PC 1964-1965-1254.~ 1 RESdL'JTION I30. 1254. SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTPY PLANNINa 00~!lQSSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PE'IITION FOR CONDI'TIONAL USE PERlITf 590 gg Qg/-~iTED WHEREAS. thc Citp Pl~main~ Commit~lon of the Ci~y oE An~haim did eac~lve ~ verifled Petitioa ior Condition~l VOQ t'Q[ml[ i20m JULIUJ 1~MlN11'1~ 1[LV 17U11.11 17hrUV1' uVViovaiu~ ~ilc~ioiw~ wi::~+.::.~.~ ~:~:.'~.: .~.~ certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; aad WHEREAS, the Clty Plu~nin` Commissioa did hold a pnblic 6eariag at the Citq Hall ia t6e City of Mehelm on July 8, 1964~ ~t 2:00 o'dock P.M., aotlce of add publlc he~rlaa h~via` beea duly Qivea u requited by laa ~nd ia accord~aca with the peovisions of the An~helm Munidpd ca!e, Ch~pter 18.64, to he~r ~ad coasider evideace for aad ~~i~ut sdd peoposed ooadiUon~l nae aad to iave~tlgate ~md make fiadiaa~ ~md cecommmdaUons ia ooanection theeewith: ~nd ~ WHEREAS, ~~id Commiuioa~ ~Rec due la~p~ction, lavestiptlon, a~d ~tu~r m~de by ibalf aad in its behdf. and afcer dne conddecatioa of ~11 evidanc~ ~ad npoet~ oHeeed at sdd heala~, do~s 8ad ~ad deteemias the followlnQ hcts: 1. That th~ propo~ed ~~ !s piopaly on~ foe wbleh a Conditlon~l.Uu P~emit is ~athorked bq tbi~ Code, to ait: expand an existing motel and waive the minimum required landscaping on subject property. 2. Th~t tb~ peopo~~d tue will no2 ~dvenelY ~tiK! !he ~dJolnia~ l~ud nse~ ~nd the ~cowth ~ad dwelopmaat of t6e area in ahich it i~ peoposed to b~ loc~ted. 3. '17iat th~ sise ~ad shape of the ~it~e peopoaed ~or the use is ~dequste to dlow the fnll developmeat of ths proposed use ia a manaer aot detdmental to the puticulu ,~ na to the peace, healt6, sefety, ~ad geneeol welfars of the Citizens of the City oE An~heim. 4. Th~t t6e graatine of the Conditlonel Use Peimit nader the coadiUoas imposed, if aey, aill not be detrimental to the } ae, hedth, safety, and generai welf~ee of the Cltlseas of We City of Anaheim. 5e That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. ~~;` ~:' - :, . . ~ • . ;r- ~-, ., • , ~'' ~_ •sT Alts;t ... . ~ ~ . . . . . s.,.~:A.t j:.., _-.. ._ :.. . .. _. ~ ° ;~:. . ~ ~ ` " Orange County ~ Title Comp,acny ~'~ ~ . ' MAIN filtt['P AT FIR111, S1--fTA ANA, QA41Fp~N1A ~ KIM~tR~Y 7.~~~t ~,, . ~ ~9~ . PRELIiviiivnRi itti'Vlil !'~?• JIJISUP .*'..".."1II...",.°. ' Our No. d61S97 . ~ 1220 N. BARBp~i luued ,for. Sole Use of ~M~ ~~ '" . Yau~ Na S,,".i'.... _ ~,. ~~ ~r .~ •, ~- '~ i ~ ~n connsetion with your aoplieefton fo~ e Pdiry of Tifls Inwrencs on fhe fitle io ths lend heroinefter described, this roport is iuued es an eea,mmodefion, and is meds without liebilily and wi}hout obligetion fo istue such Poliq Stetemenfi of cherges will bs nnd~rod whsn Poliry i~ iaued, or ninsiy deys from enfiy of epplicetion, if Pdiry ii not issued prior 1o thet tims. Datsd es of J~ 8• ~~ et 8.~0011.M. ' ~E T LE COMP/~NY B ~~ ~Ob° A• 8~, nne o~cee VESTEE: JULIUB NATHAN nM L*DITB NATHAN, huebaad and wife, as ~oiat tenante. SUBJDCT T0: l. Taxea, Bonds and Aaeasements not exsmined. Tax and Bond report to follaw. 2• The Reaervation of the use end control oY ciene~s aud natura7, streams of _ .~ESCRIPTI0~1 --- ,~ All. tY~at certai:- laad situated in tt~e Stste of CelifoMcia~ County of Orsr~~e, City of Anaheim~ described as Po]1owe: ~ Thet portion oP tk+~ Noz~eaet n!~r#~r oY the Northweet q~z~ter of Section 26~ Toxnship 4 South, Rea~e 10 West, Se:- Bernexdino Base & Meridian~ in the Rancho San Juaa Ca~oa de Santa Ana, described as iolloirs: Co~encing at t2ze intereection ot the center line of the 60 foot Celifornia Stste HighWay with the 3ou*.,hwesterly extensiaa of the Southeasterl,y•line of the lend conveyed to tbe Southern Californis Edison C~V bY deed recorded March 6~ 1912 in Book 207~ pa~e 51 of Deeds~ said point being South 40° 50~ 15" East 301.04 feet along eaid center line fraaa the North line of said Sectian 26, and running tt~ence North 48' S8~ Fhat along eaid Soutlareater],y extennion of said 3outheaster]y liae ead a]Ang said 3outhesaterly ].ine 50 feet to t~e moet Wester~y coxz~r af the tract of ].and conveyed to Southern Califox~i~ Edison Cempenyr by deed recorded July 26~ 1922 in Book 412~ pe~e 363 of Deeds; thence North 89° 54~ Eeat along the South line of the land conveyed to Southern California Edison CocQe~y by d~eed recorded July 26~ 1922 in Book 412~ pa~e 363 of Deeda~ a distance oY 13]..98 feet a point distant 1S0 feet measured at right pT.