PC 1963-1964-1091~. RESOLUTION N0. 1092y Series 1N63-6~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COidM(S~S~C~N OF THE CITY OF ANAEiEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. iQ ° BE GRANTED WHEREAS, tha City Planning Commiesion of the City of Anehelm c~id receive e vedfled PeUtion for Vadence from GIACAMO.AND AGOSTINA LUGA[~3, 532 North Magno'l.ia9 Anahefm, California9 Owner; ROBERT Wo MAC MAHON9 1695 We~t C~escenty Sui•te 56G9 Anaheim9 Californi5y A~ent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County af Orange9 State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto as though set forth in full ; nnd WHEREAS, tho City Planning Commleeion did hold a public headng at the Clty Hell !n the Clty of Anaholm on March 16y 1964y et 2:00 o'clock P.M„ notlce of eald public hearing heving been duly glven se requiiad by law and !n aecocdnece wlth the o:ovleione of the Anaheim Municipnl Code, Cheptae 18.68,to hear and coneider evidence for and ugainot said p:oposed variance and to invee~igate end make flndinge and cecommendetione !n connec- tion therewlth;•nnd WHERE.AS, eald Commioelon, efter 8ue inepectlon, inveatigation, ead study made by lteelf and in ite 6ehalf, end after due eceeidocetion of all avldence end :eporta offerod ae eaid hearing, doee flnd end detocmine the following facte: ~-• ~- '----~--- `-.",.::.~ :-*;;:::c:~_~ ~:d:: 58~~:0^ :° :5 .~.v(1rA~A~ , 1, in~c ine pEiifi~Fw2 io'y,uoe~o : ~fli~au.:v .w~u .~.o r~. • • ~^ ^'~ ~ which requires'that tho minimum area of parcels other than desi,gnated loto in a sub- division ehall not be less than one acr~y to permit the relocatlnn of an existing resi- dence to aub,~ect property which consists of lese than en acrea 2. Thst the:o eee axceptional or ext:aoidir.ary clrcumstancoe or conditlone applicable to the peoperty involved P P Y PP Y B Y P P Y ~- --- ,_,_,... 0~ to the lntended uae oi the ~0 Ett teat do noE 8 1 OIIOC911 LO LItO IO O[[ ~ii dlaai ~i L'Go io ino ~wwo'rauuuai nnd zone. 8, That tke eequeeQed vasianee !s naceeeary for the peeeervatlon and enJoyment of ~ aub~tentln~l peoperty elght posee~eed by olher propecty in tho eame vicinity end xone, and denied to the ptoporty !n queetion, 4~ `fhat the toqueeted variance will not be materlally detrimental to the publio weYfete or lnJurlous to the prop~ eety oe lmprovementa in euch vlclnity end sone !n which tho property ie located~ 5a That no one appeared in opposition to aub~ect petitiono Vl-Q .i. ~ ; ;i • ~i 1 n i~ l l ) ~ ~. =_..~' ~. ._...~~,,....__~-_ ._..----- ---- --__ ~ ~_) ~~~ . ,- 0 ;1 ~ Cecer.~ur 9, 1963 DESCRIPTION FOR RQBERT MC MAN(i?~E . 1-11 that real property in the City- of Anahaim, County of Orange, Stnta of Cali£ornia. beiatg theC pore~.on of th~ Southwmat quart~r of Seatioa 7, '~o~+aship 4 South, Range 10 Weat f.n the R~ncho Loe Coqotea, as said Ssction is aho~n on the m~ap recosded ia Book S1. Pa ge 10 of Z[iacmllaneouo Mspa, socorda of eaid Cou~ty. dr~acribed as iollvwas B• gi~ns~ing at the intorsection of the Waet line of seid. Sectioo with a liae parsll~al with tiw Nor+~herly line of oaid SouthHeue quareer and 'distaat Southarly 658.00 feet tharefrom, meaeured at right ang10s; th~acc NorXh 88° SS' 1S" Eest~ aloag aaid F~arellel line~ 275.56 fe~t Co the Neoterly line of TracC ~113. per map therec+f recor~ed in Sook 189, Fmgao 47 ~ad 48 of Fiiacollaneoucs liapaF records