PC 1962-1963-548~ ~
~ ~ RESOLU7'ivN NO 548, SERIES 1962-63 ~
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commieaioa of tha City of MahePm did receive a vedfled Petitloa for R easifica-
tion from RAiVCAO LANE REALTY, INC., 1234 East Center Street, Anaheim, California,~ers;
Tm FISH~ 1234 East Center Street, Anaheim, California, Agent of certain real property
situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, 5tate of California as described in
Exhibit "A" attached he•reto and •referred t~ herein as though set forth in full
; aad
WHEREAS, the City Plenniag Commiasion did hold a public headng et the City Hall in the City of Aaaheim on
November 26~ 1962, at 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice of aeid public headag heving been duly given as requirod ~by
law end in eccordence with the pmvisions of the Meheim Municipal Code, Cheptee 18.72, t~ heai aad coa~idee evideace
for and egeinet said ptopoaed recleeaificetian cnd to inveatigete and make Hndings and racommendaUoas ia connection
therowith; aad ' .
WHEREAS, eaid Commiesion, aEter due inepection, investigeUon, end etudy made by itself and in its behalf, and
efter due coneideretian of ell evidence end repods offered at aeid heering, does find and determine the following.facte:
1. That the petitioner p:opcses a roclaseification of the above described property from the R-A~ Residential
Agricultural, Z.one to the C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, Zone to permit the establiahmeat
of parking facilities to serve a proposed commercial development to the east of subJect
property. '
2. Thet the proposed rocleaeificatioG of eub)ect pcoperty ie neceeeary end/or desiceble for the orderly and pco-
per development of the community.
3. Thet the pmposed teclaesi$cation of eubject property doea propecly relete•to the zones oud the5r peraitted
usea locally establiehed ia close pcoximity to eubject proparty and to the zonea and their permitted usea generally aateb-
liahed throughoat the commuaity. '
1. That the p.roposed.reclassification of aub~ect property does require dedication for
~ndard improvement of abutting streets because said property does relate to and abut
;reets and highways which are pr.o~osed to carry the type and quantity of traffic, which
~ generated by th2 permitted uses, 3n accordance with the circulation element of
~eral Plan.
i. That no one appeared in op~osition to subject petitiono
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~ P.11o-A.R ..lAev. 6.591 `.. _ .:. ~- ~,
~ . ~ ~ . . ~~'~u~,r~~ ~r~¢~~.~ ~
825 North IIroadway, Santa Ana, Calitomia
Tolophono Kimborly 7-7251
'. Your No ............................................... PHELIN'INARY REPORT
~y Our Order No...232.7.17-.HL ............... '.
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~Y ~ • , ~
. - • . ' E~~~~~~ ~. ".E~,"
This report is issued preliminary to recordation, final closing, and issuanc~ ot policy ~t ti:?a insurcr.ce
in cor.nection with this order. Our liability is solely Ihat oxpressed in such policy. No separae~ lia-
bility is assumed by this report except thut if no•~olicy is issued undor th~s order the omount paid
for this report shall bo tho maximum liability of the company.
aY......~t ~~.1... .~~,..~.... ~
' Dated as of 7:30 A.M. on p~tober 29~ 1g62 Harold I,ewis
RANCHO LANE REALTY, INC., a corporation, as to Parcel 1; and
TED-MAR COMPANY, a paxtnership, as to Parcel 2.
The land reterred to in this report is in tho state of Ccilifomia, county of OT~arige .
