PC 1963-1964-1174, ~;. . _ rn - ~' o~ . i' ~ ~ 'i ~` ~`.~ ~ ~ ,I RESOLUTION N0. 1174, SERIES 19ti3-64 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIlVI Rc~vmmci~iluiGiv iriE ~ai i~.vuivCia, a~F itic Cii: ~~ ni7i.ncun irinT PETITION FOR RECLAS5I1~'ICATION N0, 63-64-116 ~ pppROVED ~ ~ WHEREAS, the City Pleaning Commiasion o: the City of Aneheim did 7initiate. a verified Petition for. RecLassificaticn on certain real property sitvated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California~ ci'escribed as Lot Nos. 1 through 15 of Tract No. 2534 ~ ; and WHEREAS, Ltie City Planning Commieai~n did hold a public headng et the City Hall in the City of Maheim on May 25~ 1964~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M. noUce of eaid public headng heving been duly Ql,ven a~ reqylced .by law end in acwideace with the provieione of the Meheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.72, to heai ead cansidst evideace for end against 6nid ptopoaed recl~ssificotion and to investlgate and meke findinga w-d re~commeadadone ia cronaection the~~ewith; end , WHEREAS. aaid Commienion, aEter due inapection, inveatigedon, ~nd atudy mede by itself end ia !t~ behalf, and aher due consideraNon of all evidence and eeporta offered et eaid headng, does flnd and determine tl-e followdng facte: 1. Thetthe Commission proposes a reclassification of the above described property from the C-1, Neighboxhood Cammercial, Zone. (deed restricted to R-3 uses only~ to the R-3, JNultiple Family Residential, Zonee ' 2. That the proposed reclassification is in conformance with the General Plan. ' 3• Thet the proposed teclessification oE subject property is necessery ead/ot deaireble for the orderly end pro- per devela~ment of the community. 4• Thet the proposed roclaesiEicetion oE aubJect propeety doAS propecly zelete to the zonee and theit peanitted uses locelly establiahed in close proxlmity to subject property ead to the sones and thelr penaitted uees generelly eateb- Ilehed throughout the communiry. 5. That the proposed reclassification of sub3ect property does.not requixa...dadication fox and.standard..imp-nuemer,t cf.abutting streets.because.said.property does.selate to and abut upon strsets and highways which are.improved to carry the type and quantity of traffic, which will be.generated by the. permitted uses, in accordance with the circulation elemrint of the General..Plan. • 6. 'fhat the prop~sod reclass~.fication is necessary to remove the misleading C-1. Neigtiborhoot~ Conuner.cial, Zone designation pxesently existing on sub~ect property. ~ oroperty. • 7. That no une appeared in opposition to sUb~ect petition. Rl-A -1- ll NOW, TFIEREFORE, BE I7." RESOLVED thet the Aneheim City Plenning Cammiseion does he:eby cecommend ~~' to tha City Council of the City ~af Anaheim that aubject Petltioa for Reclaesificetion be eppmved and, t+v eo doing, thet Title 18-Zoning of the Annheim Municipnl Code be nmended to exclude the above described pmperty from the C=1, Naighborhood Commerci~l, Zone, and to incorporate sai.~ described property into tne ~~r R-3; '~'~le-Family Residential~..Zone`._.unconditionallye ' ' M1. ~ . THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is aigned ead eppmved by me thie 4 f Juna~ 1964a , ~ / ~~, . CHAIRMAN ANAFIEIM CITY PL ING COMMISSION ATTEST: . ~~r/~i~~~~~'•`E~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY CF OR~INGE ) as~ C1TY OF ANAHEIM ) I' Ann 3Ctebs~. Seceetary. of the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim, do heeeby certify the4 the foee-~ going resolutian was pesaed end edopted at a meeting of the City Planning Cnmmisaion of the City of Maheim, held on May'25~ 1964~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS:A1~~ed~:Camp, Chavos, Gauex, Mun,gall, Perry, Rowlando NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Naneo ~~ ABSENT: COMMISSIOI~ERS: p°~leyo IN PIITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hend this 4th day of June~ 19640 . ~Qi'%~G~/' ~ SCCRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 1174 ' tcZ-n -2- ~ % ri ~. .