PC 1962-1963-561~.,! ~ • _.l `_l . J' 1 f 561, SERIES 1962-63 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 332HEBE GRAN ED HEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDiTIONAL USE PERMIT WHEREAS, the City Plenning Comu~isaion of the City of Anahelm did receive a vedfied Petition for Conditional = Use Pem~itfrom GIDRGE and ALBERT LARRABEE, 1568 West Lincoln Avenue~ Anaheim, California, < Owners; L. FAIDERICK PACK, P. O. Box 333, Corona del Mar, California, Agent of certain rsal ~ property situated in the City of Anaheim9 Gounty of Orange, State of California as follows; ~ Portion of Lot Noe 13, Tract Noo 4614, as shown on a map thereof recorded ;n book 161y pages G 44 and 45, Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, described as followst All of Lot y No. 13 of said tract except that portion described as followst Beginning at the Southeast ;_:i corner of said Lot No. 13; thence South 89° 47' 11" West along the 5outherly line of said ,, Lot 13 66.00 feet; thence North 45° 28' 34" West 14.21 f~et~ thence North 0~ 44' 30" s West llla47 feet; thence North 89° 15' 30" East 70e00 feet; thence North 64~ 42' 45" East '; 39.94 feet to a point on a r,urve concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 70.00 feet, '~ a radial line a•t said point bearing North 64° 42' 45" East; thence Southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 10° 13' 45", an arc distance of 12.50 feet, a radial :t line at said point bearing North 54° 29' 00" East; thence South 56° 33' 02" West 42.41 feet ~ to a line extending North 0° l7' 47" West from the point of beainning; thence South'and17~ 47" ~ Ea~t 105.OU feec r.o ihe point_of beginning' " ~' ' WHEREAS, the City Planning Co~rm~ission did hold a public hearing at the City HaFl in the ~ City of Anaheim on De:ember 10;' 1962, at 2:00 o'clock P.Mr, botice,of s~.3d.public hearing hav- ~ inq be~n a~.~~y given a~ requised by law and,~n accordance wi.th the provisioi:s ^` the An~heim A4unicipal code, Chapter 18.64, to heai~and'~'onsider evidence for and against said proposed con-; ditional use and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in conneotion therewith; .j and WHEREAS, seid Commission, efter due inapection, investigetion, aad study mede by itself and ia its behelf, and after due conside~ation of all p~idence and ceports offeced et said hearing, does find and detetmine the following fants: 1. Thet the pcopoaed use is properiy orte for which a Conditionel.Use Permlt is authodzed by this Code, to • wit: establish recreational facilities, including a swimming pool, wading pool, and rest rooms< 2. Thet the pcoposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses end the gcowth and developmetth of the azea in which it is pcoposed to be located. 3. That the aize and shepe of the site ptoposed £or the use is adeqneie to ellow the full development ofthe p:oposed use ia e manner not detdrtentel to the padicular aeea no: to the peace, health, aefery, end geaerel welfere of the Citizens of the City of Aaeheim. 4. That the gcenting of the Conditional Uae Permit unda the conditions imposed, if ony, witl not be detrimeatel to the peace, heelth, safoty, and gene:al welfere of the Cifizens ofthe City of Maheim. 5. That th~e traffic generated by the proposed use will not irapose an unaiue burden upon the streets and highways designed and improved to carry the traffic in the areao 6. Approval is granted in the creation of the two parcels, as proposed on Exhibit No. 3, resultiny in substantial lot area and frontages. '• 7. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. Cl-G -1- : - ~ -- - - - - --~ -- -- -- - - ~,~'~ ~ . 1 h I ~.f . • , l ~ ._ ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plenning Commission does hereby grant subj2ct . S f ~ Petition foz Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be'a necessary precequisite f to the p:oposed use of the suhject pcoperty in ocder to p:eserve the safety and gene:al welface of the Citizens of the ~ Cify of Anaheim: ' . ~ ~,j 1. Development substan{:ially in accordance :vith Exh'.bit Nos. 1, 2, and 3. fi 2. Recordation of Record of Surve , recording the lot division as shown on Exhibit ~.~ No. 3 within one hundred and eighty (180~ days4 THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and epproved by me this lOth day of December, 1962. ATTEST: CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~.~~~~2"u'" `~ c~e~~%~''~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. , CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Ann Krebs~ Secretery of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hezeby cedify that the focegoing resolution wes passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Plenning Commission ofthe City of Anaheim, held on December 10~ 1962~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Hapgoodd , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heveheieunto set my hend this lOth day of Decemberi 1962. ~//~ . SECRETAI'cY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO: 561 C2-G "2'