All that certain real property situated in the city of Anaheim,
described as follows:
PARCEL 1: That•portion oF Loti 21 of the J. D. Taylor Z'ract, as shown
on a map thereof recorded in book 36, pages 58 and 59, i~ii,scellaneous
Records of Los Angeles County, C~liPornia, described as follov~s:
Be~inning at the intersection of the center line of Jeffereon Street
(formerly Cross ~treet) with the 4lesterly prolongation oP the
Northerly line of said Lot 21; thence North 73° 31' East along said
Northerly line, 292,45 feet; thence South 36° 23~ East 488.54 feet
to the Northerly line of land described in deed to Margaret K. Hill,
et al., recorded March 28, 1g52, in book 2308, page 203, Official '
~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~~
Pa~e 2
Records, in the office of the County Recorder of said Or4nge County;
thence South 7° 23~ Olest 246.68 feet a1on~ said Northerly line;
ther.ce North 7~° 10~ 10" West 237.29 feet to the center line of said
Jeffers~n Street; thence North 17° 00~ L~est 347.41 feet to the point
of be~inning;
EXCEPTING from saicl Parcel 1 that portion thereof included within
Parcel 2 here~nafter described. ~
PARCEL 2: A11 that portion of I,ot 21 of the J. D. Taylor Tracb, as
shotan on a map thereof recorded in book 36, pages 58 and 59, Aiiscel-
laneous Records of Los Angeles County, Ca1lPornia, described as
foTbws: ' .
Beginning at a point in the center line of Jefferson StreEt (formerly
Cross Street), distant the:eon South 17° 00~ 25" ~ast 336.06 feet
from the intersection of said center line with the Westerly prolon(;a-
tion of the Northerly line of said Lot 21; and runnin.g thence North
73° 00~ 00" East 93 feet; thence South 72° 06' 00" East 140,07 feet;
thence South 17° 00~ 00" East 35.61 feet, thence South 73° 23~ 00" '
Ti~eat 6.81 feet; thence South 17° 54~ 00" West 133.8~ Seet to a point~,-j'
in tho center line of Santa Ana Canyon Road, 60 feet in taidth, thence
North 72° 06' 00" West, along said center line, 154.83 feet to a
point in the Southorly extension of said center line of Jeffer'son
Street, said center line havin(~ a bearin~, of South 17° 00~ 25" East;
thence North 17° 00~ 25" West 135•75 feet to ~e point of beginning;
EXCEPTING fiHEREFROM that portion thereof lyin~ Southwesterly o£ the
Northeasterl;/•line of the ?and conveyed to Ted-TQar Company, a
pabtnership, by deed recorded June 1, 1962, in book 6129, page 956,
Officiai Records, in the office of the County Recorder of said
Orange County, said Northeasterly line being deacribed as beginning
at a point in the center line of Jefferson Drive, distant thereon
~~uth 17° 00' 00" East 347.41 feet frocn its intersection. t•~ith the
~sterly prolonaation of the Northerly line,of said Lot 21; and
unning thence Souti, 7$° 10~ 10" East 237.2•9 feet; thence North
3° 23~ 00" East 246.68 feot.
Taxes for the fiacal year 1962-63, a lien, noti yet payable.
. An easement for road purposes over that portion of said land
ncluded within the lines of the Santa Ana Car~yon Road and Jefferson
treet. .
The right to make and alaintain dltahes or lay pipes to carry
ater along boundariea of ali Iuts in said J. D. Taylor Traot.
A right of way for ail necossary water ditches, as reserved in
eeds oP record.
~ (continued~ ;
• i
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~ ~ ~ ~ •
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Page 3
~. An acti.on commenced September 14, Zg62, in the Superior Court
of the S~ate of California, in and for bhe County of Orar~re, C~:,e
No. 106941, entitled The Metrobol3tan 6Jater District of Sou~hern
~alifornia, a municipal corporation, plaintiff, vs. Ernest R.