of said Couat~; thonce South 0 13' 45" Eaat~ slong aaid Weatarly line. 270.06 f~mt to the &outM+oat coraer of said 7'ract. on the Northerlq liao of th~ iaoa ~ 6w"vepdd to ~ue vi[y ox`wt-elseim by ~e~ea recorded lt1 Boo~t 3463~ Page 528 of Official R~corda, recor$e of ss~d Countq; thence, mlong t~s bauadery of aaid land~ South 88 56' S4" Woet 4.55 feet~ South ~ 0 13' 45" Eaet 66.90 feet, South 54° U4' 04" West 145.30 fe~t. and BouCh $8~ 56' ,~4" Wsat 153.U1 fest [o tha Woat line of said Sectiou~ t~ouure North 0' ~3° 4~" 1~ost, aiong eaid Weat line~ 41~.93 feet to tho poiat of bQgianiog. Excep~inA the Weeterlp 53.00 feat thoreof iacludad witi~in 1~legnolia Avenue. Cont~iaing aftez excepting. 2.017 •cras, ~on oz lea~. 3ub~mct to covenanta~ conditioas. reaervaCions~ restrictiona~ righti. sfg ta wf way e~nd ~aaom~ncs~ i~ eny~ of racord, Extepri.v G•~.~e it/o~ T~v ~7v, oG '+~~•^s o!' ~~'~'1~~~.1 ~ ~ ~ » ~ r ..~ n~n ~ /~ ~ ~~ ~i~KiFli~Gt ~~u. ~~ ~-~-- ~- . - , -- -~ _ ; ~;~ ~ :s;:,: . . F:: . ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Aneheim City Planning Commission does hereby grent su ject `~~:;: Petition f~c Vadance, upon :he following conditions whic:~ ece hexeby found to be a necessery pcerequisite to the pro- posed use of the subject pcopertp in order to preserve the sefety p^a Zenere: welfare of the Citizens of the City of ;' Anaheim. . ;.; lo 'Ihatthe sidewalks and.drivel~laYs shall be installed along Ma~nolia Avenue, as required by the City.Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in `~,, the office of the City Eqgipeer pxihr to final' building inspectiona to the Cit of Anaheim tho sum of $2s00 20 :That owners of sub~ect proper•ty-•sha11 pay Y 1!~ per.front fooi: along.Ma9no~ia Avet~ue,•for street lignting..purposes, said sum to be paid .~ ::;•:with3n a~period of 180 days from-date-hereof, or~such further time as the ~ommission may ' gxanta { 3e That owners of sub~ect property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum af 15~ per ~~ front foot along Magnolia Avenue, for tree plan•iin9 purposos~,said~amount to. be psid at -.th~.time~the building.permit is issued or within a period of 180 days from date hereof~ ..~.v~rhichever occurs firato 4a That sub~ect property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans , and specifications on file with the Ci'ty of Aneheimy merked "Exhibit Noa 1"0 THE FOREGOING RE50LUTION ic signed end approved by me this 26th of MarCh~ 19640 V,~ '' ^. CHAIRMAN ANAIiEID1 CITY ~'ING COMMISSION ~~TTEST: SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY Q°' ORANGE ) $g~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) Iy Apn Krebsy Secretary of the City Planning Commiseion of the City oE Mahnim, du he:eby certify thet the foi~ going reeolution was pessed end adopted at e meeting of the City Plenning Commiesion ofthe City of Aneheim, held on March 169 1964, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members theieof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED~ CAMP, CHAVOS, GAUER, MUNGALL~ PEBLEY, PERRY~ ROWLAND: ~NOk;S: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. AFSSENT: COMMISSIONERS: SInES. IN 1l'ITl3ESS WHEREOF, I heve he:eunto set my hand t;sie~ 26th day oi Marchy 1964. ~3 _~ 'i J i.1 ~~~ ~t C i; , _ _~ `:; a RESOLUTION NO. V2-G ..~ ~ ~s ~ ~~ ~ SE~CRE'i'ARY ANAHEIM CITY P?.ANNING COMMISSION .2. ,~~ ~ ,~ ~ ;