PC 1963-1964-1137, -.. __ ...._.,.,..~.~::,,r:.,..~_.. _---- .._. . __ ~ ~ r: ~•~ RESOLUTION NO. ~137; Series 1963-64 ~: A RESOLUTION OF •THE CITY PLAI~iNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY Or^ ANAHEIM ~ ~- RECOMNIENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF TFFE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT _~ °E.iTf021 FOR 2~,CLASSIFi~ATiO'ri'rIO. 63-64-104 $E ApPROVED 44,. ;;i`, WFIEREAS, the City Plenning Comm.seion of the City of Aneheim did receive a vedfied Petition for Recleseifica- ;1; tion from 0'NFAL AND.DANA.BTORTS~ 10625 .Garnish Drive, Aowney,- Galifornia„ MONF~E AND REBA FRF.EA7AN~ 223 Hacienda Avenue, .Maheim, Galifornia~ Oy,iners of cex-tairi i~eal property situated ~~,: in the City of .Anaheim, County of Orange~ State of California, described as Lot lU of ?;' Fairhome••Tract, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book'8, page 53, Miscellaneous Map, ~,~ records of said Orange County; EXCEPT southwesterly 100 feet theraof. ; end IVHEREAS, the City Pleqning Commission did hold a public headng et the City Hell ia the City of Aneheim oa April 13~ I964 et 2;00 o'clock P.M. notice of seid public hearing haviug beea dply givea ea requlced ~by law and in accordance with the pmvisiona of !he Anaheim lliunicipal Code, Cheptae 18.72, to heai and coaoidez.evidence for end againat eeid ptopoaed reclesei£icet~on and to investigate and mc+lce Hndiags end recommeadetiona ia conaection thorewith; end WHEREAS, seid Commiseion, after due inepection, invesHgation, and s¢udy mede by itself end in ite behelf, a~d a:;er due caneideeation of eli evidence and raporis oiiered at said heacing, does flnd and determine the followiag .fects: 1. Thot the petitioner propoaes a reclesaiflcetion of the above descdl~ad propeety from the R-2~ Two Family Residential,....Zone.to the..R-3, Multiple Family Residential, Zone to establish a three-unit apartment building on sub,ject property. 2o That the proposed reclassification is in conformance with t}ie General Plan. 3• That the propoaed reclassification of •subject property is necessery end/oe deaiceble for the orderly end pro- oer develoFment of the community. 4, That the proposed reclaesiflcetion of subject propedy doea properly relete to the zones and their permitted uaes locally esteblished ia close proximity to subject propecty and to the zones and their permitted ueea generally esteb- li~hed thmughout the community. ..,5...That..tha..pro~osed.reclassification of sub~eot property.does not require dedication : fnr..,and.standard.imprauement.of abutting..streets.because.said property.:does.r~late to and ahut.upon..s~reets.attd highways..wk~.ich are..improved.to .cerry the type and.quantity of traf.fic~ which.will..he.gener~ed by the-pesmi.tted uses, in accordapce with the circulatian element of the General Plano 6o That one person appeared in opposition to sub~ect petition> `. t,', a;' ~ ~~-w -i- ~: ~,.',~ ' . ,~ ~ .} S NOW, THEREFORE, BE 3T RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commiasion does heceby recommend,- j to the City Couacll of the City of Aneheim thet subject Petition for Reclassification be approved end, by eo doing, ; thet Title 18-Zoning of the Aneheim Municipel Code be amended to exclude the above. desedbed property fcom the ' ; R-2, T.wo Eamily Residontial, Zone and to incorporaie said described property into the ~ R-39.Mu1tiple Family Residential9 2one upon the following conditions which are heraby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of sub~ect property in order to preserve ; tha safezy and generai ti:el£are of the citiz~~s of tho City of Anaheimo j 1. That the damagsd and/or hazardous sidewalks shaYl be repaired along Walnut Streety as ~ requ3red by tHe City.Engineer and in accordance with stan~9ssd plans and specifications on file in the of£ice of the City Engineero 2. T.hat trash storage areas shall be provided in accardance vrith approved plans on file in the off ice .of the Director of Public Workso 3o.That.the.nwner.s of sub~ect property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $25.00 per dwelling unit, to bs used.for park and recreation purposes, said.,amount to be paid at the time the buildinq {~ermit is issueda 4o That Condition Noso 1 and 2, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building-inspectiono 5o That the owners of sub~ect p~roper.ty shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15~ per front foot along Walnut Str'set, for tree planting purposeso 6. That Condition Noo.59:`:above.mentioned, shall be complied with prior to the time that the Building.,Permit is..issued or within a period of 180 days from date hereof9 whichever occurs.. first,••os.such further time as ine ~iiy ~ouncil may yranto ' 7:,~T.hat subject property shall be dpv?loped subscantially in accordance with plans and specific~'tions on file with the City of Anaheim9 marked Exhibit Nose 1 and 2. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is eigned and eppcoved by me this 23rd day of ApTil~ 1964. i i ~ . CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY P ING COMMISSION ATTEST: ' ~~ ~~5~ ~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUIdTY CF OR~INGE ) es~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I9 Mn Krebs~ , Secretary of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim, do hereby certify that the fore- going resolution wes pasaed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commiesion of the City of Anaheim, held on Apiil 13, 1964, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by tha following vote of the membera thereof; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Ailredy Camp9 Gauer, Mungally Perry, Rowland, Sides. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMIISSIONERS: ~havos~ Pebley< Ad WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 23rd day of April~ 19640 ~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1137' ti . . . _~. . . ' j~ ' _ .. ~ .. . ~~ ~~