J'ohr:son et al., defendants, notice of pendency of r~hich ~~~as recorded
Septec~ber 1~F, 1g62, in book 6250, page 2~+8, Official Records, to
condemn 50-foot easements over portians of Parcel 1, as follows:
PARCEL 5C: A permanent easemen~ and r~ght of rray, includir~, the
rignt to remove any improvenients, trees, shrubs, and other gro*~rth
thereon, and at ar~y time, and from time to time, to locate, relocate,
construct, reconstruct, maintain, operate, renew, enlar~e, remove
and replace a line, or lines, oi pipe of rrhat~ver nature, nanholes,
services and distrit;ution system or systems or connections, and a11
facil3ties, structiur~es,•and appurtenances necessary or incidental
thereto, w3th the right of ingress thereto.and egress therefrom, in,
under, upon, over and across that certain real property situated in
the County of Orange, S~ate of California, and more particularly
dascribed as fo1loR~is, to wit :
A strip of land 50 f'eet raide in that certain portton, hereirafter
described, of Lot 21 of the J". D. Taylor Tract, as norm on a map
thereof recorded in. boolc 36, pages 58, 59 ar~d 60, Miscel'lane ous
Records, in the office of the Recordcr of the County of Los Angeles,
said certain portion being more particula~3,y described as fo].lot•rs :
Beginning a~ the intersection of the ceni;er 11ne of Jefferson Street
(formerly Cross Street) ;aith the u,es~:erl~t prolon(~ation of the North-
erly line of said Lot 21; thence N~~th 73° 31' East alon, said North-
erly line 292.45 feet; ~hence South ~6° 23' East 488.54 feet to the
Northr.;rly l~ne of land descriQed ir deed to P+far~aret K. Hill, et al.,
recorded March 28, 1952, in book 2308, pag~ 203, Official Records,
in the office of the County Recorder ot said Orange County; ther:ce
South 73° 23' 1Jest 246.68 feet along said Northerly Zine; thence
North 78° 10~ 10" West 237.29 feet to the center line of said
Jefierson SLreet; thence r?orth 17° 00~ W~s~ 347.~1 feet bo the
point of beginnin~.
The Northwesterly line of said strip of 1and50 feet iaide being paralle?;~
t~ith and 20 f eet Northvresterly~, measured at ri~ht an~les, from the ,:~
follorriing described traverse line:
Beginnin~ at a point on.said Northerly line of Lot 21, said point
heing dis ~at North 73° 33' 3~" ~st along said Nortnerly line of
Lot 21 at.a its Westerly prolor~atl.on 252.07 feet from the intersection
thereo~ tvith said center line of Jefferson Street (formerly Cross
Str~et) as shoi~~n on said map: thence South 22° 24~ 26" ~~es~ 2.39 feet;
thence South 30° 36~ 15" West 340.77 feet, more or less, to a point
on said center line of Jeffex-son Street, said last mentioned point
bein~ distant Soutli 1b° 52' 51" Eavt along said center iine 233•31
feet from said intersection with the 47esterly prolcngation of said
North~~rly line of Lot 21.
The atide lines of said above desGribed 50-foot wide s~rip o~ land
sha11 be prolonged or shorten~d so as to terminate Northea~terly in
- ~L\~V
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~~ ~~
Page 4
said Northarly line of Lot 21, and so as to texminate Southtaesterly
in the Easterly line o~ Jefferson S~reet, 40 feet wide, as shoi•tn on
a m~p thereof recorded in book 25, page 26, Record of Surveys, in
the officP of the Recorder of said Orange County.
?ARC~,L 50A: A temporary easement and risht of ~~ay for road purposes
and to provide az~ area upon saizich to ~rrorlc, and to pile and store
machinery, equipment, excavated and other raaterSaZs and supplies, .
incidental to the construction and completion of dis~ributlon lines,
pipelines, cond~.~Gs, and other structures, ~or the transportation and
disLribution of vaater, and all facilities and abpurtenances necessary
or incidental thereto, during the construc~ion of said improvements,
but not exceeding a period of ttao years from'the date of commencenent
of said construction, over and ac~oss that certain real propertg
situated in the County•of Oran~,e, State of California, and more
particularly described as follows, to wit:
A strip of land 50 Peet i~ride in that certain portion, hereinafter
described, of Lot 21 of the J. D. 'I`~~ :lor Tract, as shot•in on a map
thereof' recorded in book 36, Pa~ea 5~,59 and 60, blisceZlaneous
Records, in the office oi the Recorder of the County of Los Angeles,
said certain portion being more particularly descrlbed as follov~s:
Beginriir~g at the intersection of the center lir.e of Jefferson Street
(formerly Cross Street) with the Westerly prolQngation of the
N~rtheriy line of said Lot 21; thence North 73° 31' East alon3 said
Northerly line 2~12.45 feet; thence South 36° 23' East 48S.54 feet to
the Northerly line of land described in deed to Niargaret K~ Hill, et
al, recorded March 28, 1g~2, in book 2308, paESe 203, Official Records,
in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; thence
South 73° 23' ;dest 246.68 feet alor~ said Northerly line; thence
North 78° 10~ 10" West 237.29 feet to the center line of said
Jefferson Stree~; ~hence North 17° 00' West 347.41 feet to the
point of Ueginnir~.
