PC 1963-1964-11271 ~ I ~~, ' ~.~~ ~` :~ . ~ --. . . . .... _.. . .._.~..._......_. _ _ . . . __ _ _.. .__. .:._...._.~,~~...~..-~~.._.~....~...~...~._.._..'_"__'__' "___' _-~~... . . ~.._ ... . ... .. .. ... _. . ~ • ~ _ , .. t _ ,j { _} ~ - RESOLUTION N0.112~9 Series 1963-64 %N A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 1633 HE GRANTED - WHEREAS, the City Piannin¢ Commission of the City of Meheim did receive a verified Petition for Vadance from n'U&cR'L' nidD i~niln V„ NA~~9 't754 East Lamon Heights iJrive~ S2nta Anas Cal?forn3c; Owners; ' IRENE TAYLORy PLA2A LAND AND DEVII.OPMENT CARPOP.ATION9 212 North State College Boulevard9 Anaheim, Californ3ay Agent of certain re=_I property situated in the City of Anahsim, County of Orangey State of Californiay descx•~bed as the east 80~00 feet of the west 160,00 feet of that portion of the, northeast cyarter of the .;outheast quarter or Section 15, Township 4 SouthY Range 11 Westy in the Rancho Los Coy~tess as per map recorded in book 519 page 11 of Miscellare- ous Maps9 in the office of the countp reco:der of said county9 described as followsa Beginninn ' at a point on the east line cf said sectiony North 2366~76 feet from the southeast corner there~; ,~_L~"~ thence west 660~00 feet Lo the west line of the east half of the east half of the southeast ;,,,~ quarter of said sec±iong thence no~th to the north line of said southeast quarter of said sect3on; thence east 660~00 feet to the east iine of said section~ thence South 302007 feet to the po~nt of beginningo . ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold a publlc headng at the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on April 139 1964y at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing heving been duly given as requlred by law and in accordence with the provisione of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.68,to hear end consider evidence for end ageinst aeid proposed verience and to investigate and meke findings and cecammendetions in connec- tlon therewith; •end WHEREAS, seid Commisaion, eEter due inspection, inveatigetion, and study made by itself end in its behalf, and aft~r due consideration of ell evidence and ceports offered as said heedng, does find end detecmine the following fects: 1. Thnt the petitioner:equests a veriance from the Maheim Municipel Code: Seciion ISo32o0609 Which rey~uires .; that the height limitation shall be one-story for a distance of 150 feet where any R-3, Zone , ebuts R-A, Res3den+Ya1 Agricultu:a'ty Zoned propertyy and Section '18032~120(1) which requires off-street parking of 1~ spaces per dwe'1'ling unit in a garage to permit the estabrishment of carports 3n lleu of the required garages„ and to develop two-story apartments on sub3ect j property~ ~ 2. That thece ece exceptionol or estraocdiaary circumstences or conditions appliceble to the property involved ; or to the intended uae of the property that do not epply generully to the property or claes oE uae in the seme vlcinity 1 and zone. , ~ 3. That the requested veriance is necassary fo~ the preservetion and enjoyment of e substentiel property right ~ poesessed by other property in the seme vicinity end zone, end denied' to the property In question. ' ~ 4. That the reqeested varience will not be tnaterielly detrimentel to the public welfate or injurioue to the pmp- ! erty or imptovements in such vicinity end zone in which the property is loceted. 5~ That no one appeared in opposition to su'r,ject petition,. Vl-G "1" i i i ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ 'i ~ ~~ _ r~ - .. . ~- £ , ' l '~ : ~, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Aneheim City Plenning Commission does hereby grant subJect Petition for Varience, upon the following conditions which are heceby found to be a necessary pce:equisite to the pro- posed use of the subject proper[y in order to preserve the safety end genecal weliare of the Citiiens ~f ~he City of Anaheim. 1< That street improvement plans shall be prepared and ail engineering iequirements of the City .of Anaheim.for Orange Avenue,.such as curbs and gutters,:s3dewalks; street grading and ~ay;ng; dra.inage.f acilitios, ox other appurtenant work shall be completed.as required.by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard ,.'~::s and specifications on file in the ofr".ice of the City Engineer; and that a bond in an amount and form satisf actory to the City of Anahe.im shall be posted.~vith the City to guarantee the installation of said enqineering requirementse • 2o That.the owners of s~~bject property sh211 pa;r to the Ctiy of Anaheim the sum of 15~ per :ront foot along Orange Avenue9 for tree planting purposes~ 3~ That Conditioii,~,Noso 1 and 2, above men~tionedy shall be complied with prior to the time the Building Permi•t is issued or within a period of 180 days from date hereof9 whichever occurs first9 or such further time as the Commissior. may granto 4o That the sidewalk9 non-standard driveway appro~ches, curb and gutter shall be removed and reconstructed as requ9red by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and =pacific3t3.ons on file in the office of the City Engineero The Citv of Anahcim will bs resf:ans.ibls.ror any plan preparation and the construction•staking of the new curb and gutter, a;~d.the City will pay for any removal.and reconstruction.that would be.in.exces~ of that necessary to remove the non-standard dri•reways, construct naw driveways and perform the required repaixs-to•.the-~idewalk, curb and gutte~9 prior to final building inspection. 5°e That .sub~ect pro~erty shali-be--clave3o~ect substa_nt}all~+ in accordance• with plans and specifications°on file w3th tne Gity o,f Anakie3m9..marked Exhir:3t Noso 1 and.2;.prnvided that Un~~ "B" shall ~e revised-to conform with all provisions of the Uniform'Building Code pertairting to.the..window locatior~so bo That a 6-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the west property line, prior to fina'1 building inspectione THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by r~e thia 23rd day of April~ 1964. ~ , , CHAIRMAN ANAHEIht CI Y PLANNIIIG COMMISSION ATTEST: __L~~J l~SVZ.~iv-''~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COM'uIISSION S'!'ATE GF CAILIFORNIA ; COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIII~l ) T~ Ann_Kr,ebs~ Seccetery of Ehe City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim, do hereby certify thet the foce- going resolution was pessed end adopted et a meeting of the City Plansing Commiscion of the CiEy oE Aneheim, held on April 13y 1964, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the £ollowing vote of tlie members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: A11red~, Camp, Chavos~ .Gauer9 _Mungall,. Perry, Rnwlando I30ES: COMMISSIOI3ERS: None. ABSENT: COMMI3SIONERS: Pebley, Sideso IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heceunto set~my hand this 23.rd day of Apri19 1964. RESOLUTION NO. 1127 SECRETAP.Y ANAI-IEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION V2-G -2-