PC 1963-1964-1217~ ~;; ~ ~ ~: ~: BFSGZUTION NOo I217, Se•ries 1963-64 kx:: ~ A RESOT UTI~~. ~~ THF ~TTy_Ur nNMNG C~MMISSI~N QF TF~B CITY OF ANAHEIM ~.,; TERMINATING VARIANCE I~So 575v 7~M14q 8~7y 9719 attd 1183., ~,- WHFREAS9 the City Planning.Commission did hold a pvbiic hearing at the City Hall in ~,~ the City of Anahe.im.on. June.l5y 1964, at 2sU0 0°clock PoMo, and . ~< ~, WHEREAS9 the Ci•ty Planning Commission recommended approval ta the City Council for ~~ Petition for Reclassification Noo 63-64-.136, recommending reclassification from the R-A, ~;; Residential AgricuZtural to the G lq Neighborhood Commercial, Zone, incorporating property x•: also applying to Variance Noo 575, which established the use of a service station, and ~ WHEREAS9.the City Planning.Co~ission.recommended approval to the City Council for ~',~= Petition for Reclassification Noo 63-64=Y31y recommending reclassification from the R-A, .. Residential Agr3cultural to the C-19 Neighborhood Commercial, Zone, ir~corporating property also applying.to Yaciance.Dino 744 which established the use for a sexvice station, and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission recommended approval to the City Council for Petitlon.for Re.classification No< 63-64=I34, r.ecommending reclassification from the C-39 Heavy Commexcial, Zone, deed restricted to C-3, Heavy Commerciai and C-19 Neighborhood Commercial uses9incorporating.propert.y'also applying to Va~iance Noo 817 which established the use..for.a ses.vice station,..and WHFRFAS, the City Planning Commission recommended approval to the Cir•~ Cauncil for . Petition fer.Reclassification Noo 63-64-137, recommending reclassif~_::F.oi, ';;nm the R-Ay. ResidentiaY Agricul~ural to the C-1~ Neighborhood Commercial9 Zone, .i.:<::,r. •;: .• `~.n5 property also applying to Variance Nua 9'l19 which established the use for c~5mm :°:;..' =t~ze buildings- and ,~ - ~' t i'> . i8 , r ~: :'~ ~ . ~t,.. '~'' ~ a~~. , a: WHFRFAS, the City Planninq Commission recommended.approval to tha ~ity Council for Petition for Reclassification Noa 63~64-1389 iecommending reclassification from the R-A9 Residential Agricultural to the C-19 Neighborhood Cotnmercial, 2oney incorporating property aiso applying to Variance Noo 11839 which established the use for commerciaT store buiidingsy and ~ . WHERFAS,..the.pxoposed reclassif.ications will place the uses presently covered by Variance.NQS~ 575, 744q 817, 971„ and 3183 in their most app.ropriate zoneo NOWy THF-REFORE BE IT RESOLVID, chat the Ci.ty Planning Commission of ihe Ciiy of ~naheim does.hexeby.terminate Variance Noso 575, 744, 817q- 971 and 11839 based on the fact that thQ• estabushed.u~es are,:being recommended for rec'lassificaticn to •their appropriate Zone as indicated.ia._the. aforementioned.findingso TH~ FORL~OING RFSOLUTION is signed and approved by me day of June, I964o ~ ~ CHAI&MAN ANAHF,IM CITY NItv~ OOMMISSION AT'!'ESTe ~ ~GREfARY ANAH IM CIT1E PLAI9NING COMMISSiON STATE .OF...CAL:C~i RN.IA ) ODUNTY OF OP.AIv~E ) sso CITY JF ANAHEIbI ) I, Mn..lCrebs; .Sec:retary of the ~ity.Pianning .Commissian of the City of Maheimy do •hereby cer.tify. that the-£oxego.ang. xesolution v~as passed and aiiopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission uf the..City of..Anaheim9 held on June 15, 1964, at 2sU0 0'clock P.Mo, by the followinq vote or the members thereofa AYFSa OOMMISSIONr."RSs Allred9 Campy Chavos, Munga119 Perry Rowlanda NOESa OOMMISSIONFRSt ..Noneo. ABSFNfa ODMMISSIONERSs Gauero - - IN WITNESS WHERB~E, I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of June9 1964a .- , ~,. SECREfHRY ANAHEIM C TY PLAI3NING ODMMISSION _ :~ 3 ~ _ ;~