PC 1962-1963-615~ ~, , _. _, RESOLUTION N0. 615, SERIES 1962-63 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 352 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim did receive e verified Petition for Conditionel Use Permit from MILTON NEIMAN~ REUBEN TUC[~R, JACK LAZARUS, 1140 North East Street, Anaheim, Cal., Owners of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full • ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Clty Hell in the City of Aneheim on January 21 ~ 1963, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing having bern duly given es requiced by lew end in ecco:dence with the provisions of the Maheim Municipal code, Chapter 18.6d, to heac and conaider evidence for and egainst said propoaed conditionel use and to inveatigate and meke findings and cecommendetioas in connection thecewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, efter due inspection, investigation, end study mada by itself and in its behelf, and after due considecation of all evidence end ceports offeced at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is pcopeely one for which e Conditionel .Use Pennit is authorized by this Code, to wit: establish a service station on subject property. 2. That the pcoposed uae wili not advecsely affect the edjoining land uses end the gmwth end development of the area in which it is proposed to be_lacated. • 3. That the size and shepe of the site proposed for the use is edequefte to allow the full development of the proposed use in a menner not detrimentel to the pedicular acea nor to the peace, health, safery, and general welfere of the Citizena oE the City of Aitaheim. 4. Thet the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, end general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Aneheim. 5. That the traffic generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and improved to carry the traffic in the, area. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to sub~ect petition. Cl-G -1- i ~__ .. ~-_.~.-='-'~ _ _ ... . .. _ ._... . . ...... ... .. __.. ....... .._ ..__. ....... ...... ~ - ~ . - . . _._.... ._ i ~; ~''J'1 I i i __ 3 I ., . ~~~ ~,~ ~ . :, ~ ,'.~ ~ 1 ~.' ~~. `.d :-~.•,~. `.P:116AA iA~.. S` i ~ -~.. , ..t_. . : `.i. ~: ~ i- :i. i. i f~ ... . _ . .-. .. _ . .. _.... . . . . ..._...__~_..' " "' .. . ..... ..~_~ . _ .. . . . . ~~_.~.~............~. sr._..._._. "1 !~s ' _3: S~tL:LJ~ITY TI'T`~ ~ INSURANCE Cr'JMPANY 825 North Broadway. Santa Ana, Califomia • Tolophono HImborly 7-7?51 nMrrr~m ' Your No.....1~1-12625-5......... PREI.IMINARY REPORT ~ ~ Our Order No...237~811-Jx} ............... ~ gecurity Title Insurance Company • ~ 3~ Wilshire Boulevard I,os pngeles 54, Cali£ornia~ Attn; William F. Vanae This report is iasued preliminary to recordation, final clo,ing, and issuance ol policy o( litle insumnce in connection with lhis ordrr. Our liabilily is cololy that expre.srd in ;uch policy. No ^•e}xamle lia- bility is assumed by this report except that if no policy is ir,sued imdcr this order the amounl ~~id tor this report shall be the maximum liability o( thc company. SECURITY T t, ., I:I, UAANCE COMPAN , n aY.... .~.~ ~.,~ .(J-n-~ . ....... o--:o Uated as o( 7:30 A.M. on Oatober 2, 1962 ;)el'~ni3 ;~o3s Vestcc R~TBEN TUCICLR, a murried man, as to ar undivlclod tt~ree-eigliths interest; MILTON NEIAUIN, a marriod m1n, as to an undivided three-eightho interent; and JACIC LAZARUS, a marrlod man, as to an undivided one-fourth intere~t. Tho land refarred to in this roport in in tho state ot Calftornia, county oI Oran~e. Al1 that certain real property a~tuated in the aiby oi' Anaheim, described as Sollowa; ~ That portlon o£ Lot 152 of Tract No. 1a25, ae ahown on a mr3.p thereof recorded in book 62, page~ ~3, 4~~ and ~45, M13cell~neoua N,aps, records of said Orange County, dascrlbed aa Follo~~rs: Beginnin~ at the West term.inu3 of the North 11no of suid lot wh3eh is shown as "Noxth 89° 51~ 00" Weat 190.01 reot", and running thencQ South 89° 51' 00" ~aat alang said line, 190.01 ree~ ~a tiha beginning o£ a tangent nurve in the boundary line of said lot, ahown on aald map aa being conoave Southweaterly . ; ; , nnn~f~ ~(rr ~~npniT i~,~~.._..~ i0~,~,. - 4Z, _ . . ~X~iIBIT «~„ ~ ~ _ :, _- _ ~ , ~T ... .::.: . ....:..~..._. .....;...... ,....~...~..,~ ......„..... ~:.: . .~ ~ • i }~ . ~~~;. ` ~; 231811-DC~ Pa~e 2 ~• ~1'' and having a radius or i5.d0 £cet; thenco Southea~terly alonr~ n;.iid '; curve, through a central ~ngle or 89° 18~ 30", an urc diatunce oi' ;; 23.38 reet; thence tAn~ent to aaid curve and a.lon~ the ~..1~tez•:.