PC 1963-1964-880.. ' ~..~ ~ %~ RESOLUTION N0. ag~~ SERIES 1963-64 A RESOLUTION OF Tf3E CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOi3 OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N01598 _ BE GRANTED WHEREAS, tha City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive e verified Petition foe Vadence from GIAOONfO $ AGpSTINA LUGARO~ 532 North Magnolia, Anaheim, California, Owners; ROBERT W, MACMAHON, 1695 lNest Crescent, Anaheim, California, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange9 State of California as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold e public heedng at the City Hell in the City of Anaheim on August 19~ 1963, at 2:00 o'clocl: P.M., notice oi seid public nearing having been duly given es required by law and in eccordence with the provisions of the Aneheim MunIcipal Code, Chepter 18.68,to hear and consider evidence fot and egalnst said proposed varience and to inves~igate and make findings end recommendetions in connec- tion therewith; and . WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, invesagation, end study made by itself end in its behalf, and efter due coneideration of ell evidence end reports offered as said headng, does flnd end determine the following fecte: 1. Thet the petitiotter:equests a varience fmm the Aneheim Municipal Code: SectioR 18o24v030 (1) whiCh requires a front yard of not less than 25 feet in the R-1, One Family Residentialy Zone, to permit the construction oF a single family subdivision wi.th a twenty (20) foot front yard setback. 2. That thece are exceptionel or extraordinary ciccumstences or conditiona appliceble to the propecty involved or to the intended use of the property thet do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the seme vic:nity and zane. 3. Thet the requested varlance ia necessery for the preservation end enjoyment of e substential p:opetty right possessed by other property in ttie same vicinity end zone, end denied to the ptoperty in question. 4. That the :equested variance will not be materielly detrimentel to the public welfate or injucious to t}ie prop- erty or impcovements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 5. That the requested variance wiil not edversely affect the Comprehensive Generel Plen. 6. That no one appeared in opposition, and that a petition was received signed by 42 property owners in support of subject petition< ~: Vl-G ' _i_ ,,... ..._.,.,...._..~, ~........_.. f. : .: _ ;= }~:.. ~P•tt6•A•R crt~~. a.s~~ ,. , , . ~~; ..f, ~~.:~~~J]R,I'~"'~' TI.';~~'.LE 1N5URANCE COMPANY 825 Nozlh Broadway, Santa Anw Caiifomia Telephono ~d7-7251 ' Your No ................:...........................: E5 ~row No~...~971$-H~............ ~... This report is issued preliminary to recordation, linal closing, and issuance of policy o( title insurance in connection with this order. Our liability is solely that expressed in such policy. No separale liabili;y is assumed by this reporl except that if no policy is issued under this order the amount paid Ior this reporl shall be the maximum liability oE the company. Dcted as oE 7:30 A.M. on Ju].~ 2~, 1963 Vestee: pREY.IN~TARY REPORT SECURITY TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY gy, .~~...~..~s,.ei,~..L,.-.~. a.