PC 1964-1965-1276! i- ~J RESOLUTION N0. 1276~ Series 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TY PLANNIN(} COM~IISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHED~I THAT PB'11TION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERI[1T 596 BE t3RANTED WHEREAS, the Ciq+ Pl~oain` Commis~iaa oi the Citq of k..~.wm did eecd~s a verlfled Petition for Conditional Use Paemitfrom SOUiHEAST MIORTGAGE COMPANY, 1801 West iCatella Avenue, Aneheim, California, Oxmer of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Qrange~ State of California, described as Lots Nos. 2, 3, and 4 of Tract No. 5302 ; aad WHEREAS. thc City Plaaain` Commission did hold ~ pnbllc heuina at ffie City Hall ia the Gtq of Mdeeim on Monday, July 20~ 1%4, ~t 2:00 o'clock P.M., aotlce cf sdd public he~riag havin~ bem dulq given as requized by l~w ~nd in accoedatce witlr the proM~ions of fhe Mohaim Mnaidpd code, C6~pter 18.64, to hear ~ad con~ida evidence for ~ed a~inst said peopo~ed aoodition~l we aad to inve~tleate and m~1ce findlc`s ~md recommendotlons ia connectioe Werewith: ~-d . WfiERFAS, s~id Commiuion~ aRer dne la~pecHon~ investlption, ~nd stndq mads bq ibelf ~ed in iu beh~lf, ~md afta dne oa-sideration of ~11 evldaaa ~ad :epoR~ offersd at said healnQ, does fiad aad detsemine the tollowln~ f+c4s: 1• ?hat the proposed use is propezly one for which a Conditional llse Perm~t iss authorized by th~a C.od~ to witt cor~ert art existing 216-unit apartment project into a 21 motel an~ a 216~ hotel uni~ ccmplex on subject ~roperty. 2. That the proposed cond tional use permit is considered in con~unction with General Plan Amendment No. 28. 3. That the prop~sed m~e wlll aot ~dveitaty ~tf~t the ~djoinia~ l~nd we~ ~nd the 4rowth ~nd dtvelapment of the area ie ahich !t ~a peoposed to b~ loatsd. 4. Zbat th~ sise and shap~ of tlee ~ite ptoposed for the ate is ~dequete to allow the fnll developmsnt oE tha proposed nse Lt ~ mamer aot detrimantal to the p~eticolae area noc to t6e peace, health, sdety, and ~eneral welfare of the CiNsens of the Citq of M~heim. 5: T6at the gramtiag of tl-e Coaditioaal Use Pecmit nnda the coaditioas imposed, if aaq, will cot be detdmental to the peace, he~lth, s~fety. and geaerat aelhre of tha Citlseas of U-e Citq oE M~heim, 6. That ths'petitioner stipulated to providing daily maid s~ervice, and to a maxim~ui renLal cantract period of savan days iaith ao 11m3tation aa the number of consecvtive zental contracts. 7. ?hat the ~etitioner stipulated to initiating reclassification of subject property from the R-3, lAultiple.Family Besidential, and C-1, Neighborhood Comnercial, Zones to the R-A, Residsatial.Ag.r.icultural, Zon~ for coru.istancy of zoning in the Commercial Recreation Area. S. That under.the.suthority of Codee Section 18.64.070, waiver of the required parking spaces is hereby granted to permit the davelopmont of subject property with 12 parking spaces below the requirement. 9. ihat because of the relaticnship of sub~act property to the Co~ercial Recreation Arsa, and its clase groximity to the proposed convention cer~ter site, the requested usa of sub~ect proparty.is.riaemed compatible, but it shall not be constsved as setting a precedent for the conYaraion of .existing multiple fam3ly dave.lo~ment as motels, and that each subsec~ent request for .the.conversicn of.multipla family-.develnpmects to mote]s must be judged on their individual ~rjts.aad.ralat.i.onship to co~rcial-aTter3al streets within the Co~ercial &ecreation Area. 10. That a.bond.has baea pos.tad ta 3nsurs tha inatallation of all street improvements, street treea and Iighta under Tentative kap ,p~•~'ract N0. 5302. 11. That two persons appeared in opposition to subject petition. c~c . . .y NOW, THFREFORE, BE 1T R~SOLVED t6~~ the Maheim City Planniag Commiuion does hecebq ~nnt subject PeHtion 6or Conditlon~l Use Peemit, npoa tl-e Eollowiag condldone which ~re 6ereby Eonad to be ~ aecesaary prerequisite tc the proposed we oE the snbjeet propeety in orda to preaerve the safety ~nd genenil weifare of the Citisens oE the City oE Aa~heim: 1. That s~~ect property shall be de~•elopea substantially in accordanca with plans and sp~cifications on fil~ r-ith the City of Maheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 8 provided, haiAwr, that all propos~d t-ot~l and motel units shall be equipp~d xith adequate sanitarY Faciliti~: and mad~ to conform to all provisions of tha Uniform Building Codo. 2. That subj~ct prop~rty shall be reclassified from the R-3, Multiple Family Rssidnetial, Zon~ to th~ R-A, R~sid~ntial Agricultural~ Zone, and that ths abutting G1, Neighborhood Co~rcial, Zon~ fronting on Harbc+r Boulevard sha11 be roclassified to the R-A, Residantial Agricultural, Zon~. 3. That all air conditloning facilities shall be containsd within the building or properly shield~d froa vi~w. 4. That Condition Nos. I, 2, end 3, above mentloned, shall be complied vrith prior to final Duilding inapection. Tf{E FORECOING RESOLUTION 1~ ai~ned .a,d eppmved by me this 3C ay of July, 1964. . CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM C LANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~ :7~/!Z/ SECRETARY ANAHEDf CITY PLANNING rOM11~LSS10N STATE OF CAI.IFOFiNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CCfY OF ANAHEIAI ) I~ Mn Krobs~ Secretrrp of the Citp Pl~aning C.~mmisdon oE the City oE Anaheim, 4o hereby ceetiEy th~t the EorerolnQ rcwlnUon wv pused and adopted at a meetiag of the City Planning Commission of the City oE Ane6eim, k~eld on July 20~ 1964~ ~t 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the f~llowing vote of the members thereoE: AYES: C010QSSIONERS: Camp9 Chavoey Gauer, ihmgall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: C011~[ISSIONERS: None~ ABSENT: COIOdiSS10NER5: Allrtd. IN R7TNESS WHEREOF, i haveheeeunlo set my hand t~ds 30th day of July' 1964, ~~~(/f i~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1276 C2-G -~ ,d~_ ,.>:..~.-_: . _ __. -> ~ -~