~f line ~,Y of aaid I,ot 152 South 0° 32~ 30" Last 82.22 feeti to the beg3;~ning of a tan~ent curve therein, nhown on tho map oT aaid truct aa b~in~-, eoncavo Eaaterly,. having a radiu3 or 5~0.00 1'eet; thence ~out,~cri;~ ulong said curve, an arc diatance ot 2.7F3 feet• to a line pr~,ra'?7e1 I,~,:..;~~ tvith and di3tant Southerly 100.00 fee~, meaaured at right anE;lea ~'~"- From the Northerly line of said lot; thence along u~id para11c1 line North 89° 51' b0" weat g3.75 Tcet; thence South 0° 32~ 3p" East 45.61 fee•~; tl~encQ North 89° 51' 00" l~Je~t parallel with the North line oT aaid lot and ita 47e~tei•ly exl;enaion, 125.00 tect to the Westerly lino o.f said lot, ~aic] point oP intoraection bein6 on a eurve eoneavo Northeauterly ~nd huvin c~ rac]iua of 730.00 fecL•, a rudial 13ne ut suid point bearing North ~5°•51~ 00" ~z~t; thancc Northerly ulong said curve through a central angle ot 3° 36' 37", an arc distance or 4G.00 teet to a linc tln~entD tt;2nce Nortli 0° 32~ 0" Weat along said tnn~ent line, bein~ ~hc Wa~t 11no of said lot, ~4.50 feet ~o the beginning of a tangent,curvc concave Soia~hea3toxly and having a radius or i5.00 feet; thencc Noi•Lheast•orly alon~5 said curve through u central an61e of 90° 41' 30", un arc diotanco oT 23.7~ ~eet L-o tho point o£ be~inning. NOTE: Sa.id land, wlth other lund, 1o deacrlbed on the County Tnx Assoaament Roll ror thQ fiaoaZ year 19G1-62 a;~ A. P. No, 73-39~-17, CA 1-07. 3UDJ~CZ' TO ; I'`jf'Y,, i~•'7'~ . o, ~~' ?r~~~' ,'~ ; ~, :.`,.,,.~ .•~` . ~~ • .~ ,i 1. Tc~.xes Por thQ Piseal yoar 1962-63, a 11en, not yet pAyuble. 2. Covenanta, cond2tions nnd res~ricL•ion~, A9 aet forth in a dec- larat-ion of ro3trictiona recorded biarch 15, 1955, in boolc 299G, p1r;e 389, OFficial i{ecordtt, and as a~;ionded by an inotrumont racorded April 26, 1955, in book 3~~3, page 3~9, Oi'ficial Record3, and in 1n , inutrument recorded rlurch 7, 1~56, ln boolt 3~+29, P1ge 249, orr~.~~.n~. Records, tahich provide that a viola~ion thoreo£ ~hall r.ot de£eat nor rendQr invalid the lien oP any nortga~e or deQd o£ ~ruc~t made in good ! faith and Por valuQ. The covonanta, condition3 and .reo~rietions rotQrred to ubovQ do not include restri.ablona upon the aule or occupanoy oi' oaid land on tha ba,ais ot race, color or creed. 3. Covenlntis, condi~;iono and reatrlctiona, aa aet tortih in a c]ec- ~ laratlon of reabrictionu racordod March 24, 1955, in boolc 3007, Pa~~ 369, OtPiclal Rocordn, t•rhich pr.ovido thnt u vlolation theroof ohall not dePeat nor ronQor invalid Lt~v 11.~n aP any tM1~3+1~L~+fSa ps~ deod of truat mado in good faith and for value. The covcnants, oonditions und rea~ri.~tiona rererred to abovo do not include re3~tictions upon ~he sule or oaaupancy of said ~.and on bhQ•, baeis of race, aolor or creed. ~ • , ., :~ 3 ~ ~ ' . _ ; ,. f r.nntiniyra~31 '. ~/ ~ ~ ....... _. ... ___.. ~..___..-,,.._ _.. _ .. ._._ .__ -_ . . ~ ,...--I ~s /„'_ ~- ~' • . - • , ~ ~ !'~ . `~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED thet the Aneheim City Planning Commission does hereby grent subject Petition for Conditianal Use Permit, upon the following conditions which are heceby found to ba a necessery pcecequisite to the proposed use of the subject pcopecty in order to pceserve the safery and general welfare oEthe Citizens of the City of Aneheim: ' 1. Dedication of forty-five (45.) feet from the.monumented centerLine of East Street (40 feet existing). 2. Prouision of standard trash storage areas as determined by the Department of Public lNorks, Sanitation Division, prior to Final Building Inspection. . 3. Time limitation of one hundred eighty (180) days for the accomplishment of Item No. 1. 4. Installation of landscaping and watering facilities as shown on Exhibit No. 1. 5. Provision that certain real property described in Exhibit "A" except for the followings the westerly one hundred and fifty (150) feet more or less of'the frontage of subject property on Romneya Drive shall be devoted to service station purposes, and the remaining forty (40) feet more or less extending.easterly from the said one hundred and fifty (150) feet along Romneya Drive and extending southerly for eighty-five (85) feet more or less, shall be black- topped and shall be used exclusively for the parking of motor vehicles; and that all the standard G 1, Neighborhood Commercial, Zone uses shall be conducted entirely within buildings and shall~be subject to said conditions as stipulated in the Anaheim Municipal Code: Section 18.40.010. • THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is siqned end approved by me this 21st day of January~ 1963. I ~ ( ATTEST: ~r ~ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ~;~~ ~ . `~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION i i,I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) •: COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. • '; CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~ ;'.' I, Ann Krebs, Seaetary of the Ciry Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby cedify thet the : ~ focegoing resolution was pessed end adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, %1 held on January 21T 1963~ at 2:00 o'clock F.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: .,j ; ~~ AYES: COMMISSI0I3ERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Marcoux, Mungall, Pebley, Perry. ';;~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ~ ''' ABSCNT: COMMISSIONERS: Hapgood. `' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehe:eunto set my hend this 21st day of January~ 1963. ~, 4i , : i . ~' ;%~!/f~C./ .~ • SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION >; ,; . c ','j ~~ RESOLUTION N0. 615 ;~j~.._.._. C2-G "2' _.. __.. -- - _._.; _ _ . _ ~...,. ~, _ . . ._ ] ~ ,~ _ . ..___ i