The Southeasterly line of said strip o£ land 50 feet taide being
paralZel with and 20 feet Northtuesterly, measured at ri~ht an~les,
fro~ the fol1o~11ng described traverse ~line:
Beginning ab a point on said Northerly line of Lot 21, said point
beir~ distant North 73° 33' 3~~~ ~st along sai~~ Northerly line of
;,ot 21 and i~:q 4lesterly prolongation 252.07 feet from the inter-
section thereof v~ith said center 11ne of Jefferson Street formerly~
Cross Street) as ahown.on said map; thence South 22° 2~F' 2~" U7est
1.39 feet; th.pnce South 30° 3S' 15° 4lest 34C.77 feet, more or less,
to a point on said center line of Jefferson Street, said Zast ,;~
mentioned point being distant South 16° 52' S"s" East slong said
center line 233•31 feet from said intorsection with tY:e Westerly
.p~.l.onaation of said Northerly line of Lot 21.
~ -.~. _ - ,' " .
~' . _
" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ~~OLVED thet the Aaahei.,~ (;ity Plaaaiag Lro~m; R+~+++ doe.s fiaeby recommsnd
~ to !he City, Council of the City of Anaheim that sub ect Petition for Redassificetioa be moed aa3 b so doiu
~ 9 ~ , y a.
thet Title 1&Zoning of the Anaheim MuaicEpal Code be ameaded to ezclnde the above descdbed pmpaty fmm the
R-3, Multiple Family Residential' Zone snd to incorpora±e said described pronerty in to the
C-1, Neighborhood Commercial, Zone upon the following conditions which aze hereby found to
be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve
the safety and general welfare of thE Citizens of the City of Ana'~ein.
1. Dedication of fifty (50) feet from the mon~ented centerline of 3efferson Street
(30 feet existing)o
2q Preparation of street imp•rovement plans and insiallation of aIl improvements for
Jefferson Streat, subject to the approval of the City Enginees and in accordance with the
adopted standard pians on file.in the office of the Ciiy Engineei.
3. Payment of S2o00~per front foot for strQet lighting purposes cn Jefferson Street.
4. Provision of trash storage areas as determined by the Department of Public Works,
$anitation Division9 prior to Fina1 Building Inspectiono
5o Jefferson St•reet al3gnment shall conform to the Master Plan for Jefferson Street
as approved by the County of Orange and ihe City of ,Anaheimo
6. Time limitation of one hundred and eighty (i80) days for the accomplishment of
Item Nos. 1, 2, and 3a -
7o Sub3ect to the completion of Reclassification No. 6i-62-107.
E. Subjec•t to the approval of revised plans for Reclassification Ho. 61-62-I07.
9. Sub3ect to the completion of Conditional Use Permit•No. 243.
10. Slab3ect to the approval of revised plans for Conditional Use Pexmit No. 243.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is aigned end eppmved by me thia 26th day of tdovember, 1962.
Iro Ann Krebs ~ Secretary of the City Plenning Commiseion of the City of Anahe€m~ do heseby ce:t{fy tfiat the ~tota•
going ceaolution wes paemed end edopted aE a meetiag of the City Pleaning Commiaai~ of the Citq of Aa~heim. 6e1d oa
November 26~ 1962~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote oE the membsis theteo~
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: pllredy Chavos, Gauer~ Marcoux, Mimgall, Pebley, Pesry.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve ha:eupto set my hettd tLie 26th day of November, 1952.
RESOLUTIUN N0. 548 ' • ~
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