PC 1964-1965-1245_-_--.__ _.__,_.__~._.. ~... ___._,`1.~ __ . _._- ~ ~w ^ ~ RESOLUTION N0. 1245, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF TliE CTPY PLANNIIdG Cp1pRSSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHED~I THAT PBTITION FOR CONDTITONAL USE PERIt1T 557 gE dgANTgp WHEREAS, ths Citq Pl~mnin~ Commistion oI th~ Ctqr of M~hdm did ~ctl~e ~ terl8ed PWHon !oc Conditiond Use Peemit6om ELIZABETH LANCASTER, 235 South Beach Boulevard, Anaheim, California, Owner of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange~ State of California~ descrihed as tha Ws:t 6~4 fest af the ::arth tialf af the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 14, Township 4 South, Range 11 West, S. B. B, 8 M. ; nnd WHEREAS, tbe CYty Pl~nnine Cammisdon did hold ~ pnbflc he~ring ~t the Citq Hdl in tbe Citq of Aaaheim oa July 8, 1964, ~t 2:00 o'elock P.M., notlce of sdd pnbHa hearina havin~ beea dulq `iven u eequieed bq !aw aod in ~ccord~ncs with the peovt~ioai of tb~ An~Leim Mnniqp~l oode, Ch~ptee 18.64, to he~r and coaatdec evidencs Eoe aad ~Qainst sdd peoposed aondlUond a~e ~ad to iavestlpte ~ad mdce SndinQ~ ~ud re~ommendatloas !a oonnaction therewith; ~ad WHEREAS, sdd Commiuion, dhe dne iotp~ction, invatlptlon, ~md atndy m~ds bq ibdf ~nd in ib bah~lf~ ~nd aRa daa oonaideraHan of ~11 wid~na ~nd eapoeb ofEee~d at sdd heada~, doa ~td ~nd detamine the tollosla~ f~cts; 1. T6at the peopoa~A s~~ b peopalq oa~ fa whlch ~ Ooadidond .Us~ P~emit i~ ~nthorlsed by thi~ Code, to wit: expand an existing trailer park facility on subject property. Z. T'6~t tLe propo~~d oa wlll aot ~dw~ly ~~t.tbe ~oiain~ limd asM ~ad the powth ~md dwdopmeat ot • the ~!a which it L peopo~ed ~o M loc~ted. 3. That tb~ stss aad ahap~ of the ~ite peagcaed for the nie is ~deqwte to dlow the inil d~lopm~nt e( the i Peopose~ ase in a mtaner aot detrimeatd to the particala ~ na to the peace, he~lth, a~fety, ~nd een~nl wUf~es ~ of the CiBsens of fbe City of Aa~heim. . ~ 4. T6at the gnnttn~ of the Conditlond Use Pecmit mder the condiUon~ impo~cd, if aaq, will aot be detrimeat~l ' to the peace, he~lth, aafety, ~nd Qenerd welbce of t6e Citisaa~ of the City of Anoheim, _ 5• That th~ petitioner stipulated that acceas to and from the trailer park would be ? through Beach Boulevard onlye , 6. That two persons appeared, reprosenting 20 persona present in the Council Chamber, ~ and a petition signed by 308 persons and 125 letters were received in opposition to subject '• petition. .'~ PiOW, THETtEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Maheim City Plenaiag Commisaion does hereby grant subject Petidon for CoodiCloaal Use Permit, upon t~e following conditlona ahich are hereby fouad to be a aecessery prerequisite M the pcoposed uae oE the subject pcoperty in order to preserve the safety aad generel aelfare of the Citizens of the Clty oE M~helm: 1. ihat the owners of sub~ect property shal: pay to the City of Maheim the sum of S25.C0 per trailer spacey to be used for park and recreation purposes, said amount to be peid at the timo tha building permit is issued. 2. That a modified cul-de-sac be provided at the terminus of Olinda Lanr sub,~ect to the appraval of the City ~gineer< 3a ?hat trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plens on file in the office of the Director of Public Iforks. 49 That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determinsd to bs necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department. 5. That subjact property shall be developed substantially in accordance xith plans and specifications on f ile with the City of Maheim, marked Fxhibit No, 1 and further provided that all access shall be from Beach Boulevard as stipulated by the petitioner. 6a That a 6-foot masonry wa1T shall be constructed along the northwest and south property linese 7, That Conriition Nos~ 2, 3, 4, and 6, above mentioned, shall be complied with priox to fina2 building inspectione THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION la sigaed and approved by me t6ie 1 of July~ 1964e AT'?'EST: • ' CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CTI'Y P NING COMMISSION ~~~~~~ SECRE'fARY ANAHEIM CIT1! PLANNWG CQb(MLSSION STATE OF CALIFORMA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. C1TY OF ANAHF.III! ) I~ Mn Kr~bs,, Secretary of the City Planniag Commissioa of the City of Anaheim, do heroby certify U-ec the foregolag reaolnHon wae pasaed and adopted et a meeting of the City Planning Commisaton of the Ciry oE Aneheim, held on July 8~ 1964~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the folloaing vote of the mem'necs thereof: AYES: COb~tiSSIONERS: A12red, Gauer, Ihungall, perry, Ronrland. NOES: COb~11YSSI0NERS: Noneo ABSENT: COMbIISSIONERS: Campa ABSTAINt CAIWISSIONERe Chavoso IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto aet my haad tLis 16th day of July~ 1964. RESOLUTION N0. 1245 Li~~ /'~/i~v . SECRETARY ANAHEA! C1TY PLANNING COMMISSION C~G -2- ~ #"~' -.