~s from the center ].ine of the 60 foot Cal3fornia Stete Bigtn~y; thence South 40~° 50~ 15" Eest pexallel srith eaid center line 79 Yeet to the true point of beginning of the bounda:ry of the land herein described; t~hence cantinuing South 40' 50+ 15" Eest parallel irl.th eaid center line 222.17 feet to the South line of the ]and conveyed to Leo A. Pyee.tt sad wife 'by deed recorded January 23, 19tT iri Book 285, pa~e 166 of Deeds; tbence~ North fi9° 57~ 45" West e,long said South line 198.38 Yeet to ssid ceuier :Sne of the o0 foot California State HiBhWaY~ tt~ence North 4G° 50~ I.5" West aloag seld center line 92.31 feet to the Southvester~y corner oP tUe ]ar-d conveyed to Louis Coldof~ ead o~tbera~ by deed recorded October 5~ 1948 in Book 1710~ pa~e 241 oP OfYicia]. Records; thence Harthejsaterly along t~e Sout~easter]y line of eaid ].and conveyed to.Co].dutt to the true po3at ot'beginning. ~9~, . . - - ~~ ****: y - ~ e4 ~ "{ i ; : ~ 4 ; •i _t .~ NOW, TtEEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Meheim City Plenning Commission does heceby grant subject Petition for Coaditionei Use Permit, upon the following cronditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequiaite to the proposed uae of the subf ect ~roperty in order to preaerve the safeEy end general welfaro of the Citlzena of the City of Aneheim: 1~ That th~ owner of sub,~ect property shali de~ed to tfie City of Anaheim a strip of land 50 feet in width, from the centerline of the ~treet, along Anal~etm Boulevard for street ~videning purposese 2. That the awner of subject property s#-~11 pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front foot alono Anaheim Boulevard, for &treet~2lahtinn purposes, 3o That tne awner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15¢ per front foot along Maheim Boulevard, for tree planting purposes. 4o That the sidewalks and driveways shall be installed along Anaheim Boulevard, as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer; or that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of said sidewalks and drivewayse 5~ That Condition Nose 1, 2, 3, and 4, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to the time that the Suilding Permit is issued or within a period of 180 days from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Commission or City Council may grante 6o That trash_storage areas shall be provided fn accordance witb approved plans on file in thQ office af the Director of Public Works prior to final building inspectian. 7, That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Noe 1, provided, how- ever, that the two••foot strip of landscaping adjacent to Anaheim Houlevard shall be composed of hedge material of a mxnimum height of 3-4 feete THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end epproved by me this 16t ly~ 1964. , , CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PL 1NG CONUNISSION ATTEST: ~ ~-/ '/`c~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Ann Krebs~ Secretery of the City Plenaing Commiss;on of thc City of AneheIm, do hereby certify t6et the foregoing resolution aas Qesaed end adopted at e meeting of ~s~ C-.y ; lenning Commisaion of the City of Aaahetm, held on July 8~ 1964~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the follo.:'ad vote of t4s r.«mhers then::: ;: AYES: COI~HISSIONERS: Allred, Chavos, Gauer, Mungall, Perry, Fi ::~:;~do NOES: COMIMISSIONERS: None~ AHSENT: C0119NI5SIONERS: Campa IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my haad this 16th day of July, 1964. RESOLUTION N0. 1254 C2-; /Z~S~~r~~~ iECRETARY ANAHEIIN CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -Z-