PC 1964-1965-1278', ) ,~ ~~ l~ RESOLUTION NO. 1278, Series 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITy pLANDIING CpMAQSSION OF ~'HE CITY OF ANAHEII( THAT P8TlTlON FOR CONDTfIONAL USE PERAIIT 5y~ BE (3RANTED NFIEREAS. W! Gty Plm~ln~ Commission oi t6~ Citq of Aa~6Nm did eeceive a verI6ed PeUtiar for (bnditlond Use Peemitfrom MpRION SCFff.UND LIND6AY, 515 Allview Terrace, Laguna B~BCh, Califarpia, Owner; CLYDE B. SCHLUND, 1@221 Peralta Hills Drive, Anaheim, California, Aget~t of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim~ County of Orange, State of California~ described ab the South half of the northwest quarter of the northr~est quarter of the northwest quarter of section 22, Township 4 South, Range 10 West~ in tfie RgnCho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as per map recorded in book 51 page 10 of Miscellaneous Mlaps, in the office of the county recorder of said county ; and WHEREAS, the dty Plannin` Cammission did hold ~ pnbHc 6earina at t6e City Hall In t6e Gty of M~helm ai 1londay~ July 20, 1964~ ~ Z;pp o~~~ p.~.~ oo~~ of sdd public 6eariag havln` beea duly aiven as required by, law and !n acoocdaace with the provisions of the Ana6eim Mnnicipal code, C6~pter 18.64. to hea~ and con~ider evideace for ~nd a~ain~t said proposed oonditiond we and to inveatieate aad make $ndla~~ and recommeadations la coanectiou Werewith: ~nd WHEREAS, said Commission, aRer dae laspecUoa, invest3gatlon. and stydy m~de by ibelf ~nd in ib be6alf, wd atter dae ooaaideratioa oE all evidsace and repoets offeeed at snid headaQ, doa $nd ~ad determiae the followln~ hcts: 1.Tnat the proposed use is properly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized bY ~~is Code to witsEstablish a picture pro,~ection theater with related shops displays and inc ential ~ood services servinq customers and guests, and with the -raiver o~' the 3~-foot. h8 1#p~i~a~~on~t~~ger~~t the QQnet uc ion of sa d s ri~+uT t ma i heiqht o 47-f~e and deys _~m ~e ~ ~ ~ ~° ioa en eo r esarea~ wFii ~i°~ta~seTiol~s~f o~~~c~a~e~n~ng ~an~~'usas and ~he gr~l a a7u proposed we not ~~venel e le t nses ~md the ~rowth ~md dwalopmant oE the ~re~ ia which it i~ proposed to bs located. 3. That the size ~nd sh~pe of t6e site ptaposed for the nse is edeQuate Eo allow the fnll deoelopmaet of ths proposed nae ia a manner not detdmentel to the paeticalar are~ nor to the peace, health, safety, and Qeneial welfare of the Citiseas of the City of Mahelm. 4. T6at the gnnting of the Conditioaal Uee Permit mda tLe eondidms imposed, if aoY~ will not bs detrimental to the ace, health, safetq~ and general welfare of the Citizena of the Ctty of Anabeim, `~~. That ~nder the authority af Code= Section 18.64.070 waiver of the haight limitation of 35-faet t~ permit the development of subject property, !f a maximum height of 47-feet, is hereay granted. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to subfect petition. C1-Q ~~ -• -. _ . ._ __ ~ .,...,, -- -- _ _ __ ------ _ ------- -- ~ - ~'° -.m..~~-~ Q«~:~ • - -- ~ -~ . . ~ - , . ' 6 ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thai the Moheim City Planniag Commiasion does hereby grent subject Petition for CoadiHonnl Use Permit, upon the Eollowiag coaditiona ahich are hereby found to be a neceasary prcrequiaite to the proposed use of the subject property la crder to preaerve the aafety and geaeral welface of the Citisens of the City of Anehelm: 45 feet inawidth,af om the cen~erline~ofrthesstreeteealongtlhKestiStreet,Mforistreet widening d purposes. 2e That tha owners of subject property shall ~~r to the City of Maheim the sian of $2.00 per front foot alona Mest Strest fur street lightin purposes. 3. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the stmi of 15~ per front foot along Mest Streot, for tree plantin purposes. 4. at C dit3on iVo 1 2 and 3 above men i n d hall be c lied with rio to the time th~~uild~ng ~t ~s i$su~d or w~th~n a per~o~ ~Bb ~ay$ from ~da~e hereof, whic~iever ~ occurs irst, or such urther time as the otmaission or City council may grant. 14 City Engineertandsineaccordance wfthwstandardlplans~andlspecif icatxons on fileainrtheioffice ofe~~ the City Engineer. 6. Tha{ ~rash storage azeas st~11 he ~rovided in accordance with approved plans on file with the off ice of the Director of blic orks. 7. That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department. 8, That Condition Nos. 5, 6v and 7, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final ~ building inspection. 9. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance.Nith plans and specifications on file w3th the City of Anaheim, marked.Exhib3t Nos. 1 through 5. ` 10, That the height of construction of sub~ect property shall be limited to 47 feet above natural grade level. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is eigoed and epproved by me this 30t of July~ 1964. CHA[RMAN ANAHEIM CITY PL G COMMISSION ATTEST: SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ; i STATE Or CALIFOI2NIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) aa. ~ CITY ~F ANAHEIM ) ~ I~ Ann Krabs~ Secretery of the Cit~~ Plen:,iag Comaissioa of the C:ip of Aa^.w.f=a, da hareby cerUfy that the = foregoing eeaolutioa wes paased and adopted at a meeting of the City Pleaning Commisalon of the Cfty of Anals~im, ~ held oa July 20, 1964, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the Eollowiag vote of the membeny Wereof: . AYES: COMMISSI~NERS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Mlungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COA~tIS5I0NERS: None. AHSENT: COI~IQSSIONERS: Allred. IN W1INESS WHEREOF, I 6ave6ereunto set my 6end tLie 30th day of Julya 1%4. RESOLUTION N0. 1276 SECRETARY ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COhlMISSION C2-G .y