PC 1963-1964-937tc.,.'
c: l
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RESOLUTION N0. 93~, SERIES 1963-64
WHEREAS, the City Plaaning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive e verIfied Petition for Coaditionel
Use Peemitfrom DOMINIC & YVONNE JANBON, 6722 Miller, Placentia, Californis, Owners; Co Lo
PHARRIS. 117 Eve]vn tlr9ve. Anaheim~ Californiae Aaent of certain real oronerty situated in
at portion of
s 87 and 88 of Mis-
Beginning at a
e northeast corner
1e1 with the east-
to the easterly linz
~ning •
; end
e City of Anaheim on
given as requiced by
id coneider evidence
iatioms in coanection
md in its behelf, aad
e the follaping facts:
ized by thie Code, to
eet on subject
h and davelopment oE
ll development of tho
~, end general welfere ;~
Aill not be detrimental
~a, it is recommended '?;
two(2)' petitions
nother with two sign-'.'
oximity to subject
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^ NOW9 THEREFORE, BE IT R~OLVED that the.Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
~;' grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Pernit, upon the following conditions which are
hereby found to be a necessary pre•requisite to the proposed use of the subject property in
or.a.2r tG presc:rve i,he safety' al]il geiiei•ai weii8re of ~iia ~ii,izans oi i.he ~ity ~i :+nuheii~e
_ 1~ That the owners of subject property shail deed to the Cityo uf Anaheim a strip of
land 45 feet in widthy from the centeriine of the street along Milier Street, for street
} widening purposeso
2o That street improvement plans shall be prepared and all engineering requirements
of the City of .Anaheim along Miller Stseet, such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks9 street
'I grading and pavingy drainage faci3ities, or other appurtenant work shall be completed as
;'r,f required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on
~•` file in the office of the City Engineer, and.that a bond in an amount and.form satisfactory
to the City of Anaheim ahall be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of said
engi~ieering requirementso
3o That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of
$2000 per.front f~ot along Mi11er Street, for street lighting purposese
4„ That Conditions Noso 19 2, and 3, above.mentioned, shall be complied with within
a period of 180 days from date hereof, or such furthe•r time as the Commission may granta
5o That Reolassification No~ 61-62~69 now pending on subject property, be completedo
6o That subject prope•rty be developed substatttially in accordance with all px•ovisions
of the P-Ly Parking Landscaping, Zone and the M-ly Light Industrial9 Zonea
7a That an open 20-•foot setback along any abutting property not in use for sand and
gravel operations shall be maintained~
8o That screen planting sha11 be installed and maintained along the southern perimeter
of the property and along the Miller Street frontage of subject property in the P-L9 Parking
Landscaping, Zonea
9o That the•re shall be a steel, chafn link type of fence, 6-foot in heighty enclosing
any areas of excavation or plant erection, provided there sha11 be no opening between t he
bottom of i:he fence and the ground exceeding 4" and further provided that all gates shall be
locked when not in reguiar useo
10, 'Ihat no excavations shall take place within 50-feet of a planned highway right-of-way ;^
line or of any land zoned, "R-E, R-A, R-09 R-•lY R-29 R-39 ~-Oy C-1, C-2, C-3, or M-1," either
now or in the future9 unless that land is in use for sand and gravel operationso
llo That unless otherwise permitted by the Public Works Director, no excavation shall
be carried out which creates a f inished slope steeper than 1~-feet hor3zontal to 1-foot j
vertical for sand excavation9 or which creates a finished slope steeper than 1-foot hc+rizontal '~
tc 2-foot vertical for other than sand excavationsy provided that the siope on the easterly
side of subject property shall be 2Tfeet horizontal for each vertical footo
12o That only materials excavated on the premises shall be stockpiled or processed on
the premiseso
13~ That no manufacturinq apparatus9 excepting for pr3mary crushing operations in ~
conjunction with excavation, shall be located closer than 750 feet to any land zonedq "R~E, ;
R-A, R-0, R-1, R-2, R-3, C-0, G 1, C-~29 C-39 or M-19" either now or in the future, unless Y
such crushing unit is placed entirely be'low 9round leve7 in which case it may be located not
less than 400~feet from such zoneso
14e That ali private truck roads connectirig quarries, pro~~ssing plants, or stock piles,
shall be kept wetted while being used or shali be oiled or hard surfaced and maintained
in a manner preventing the creation of dust~ '
15o That all operations shall be conducted in compliance wi•th all requirements of the
Orange County Air Pollution Control Distric't as adopted and amended from time to timeo
loo That all activities excepting loading and unioading of products anc3 materials and
the trucking9 distribution, and s~le of same sha11 be limited to the hours of 6s00 aomo to
10:00 p,mo9 but not on Sundays, e:ccepting where required by public authorities, where work
requires a continuous pour, where necessary due to public emergencies, and where any ~
necessary and reasonable repairs to equipment are requiredo
17o That distribution of prcducts from the premises shall not be through residentiel ~
streets unless so required in order to make deliveryo ,
~ 18e That before commencing any operations9 the onerator shall procure public liability
insurance with coverage of at ieast $300,000 for personal injury to more than one person, and
$25,000 for damage to property, which said insurance shall cover all activities of said
ooerator conner.±ed w;±h the iises na~rmittad; and sha11 he kent in full force and effect at `
all times during such operations~
19a That access roads f.rom the premises to Miller Street shall be consi;ructed on a level ';
with the pavement of Niller Street for a distance of not less than 80-feet therefrom9 and the ~
80-feet sl?all be pavedo Adequate sight distance shall be maintained for traffic safety in
compliance with the standards and requi•rements of the Public Works Department. „
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20a That the owners of the land, each for themselves and :or treir respective heirs,
executors, administrators9 granteesy ass3gns., lessees and tenantsy agree to indemnify and
sava ;arnl~~s O:angc County Water District, Orange County Flood Control District9 and County
of Orange (these being the agencies authoxized by law to levy and collect taxes to pay for ~
imported water fo•r ground xater replenishment in Orange County) against any claim for damages,
nuisance, injunction, compensation or otherwise and to reimburse or make good any loss or
damages or costs that Orange County Water District„ Orange County Flood Control District, and
County of Orange may have to pay if any litigation arises on account of any of said claims
by the owners9 thei•r •respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives,
grantees, assignees or lesseeso
21a That no material or liquids of any kind wi'l1 be placed in the excavated area
without further approval from the Planning Commission of the City of Anaheimo
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 24th da of October9 19630
T IIui
'.'~ Iy Je S'ullivan9 3ecretary of the City Plenning Commission oE the City of Anaheir.m, do hereby certify thet the
foregoing resolution was passed end ednpted at a meeting of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim,
;~ ' held on October 149 19639 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof:
' i AYES: COMMISSIONERSi Allred Cam Chavos Gauer Mun a'll Peb'le Perr Rowlando
,~ . 9 pY 9 9 9 9 yY yY
1'j ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereuntc set my hand this 24th day of October~ 19630
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