PC 1963-1964-1134 . i ;~~ :~: ;~ ~~ ` ~ :, ~- ~>; ~) RESOLUTION N0. 1134, Series 1963-64 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY 0~ ANAHELM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITYONAL USE PERMIT 561 BE GRANTED _~ , ,, ~ ~ -i 3 ~etlt3oa .ot Conaiiit~iia: ~ RRiEREAS, the City Plaaning Commiasioa of the City of Aneheim did receivo a ve. :,'a ` Use Permitfcom COSTA MESA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 1895 Newport Boulevard, Costa Mesa, California; Owners; DAVID Wo HOOK, 1780 West Lincoln9 Suite H9 Maheim, California, Agent of ~ ceri:a3n real pronerty 5~'tlYAtP~ in tha City of Anaheim, County of Orange~ State of California9 described as the North 2088 acres of the East half of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 7y Township 4 South, Range 10 West~ S~ B. Bo 8 M< •';, f ; and . WHEREAS, the Clty Plannle~g Commieaion did hold a pubiic hearing at.the City Hall in ttie City of e+naneim on = April 139 19649 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., ao~ice of seid public hearing having been duly given es cequised by lew end in accotdance with the proviaions of 4he Meheim Muaidpel coda, Chaptee 18.64, to heae and cons~der evidence for end egainst aeid ptoposed conditionel use and to investigate aad meke Eindings and cecommendatione ia connection thecewith; end • ; WHEREAS, said Commission, aftee due inapect3.on, investigetion, and etudy mada by itaelf snd in ita behalf, and r~fter dce conaideiation of sll evldence and ceports offeced at seid headng, doas find end deteemiae the following facts: i. Tha! rne proposed use is pcoperly one for which a Conditionnl.Uae Permit is authodzed by thia Code, to "~ wit:establish a seven story apartment'building with underground parking on sub~ect proporty. ; ~ ; 2. That the pcoposed use will aot aaveesely a£fect.the eC.~oiaing land uses and the gcowth end davelopment of the azea in which it is pmposed to be locaied. . _; 3. That the size and ehape of the site propoaed for the use is edequnte to ellow the full development of the pcoposed use in a mennet not detrimen;al to the perticulaz a:ea nor to the peace, heel4h, safety, and general welfare ~` of the Citizena of the City of Anahelm. . " 4. Thei Ene gcenEing o: :,5e Cand:tioa~~ Use Pe;mit under the conditions imposed, if any, will not he detdmental ; ta the peace, henlffi, aeEety, and general welfa:e of the Cltizens of the Ciry of Anaheim. 5o That the•granting of.the proposed use.will in no way determine the Commission's ,~ future viewpoint as to the ultimate deve.lopment of the front portion of subject pronerty. 6. That under the authority of 5ection 18e64.070, the structural heiqht limitation of 2-~,stoTies or 35-feet is hdreby waived to permit a height of 77 feet above the curb ; leuel•b° the.abutting street: ; 7. That under.the authority of Code Section 18.64.070, the.required 6-foot mason_+~ ' wall along the south propasty linE.eatending 68 feet westerly from Brookhurst Street is hereby ;t~ waived. ` So That one person appeared in conditional opposition to subject petition. ~ ^.. ~ ~:_.~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plenning Commission does hereby gcant suLject Petitian far Conditionel iJse Pecmit, upon the follc+wing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessery prerequisite ~ to the proposed use of the subject property in ocdec to preserve the sefety and gene:al welfaie of the Citizens of the City of Aneheim: `" 1o That the owraers of sub~ect property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land ~ 6t3~ia ti in width irom the center 2ine of ttro straet, along Broo:c,iurst Street, for street = widen~rrg pm~pose~~ i 2o That street improvement p'lans sha11 be prepared.and al'1 engineering requirements of the City of Anahe3.m along Brookhvrst Streety such as curbs and guttersy sidewalk:.j9 street grad- y ing and paving, drainag£* f~C~l~t].ESq or other appurtene~t woxlc shall be completed as required by : the City Engineer and 'in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the nffice ;. of the-City Engineer; and that a bond in zn.amnurrt and form satisfactory to the Cii:y of Maheim ; shall be° post~ct with the City to guaran~~p ~the installation of said.engineering rec,nairementso ; 3~ That tha owners of-subje~t property sha21 pay to the City of Anaheim the svni Gf $2000 ~ per front foot along Brcokhurst~9 for street light3:ng_parposeso ` 4o That #he ovmers of sub~ect property eha11 pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15~ per f front foot aloi~g Brookhtzrst Streety for trae plantinq purposeso 5~ Tiiat Condition Nos~ 19 29 3, and 4, abovP men•~i~neds shall be complied with rior to tle ~ time the Building Permit is issued• or within a period of 180 days from date hereof, w~iichever occurs.f.irst9 or such.farther.tims as the Commission may gz~ant~ !; 6o That trash storage areas shal'1 be provided in accordance with approved plans on file in ~ the off3.ce• of ~the Di.rectnr of Public Works..prior to final building inspection. ~ 7~ That fire hydrants shai'1 be instalied as.xequired..and.detesminsd to be necessary by '~ tha...Ch3~af._.nf~hg ~i•~a~ D~±nart,~nent :orior to final huildinG •3ns~ectiono Ba.That the oHmers of sub~ect property shall pay to the Ci~t~y of•Anaileim ~he svm of $25000 ; pe~ dwe~ling unity to be used for park and recreation pvrposes, said amwnt to be paid at the ~~ time the~bailding permit is issuedo ~ 9~ That sub~e,ct property shall be~developed substantia7.fy in accordattce with plans and ; specifications on fi'le with the City of.Anaheim,,.marked Exhibit.Nos~ 19 2, and 30 3 l0e That this Conditional Use Permit is granted sub~ect to the reclassification of subject property to the R-3y Mu1_tiple Family Residential, Zone~ , THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is aigned and epproved by me this 23r of Aprily '19640 ~ r i ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY NNING COMMISSION ATTEST: , %~ _ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION SICATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) Ty Ann..Krebs~ „ Secretery of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim, do hereby certify Uiat the foregoing resulution wes passed end adopted et a meeting of the City Plenning Commission of thc City of Aneheim, held on APril 139 1964y a! 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the memhera thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allredq Camp9 Gauer, Munga119 Perxy9 Rowland9 Sideso ~ ~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS:-~~oneo ~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ~havos, Pebley9 ! t IN WI'TNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand this 23rd day of Apri19 19640 SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIIJG COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1134 C2-G -2- ~ -•ii ::h ?:•i '•tS `.:%, ``~, ' , . . ~':~i":. ~ . ~=i.;^ .t; ... P.