PC 1962-1963-749: ; (. ;~ ;~~;, RESOLUTION NO. 749, SERIFS 1962-b3 A RESOLUTIQPIOF THE CTiY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETTTION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 266 BE DENIED WHEREAS, the City Flanniag Commission of the City of Aneheim did :eceive a vedfied Petition for Coaditionel U~e Permit fmm STA1mARD flII. of CALIFORN7A,...605 Nfest Olympic Boulevard, 7.os Angeles 54, California, Owr:ers; FOSTER and KLEISER, 1550 West Wash~nc~ton Boulevard, Zos Angeles 7, California, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California as desc*ibed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; and WHEREAS, the Cfty Planning Commission did hold a public heacing et the City Hell in tha City of Aaeheiro on May 13~ 1963, at 2:00 o'clack P.M., notice of eaid public headng having beep duly given es requlred by law end in eccordance with the provieioas of the Aneheim Municipe3 Code, Chapter 18:64, to hear end coneider evidence foz Qnd ageiaet enid propoae3 coaditionel use sad to inveetigate and mnke findiags end eecommendatione in connection therewith; end {YHEREAS, seid Commlesion, efter due inepection, irvestigetion, end etudy mado by iteelf and in ite behelf, end efter due conaideration of ell evidance aad eepocta offe:ed at aeifi hearing, does find and determine the following feda: 1. ThaS the proQoead use is pcoperly one for which e Conditionel Uae Permit ia authorized by this Code, to wit: establish two billboards on sub3ect property. 2. That the proposed use has been con~idered on seven (7) sepaaate occasions over a period of eleven (11) months for the purpose of comna.ring ihe validity of the request with a comprehensive analysis of an appropriate ordinance covering signs and billboards; that the original intent of the Commission is altered because of the additional ~time needed for the pxeparation of an adequate sign ordinance; and tha•t the conclusions thUS far reached by the Gommission on a comprehensive sign ordinance relative to the petitioner's request clarify the undesirability of the proposed billboards on subject property so as to make unnecessary any further c~ntinuances of sub~ect petition. 3. That the proposed use will adversely affect the ad~oining land uses and the growth and development of `che area in which it is proposed to be located. 4. That one person appeared in opposition to subject petit:on on July 9y 1962. r;e Cl-D -1- ~._ ~~, - - _.__,_ _ . . . . _.. . _ _ _ _ _ . . _._... _ .r ~. _• , .,5~ . . . .'~ . 1 . F~~'~_ N;.`'; _;,:.~; '.t~~'~'~I ~ .. ._. ,,,,,~_ ........~.__....^.•--..._.,. _ _. y .., _ _ .~~-_ . _._ _ ., . . .,~' ~ ~ti,~~•••~~:~..,,..._ 2i l~ , ~ ~.~ ~ . iiVZ~ ~~ ~ + .. ELIMI~~Y REPORY . ~ PR , luiied for Sole Use of ~ . . . , ~ M `'~%1 ew No. ~'~96-A . lfaw Na ~ • . . . . , . , . ~ . ~ In ocnr~eetion wHh your ~ la-..-....:..~.._..»~.~""...-"`'-• ~°f Ti11o InwraRCO {n our uw~l form ;~ .. 1~ liwsd a an oocommad~tton, ~nd ir mods w114w~A Ilabtliy cn the Nt9e to tns lond hsr~ln~hsr dauibsd~ thlo ~por~ ~ ond without obli~~Hon ro tuw wch Policy. . : ~~tty of appik+tlon. if Poiky Shtar~ont of chorga wlll be rond~rod whcn Poiky 1~ ir~v~d, or nir-Ny do}n ~ 1~ rwt (aued prior 1o tttiet Hrta. • ; , • . • wt j uaron 2;~a~~~ssa '.~ e~oo a M. oa~ ~~~ °°"°'~Mnr ~ j ~ ea af ..................._. - ~ . ~. " ~ , ~ ,wKrrvar r.ru aoncas ~ !~ .: . . ' ,,:~-a,;,~ , D~tQ7f8Y LSI:LYAN 8~)t~d0. es her sepsrcte property. .. . :, •~~• ;~:. , ' ~ Desariptioni I~qeoba Los Coyotea, CoanLY Of QCap~e. . ~.'