~c,,~y~.......... Harold I,ewla GIACOMO LU(~.4RA and AGOSTINA LU(~AR.A, husband and wife, as tenants in aommon. ' The land re(erred to in this repori is in the state o( Cali(ornia, county of Orange That portion of the Northvreat~quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 7, 3.n Township A Scuth, Range 10 4Jest, San Bernardino Base and theridian, in the City of Anaheim, as sriown on a map reoorded in book ~g, page 50, Reeord of Stiirveys, in '~he OSfiae of the County Recorder of aaid Oran~,e County, desaribed as follows: Be~inning at the Horthvrest corner oP the said Nor~hwest quarter and rGnning thenoe South 0° 13' ~5~~ ~st 928•Ol feet to tYie Northwesterly ~ corner of the land descrlbed in.deed to the City of Anaheim recorded ~ October l~k, 1960, in book 5~63, PaBe 528, Offi.aial Reoorda; thence ~ 3vTorth 66° 31' l~" ~at 202,40 feet to a point in the Easterlq 13ne ~ of the 1•1est 16.5$ aores of said Northwest quarter, sald poinL being ~ South 00° 23' 02" ~:st 85•00 feet Yrom the Southwest oorner oP ~ 13aandNl4 2I isae].lanectas N~Pg,~re~prdseo~' eaidrOrange County;~thenaeg ,.~ I j , ~ ~ . • ~ .` ~~, ; _ ~1ARTAN~E 4~Q:: ~~'~r - ;„ . , ~ ~_ __.__ i_ 1 a1-.: ~. ~.•f5~"" : ~. ~ ' y ~ • .. ~ ~ ~~ .~ ~ ' _ .~; ~:~~:~ ~ ~ - ~ _, _____.___ --- --- - _ --.-_-- - _ -- ,. , _ ___------------ ,. , ___ ~. , . ~^., ;-~ . ' ~~477~o-JCw ~ ., Page 2 North 0° 23' 02" Piest 86o feet ta the North l~~e saidaNorth linest quarter; thenae South 88 55 15 tde3t t3.long 5~6.'j0 feet, ~ore or less, to the point oP beginnin8. EXCEPTING TF~II~OM the West 275•53 feet thereuP. --.. I30TE: Sa3.d land is ahown o:~~ a m~.P oE' survey reoorded ~ in book , pa~e 3~}, Reaord of Surveys and 3.n book ~9, PaBe 50, Reaord oP Sarveya, 3.n '~he offiae of the County Reaorder oS said oounty. SUB.7ECT T0: ; 1. Taxes ~or the tiscal year ~g63-G4, a llen, not yet payable. . ' 2. A reservation of the Northerly 15 feet of saSh cand for roacYs, ~ railroads and d~.tahes; also the use and aontrol oS aienegas.and . natural streams of water, iP ar~l*, natural3.y upon, flowin~ aorose, , into or by said desaribed traat, and the right of way for and to construot irri~a~ion or draina.Be di~ohes ~hrough sa3d traot to ; 3.r-rigate or drain the ad~aeent land, as provided in deeds ot reaord. ; . - ---- -~------•-___-_----•---..___-__-~ . ---~~____. ..g:~ - , ' ;r'3 , . (__} . '1~ . . '~~ NOW, TFiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Aneheim City Planning Commission does hereby grent subject Petition for Variance, upon thc followIng conditions which ace hereby found to be a necessery p:ecequisite to the pxo- posed use of the subject property in o:der to preserve the safety end gene:el welfere of the Citizens of the City of Meheim. 1•. That a Final Tract Map of subject property be recorded in the office of the Orange County R~ecorder, 2. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit No. 1< THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end epproved by me this 29th August~ 19630 1~~~ i / 1~iG ~• CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CTTY PI., N G COMMISSION ~ ATTEST: ~ ~ ~~~n~Ts~ov ~~r~c~nn• i i~~aau'un i.iia cini~iririV i.V1170'll'JJlI~}1V STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Anh Krebs~ Secretary of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim, do hereby certify that the fore- , going resalution wes passed end adopted at a meeting of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on ~ August 19~ 1963? at 2:00 o'clock P.M„ by the fo?lowsng vote of the membezs the:eof: i j AYES:~ COMMISSIONERS: Chavos, Gauer, Mungall, Pebley, Perry, Rowland, Sides. i NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ~ i ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp. I IN WITNESS l'rHEREOF, I have hereunto s~et my hand this 29th day of P.ug~st~ 1963. ~ ~~~~C/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIAIG COMMISSION ~' ' RESOLUTION NO. 880 `s~. ~; "`"."''^' V2-G ~~~. -~- ~( ,;. . . . ~""`.`_'___."_'_"_' ~,:.:,- . _.."""'"'~"_'"'~.__"___""'__"""'___._._.....____'_ . ,y;tio 1 - . . . . _ . _ .