PC 1962-1963-557'' ~,,~ RESOLUTION N0. :.? 957, SERIES 1962-63 A P~ESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF TEIE CITY OF ANAHEiai THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 1537 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Ciry Planaing Commissioa of the City of Anaheim did receive a vedfied Petition for Veuance from DIBE I. MAT'OUK' 125 South East Street9 Anaheim, Califoxnia, Qrmer; BILL BARIDN; 10650 Beach Boulevard, Stanton, California, Agent of certain real.property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California described as followst The Easterly rec- tangular one-half of Lot Noso 7 and 8 in Block C of the Lor.elei Tract, in the City i!f Ana'~einT as shorom on a maF thereof recorded in book 29, page 24, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County ~ ; aad WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commiseion did hold a pub8c hearing 4! We City Hall ia the Citp of l-aahedm on December l0y 1962~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of eaid public hmaring havlag been daly Qiven aa ~dsmd by lnw nnd ia accordence with the provieiona of the Anaheim ffiualcipal Code, Chapter 18.68, to heir and c~sidse evidance far end egelnet eaid propoeed veciance and to inveaUBate aad make fiadiass and cecommeadalioar fn eonnoo- tlon theiewith; end WHEREAS, oafd ~omc~ieeion, efter due iaapection, iavest~getlon, aa~l study made by iteelf acd ia ib bahalE. and efkae due consldmmtlon of all evidence end repode offered ea ~eld ho¢dag, doea find aad dete~ie@ the fotlowln; factr. 1, That iho.petitlonor requeste a vadance from the Anahelm Mualcipel Code: Section 18.28.030 (2) which requires for aub~ect property a ten (10) foot side yard, ar~d Sectian 18.08.080, which requires that any single family dwelling unit ahall have not leas than 1,225 aquare feot, to establish a single fam£ly dwelling unit containing 935 aquare feet of livable area with a five (5) foot side yardo 2. That theee nre exceptional or eatraotdiaary citcumeteacea or eronulitioa~ . appllc4ble 4o ths peopsrtq igvolved oe to ~the inteaded uee of the pmperty thet do not nppay generally to the psopeity o: clea~ af nee in :ha ~ams vldni$r and aoem 3. That the rsqueeted vaeieace is neceeeary for the praeervation and enJoymeat of a substaa8~1 peoperty deht ~aaa~aa~ by athx: propocty !e tn~ c:;~s~ vic3nl:y -~d sone, and denied ta the proparty in q~ostioa. 4. '~'nat the soqueeted vadance will aa: be meterielly datrimenMl to the pubHo walfero oe iaJnriou~ ta t7s~ ~ edy or lmprovemente in euch vlclnity end zone !n which the propeety is locntod. • 5. That tte raqueetad vadence will not edvecamly nffect the Comprohoa~lve deneinl Plan. 6a That no one appaared in opposition to sub~ect pe~tition. Vl-G ''" , i `.~, ~, . .l ~ . .._---- . .......-~.,_....w-.:_ ................r..,_.~.,.-..,~......_.~____._.._._...._......,.._.,......_ ~.,_...~_.__..........,....,..,.._._...___.._..-------..._.__...__,.__... ~i ~ , ~7.~ ! ~ \ ~ ~ ~~ ~AI Fl. :,. ;~U, ~:; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anaheim City Plaaning Commission doea heceby grant subject -~ ;t Hr; Petition for Varience, upon the following coaditions which ere heceby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the pro- ;,~ i~:; posed use of the subjeci p~operty in ordea to preaerve the sefety aad geasral welfere of the Citizena of the City of ~. : ~` s~~ Aneheim. le Preparation of street improvement plans and.installation of all improvements for East ~t ;. ~ sub~ect to the approval of the. Gity Engineer and-in accordance with the.adopted Street ?~ ; ~' ~:: , atandard plans on file in tHe office of the City Engineero 2. Payment of a Park and Recreation Fee of $25000 for the new dwolliag unit to ba collected { .?; . i?;1 as part of the Building Permita Time limitation of one hundred and eighty (180) days for the accomplishment of Item No. 1. 3 =i ~t ;,, ~,~' Q 4< Develo ment substantiall in accordance with Exhibit•Nosa 1 2, and 3 rovided that the p y , , p : ~ ~"'" proposed gravel roof be replaced ?xith a shake or shing'le roof comparable ~to the existing 3 residence on sub~ect propertyo 5a Provision of a garage on trie rear portion of sub~ect property, as indicated on Exhibit ;; ;;~r No< lo ~ THE FORECiOIN(# RESOLUTION ie signed and approved by me thin lOth dey of December~ 1962e , ATTEST: ~1.1!~/SM.~' ~ CHAriiMAPT ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIN6 COMMIS5I0 ~~~~%~ ~_- SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION S7.'ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ee• C1TY OF ANAHEIM ) I y Ann Krebe ~ Secretary of the Clty Plenning Commieeion of the City of Aneheim, do heceby cedlfy tl~at the €o:a gaing teeolution wae paeeed end adoptad et a meeting of the City Planniag Commiselon of the City of Anaheim, held on Decomber 10~ 1962~ e! 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following voto of tha membere thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred9 Camp9 Chavos, Gauer- Marcoux9 Mungall~ Pebley~ Perryo NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Nonee AHSENT: COMMISSIOfiERS: Hapgood. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heceunto sat my hand thia lOth day of DeCember~ 1962a RESOLUTION N0. 557 SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION V2-G -Z-