~•...; ;• • . , ; '1~9t ~'3,~fln ot 4he~ f~orthioaat qoartar oi tl~e Wori6saeat quartiert' ot ~ ~ S~ctioa Thistea~:~~TnMa:6ip Four Soe+ta, Beaqe ELevea ~test. S. 8. B:'.6•l6.: ;i desaxiRled ae ibllcxs: • • ' . . . ' ~ •. ge~inni~q qi the ~oaL.Eesterl~r aorner oi land des6ribed Qa~ Pdreel 3 ' - ip ~Ueed to the `5tota~, o~'CaT~tprnfa.,;re~brded. Auqust 1dYtb. 1951 ia ~ook 2215, page I06 at Ofticial ~Reaord3, ~S~ici pufMt ba~n9 in tbe SouQh 3~Re ot tl~e ~. ~~. •~ ,; • ~or4d 66.00 feet~.oL: said S~atiOn,~Th~~teea. .and distant.Nort~ 9'9°.22' S0" . ' East 66.00 feet~•,tra~::the SaReseee~ioa cit said Sauth liao.~fth ~tpa.l~agt EAne ' o! said'Saction,I4sirteen; :Lheaoe•:~Eorth 89° 22°•50" ~a$t aluag tebd_Sau'C~ ~ ~' '~ , • ~ j ~.ine a~iis2a~ncc:~x.15S.00 Y~eti taig~ce South 0° 28• 3~" East parnl2vl ~a441e . tho West liate o~. mei'd SaotlOn~ T~Czeea, a d3star~.e oi 175.C0 feet: t6eaa~m o ~ ~68E ~~~,ol ~~r8•tb tdo t9orth line ot s81d Seatlaat El~or~ ~'~ :, ~. 5outh 69 22 5U:' . p •~ `.1 ~ t~ a curve i~ th~ Easterly libe of Xoad doseribed~.mms Paraol 2 iB anid .. . ~ deed to t~n 3tete of Californfa abose doscrfbedi ~~~~e Esaterl~. ~imp ;3 e rad;us oi 19434.~'J tewt; 4~eoce 4tortharly alonQ aaid aurve to t6~. ; ~ riortherl~ toamintas t4~eroof= thenc~, Reaq~at to' a~id onrve Siorth 0° 28' 30° •• • ++ ' ~1e84 119.17 to.et to tihe mast Southerly a~rner oi ~eid Parael 3 ab~te ~ d~~cribedi tQe~~ie Nort1- d9° ~' 10" ~est tc the point,of bapSnatuy.,~ . • Sab~act to: . . . . : : • . . .. • ~ 1. ?,:~cua far liaeai 4!~' 1969P2955. nAt Yet PB7aD1!• ~:: . + 2. The BesarvaLlon of the use aad ooatral•of eien~~s ead naturel : streams oi ~tar• !f a~,~. aatnra2lp upon. ilo~ting acrosa. imto or by said treat. ~ and th~ riQ6t ot.~ Soz aad to•aonatru~et ftsigation ars draioaga dita~s thxe~glt. . .. . . . . ' . ; ' . .. . • ~.C1.n~~11 ~ c Ary~ » . , ~ ..6. . ' . . 1 ]1 ~ . • .; 1 . . ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ..,. . _ ~ .~~ ~.~.p_~~~ , ~ . ~ . . .. .:; _, .__. _._. _ ~.. _ _ . . . . , . _ . . . . __.. _ . _ _.._ __ ._.. _ . .. __. . _ _. , _ . _ . , ~____.___.._______._____ ~~~ ~ , ~ s;" ~v: '+x - . G~ ' e . ~r r.:,, :;i .;; iii~ ~'' ~: ~: ~.,~ ,~ ~ .~ .~ . NOW,.TFIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Aneheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny aubject Petition for Conditionel Use Permit on the besis of the aforementioned findings. THE FOREGOL'~TG RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me.this day of May~ 1963,. CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY P NING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~2~ ~27/j~%~~~Z~' '~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sa. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) r I, Ann Krebs ~ Seccetary of the City Planaing Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby cectify that the fore- going resolution wes pasaed end adopted et a meeting of the City Planning Commission cfthe City of pneheim, held on May 13~ 1963, , at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMhlISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, A7unga1l, Pebley. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Perry, Sides~ ~ 'ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: No~eo IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of May~ J.963. RESQLUTION N0. 749 C2-D ~/v~Z%/~'~ %~5~~~!/v`~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM r_ITY PLANNING COMMISSION _~ :, , ~ _. _~ ..._._._....__.. ---- : - , - _ ,~