly advertise d public hearing was held by the Planning Comr.iission.of the City of Anaheim on the i4th day of November, 1962 in the ~Council Chamber of the City Hall. -1- .. _ _------ --~-- _ ~i .r:`. .. ' f'; ~4 ,i;'-; ~. . -~ . ~,_f ~ _I Z'-il ~.a .. r+'~ ~~~ . ~ I~W9 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVID THAT THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION D(7ES R£OONN~bID TO THE \,:~"~?.'~.: CITY ODUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THE ADOPTION OF THE AMFJ~IDMENT TO TITLF EIGHTEEN~ SECTION ?5`~e:`:'>' . i 18~80>090 A;v"J THE DELETION OF SECTION 18080<100 AS FOLIAWS: SECI'ION 18080.090 - State Co_lleqe Boulevard to the Santa Ana River between the Riverside Freeway on the north and Ball Road on the south. No person, firm,cor- poration, or association shall hereafter, within the .following described areas That area bounded on the north by the Riverside Freeway, on the east by the Santa Ana River, on the south by Ball Road, and on the west by State College Boulevard, in the City of Anaheim, California erect, construct, or locate more than one single family dwelling and its accessory buildings upon any one lot or building site in the above men- tioned area, nor erect, construct, or locate any single family dwellittg on any lot therein with a minimum livable floor space of less than One Thou- sand Five Hundred Twenty-five (1,525) squaxe feet, and in computing the area, garage space shall not be included therein. EE IT FURTHER RESOLVID that Resolution No. 498, Series 1962-63 of the Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim approved September 17, 1962, be recinded< THE FOR~OING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 14th day of November, 19620 ~~.~ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING OJMMISS ATTESTs ~i~YL/ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING OOMMISSION STATE OF CALIF~RNIA ) OOUNTY OF ORANGE )sso CITY OF ANAHEIM ) Iy Ann Krebs, Secretary of the Ci•~y Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on November i4, 1962, at 2a00 o'clock PoM~, by the following vote of the members thereofa pYESa OO~hMISSIONERSs Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry. NOESt ODMMISSIONERSa None. ABSENTs COMMISSIONERSt Hapgoodo IN WITNESS WHER~Fy I have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of November, 1962. ~i2?~~~~~~~~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING WMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 538 -2- .. _.._... _.______._..--.------- -----•-------- _ ._. _-_._ _ _....._._ - - :: ;~ , ~ .. .._ : .., ~ _ .... _ . . . . . .. _ ..._- -.... -,.T-•--~ . - , , ~ r~ _._ .~_ . . .. . . . '.- .c . F h ~ ' ~ ~,