PC 1962-1963-559- ~'~.Sg ~..> f~~ ~ RESOLUI`ION N0._;:~5~9 SERIES 1962-63 ' A RESOLUTIUN OF THE CITY Pi.ANNING COI~MISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 328 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Plenniag Commdaeion of the City of Ma6eim did ceceiva a vedfied Petitloa for Conditional Use Permitfrom RUKIE SEYtdOUR, 5418:West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, Owner; HUD90N D~YELOPMENT ODMPANY, 9009 Wilshire Boulevard, Beveriy Hills, Ca.lffornia, Agent of certain real property situated in the C3ty of Anaheim9 County of Orange, State of California descFibed as followa; That portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 15, in Towriship 4 South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 51, page 7, et seqa, MisceYlaneous Naps~ records of sa3d Orange Countyy deecribed as follows~ Commencing at a point 672a71 feet South of the Northeast corner of eaid Soction 15„ and measured along the East line of said sectionj running thence Westerly 63q faett thence NortYierly 132 feet on a line parallel with the East line of said sectionf thence Basterly A30 feet; thence Southerly parallel with the East line of seid Section 15, •60 feet; thence Easte•rly 200 £eet to said East lines th'ence Southerly along sai@ East line, "72 feet to t}~e point of beginning ; and WHEREAS, tha City Planning Commieeion did hold a publio headng at the Clty Hall in the Clty ot Annheim on Decembex 109 1962~ at 2:00 o'clack P.M., notice of said publlc hearing hevin~ been duly glven a~ eequired by law and in eccoedance with the provieione of the Maheim Municlpal code, Chaptee 18,64, to hs~e utd con~idee evldonce for end egelaet eaid proposed condiUonel uee end to inveetigate end make fladlt~Qe and teqommend~tion~ in connactlon therewith; end WHEREAS, seid Commiesion, aftee due inepection, inveeU~etion, and etudy made by it~elf ~sfd in i!a behdi, and efter dpo coneidaretion of ell evldence and eeporte oEfered at esld hearing, doea find and deletmine ths followlna fectr 1. Thet the prnpoeed uee ie properly one fo: whlch a Condltionel,Use Permlt is authodied by Wis Code, !o wlt: Eatabl3sh a hospital for Ger3atxics and Rehabilitationo I 2. That the pioposed uee wi11 not adveeeely effect the adJoinfnQ land ueee ~nd the Q~y~ and development of the ecee in which itie propoaed to be located, 3. That thn eiae end ehepe of the eite propoeed for the uee i~ odequale to allcw the Eull developmeat ofthe propoeed uee ia a manner nok detdmentcl to the perticular erea nor to the peacs, heelth, ~~fety, ~nd Qeneral welfam oE the Citlaene of the City of Meheim. , 4~ Thet the gcantlng of the Condltionel Uee F~amilt undee the condition~ impo~ed, if ~ny, will not bs detrlmentel to the peoce, hoalth, eafety, and genoral welfere of the Citizene of,the City oit Anaheim. 3o That the traffic generated by the propoaed use will not impose an u~nduo burden upon the etreei:s and highways designed and i.mprovod to carry ~he traffic in the area. 6a That one person appeared•in oppoei~ion to sub~ect petition. CI-G -1- ` f,, i. ~F'f.ci _ .., y._._."__... k ..... ~. ~.'.""- ,, ~'~ ~ r ~> ~~ . ;~.. NOW, THE'REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Aneheim City Planning Commission does hereby grent subject Petitian for CondItional Use Permit, upon the following conditions which e:e hereby found to be a necesaery precequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preseeve the safety and general welfere of the Citizens of the City of Aneheim: ' 1. Dedicati.on of fifty-three (53) feet from the monumented centerllne of Knott Avenue (30 feet existing)o 2a Preparation of street improvement ~lans and installation of all improvements for Knott Avenue, sub~ect to ttie approval of tkie City Engineer and in accordance with the adopted stand- ard plans un file in the office of the City Engineero 3a Payment of $2000 per front foot for street lighting purposes on Knott Avenueo 4o Provir,ion of standard trash storage areas as determined by the Department of Public Works, Sanitation Division9 prior to Final Iiuilding Inspectiono 5. Insta,llation of fire hydrants, as determined to be necessary by the City of Anaheim Fire Department, to provid~ adequate fire protection> 6o Prov'lsion of adequate turn-around at the westerly terminus of the subject property to be accompli~shed by the removal of two parking spaceso 7o Provision of a minimum fifteen (7.5) foot wide strip of Iandscaping abutting Knott Avenue right-of-way, prior to Final Building Inspectiono S. Installation of tree wells at forty (40) fooi: interrrals in the parkway portion of the Kno•tt Avenue rig}tt-of-way, plans for said landscaping to be submitted to and sub,~ect to,the approval of the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance, and said landscaping to be installed prior to Final Building Inspection~ ° yo Installation of a six (6) foot masonry wall on the west and south boundariea of sub~ect propertya 10. Time limitation of one hund•red and eighty (180) days for the accomplishment of Item Nos. i, 2, 3, and 9a THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ie signed end eppmved by me thie lOth day of December~ 1962. CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~! (~ /~ilz~2/ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE ) es. CITY OF ANAHEIY! ) I~ Ann Krebs9 Seccetary of the City Planning Commiselon of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fo~egoing resolution was paesed end adopted et a meeting of the City Planning Commiseion of the City of Anahelm, held on December 10~ 1962~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members therooE: AYES: COMMISSIOI3ERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, ~{arcoux, Mungall, Pebley~ Perry. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Chavosa ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Hapgooda IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hevehereunto set my hand this lOth day of DeCembeT~ 1962e ~~~'z,~~,. '~ •. SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIRG COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 559 C2-G -2- ._....-- - --- -------._~_.,~.~.----------- ----- ~ ~~ ... °~1 ,