PC 1964-1965-1284! . r ~ ~ V RESOLUTION N0. 1284. SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF TI~ CITY PLANNING COWiIISSION OF T1~ CITY OF ANAt~IM RECOMI~NDING TO TI~ CITY COUNCIL OF Tt~ CITY OF ANAE~IM TI~ ADOPTION OF AREA DEVELOPI~NT PLAN N0. 10 ~ MII~REAS, the City Planning Commission did recetve verified Petitions for Reclassi- fication Nose 63-64-124 and 63-64-125~ requesting General Commercial Zoning for the ~ establishm~nt of a service station and to permit the expansion of an existing barber and ~ beauty shop, and ! ~ tlYt~REAS~ the City Planning Commission did initiate proceedings for Area Developeent ~ Plan No. 5~ to be considered in con,~unction rith aaid PeLitions for Reclassification~ and 4 ,. WF~BBAS, ths City Planning Commission did hold public hearings at the City Hall in the City ot Anaheim on July B and Auquat 3, 1964, at 2i00 o'clock P.N., notice of said hearingt having been given as required by lew~ to hear and consider evidence for an: egalnst said proposed Petitions for Reclassification Nos. 63-b4-12~ and b3-64-125~ to- geitser Mith Reclassification proceadings ini!iated by the Planning Commiasion for the remainder of ths properties fronting.on tha wost side of Lemon Street Latween Anaheim Boulavard and Romneya Drive on August 3, 1964, and Area Development Plan No. 10, and to inwstigat~ and make findings and recvmc:endations in connection therewiths and WHERElS, said Commission aiter due inspection, investigation, and study made by itsalf ar~d•in its beAalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at aaid heuings, does find and determine the following facts~ le That the Area Development Plan area is bounded by Romneya Drive on the north, ~aheim Boulevard on the south, consisting of the properties on the west side of Lamon Streete 2. Ihat thase properties are in an area rhich has been designat~d "Professional -0ffice" on the General Plan, and nothiny s•~bstantial has transpired which wou3d indicate a need for a change in this designation. 3e That the majority of the parcels could not be developed eingly for commercial office use because their size is bslor the 20,000 square foot minimum required by the C-0, Co~ercial Office, Zone, which further requires that an area development plan must be prepar~d prior to the development of substandard size parcels under said zoning. 4. That the north-south alley, pretently ssr~•ing the properties, is not dedicated , and is oxned by the State of California for delinquent taxea, and consequently, access, saintenanc~~ and service could become a problem in the future. 5. That the City has been requested to abandon the east-west alley Nhich runs pa:allel to Anaheio Boulevard betr+een Leoon and Parry Streats, said alley also serving these proparties, and further, if said alley were to be abandoned, the subject properties only access ao~~ld be from Lemon Street. 6. rhat ~hen Lemon Street is ultisately Midened to its full arterial highrray ridth of 90 feet, eany of the existing buildings on the properties will encroach in tho ner higMay right-of-way necessitating the alteration or removal of these ~ structurea~ conaequently~ the existing atr~ctures are not considered permanent nor the development ultimate. 7. That rhen the properties are developed for Commercial-Professional use, they Mill require the aervices of an alley Lo provide access to parking on the rear of the lots and secondary circulation to the property. The parcels, in some cases~ are aot ~ride enough to provide a driveMay from Lemon Street to the rear of the parcel. 8. That the Park and Recreation and Engineering Departments have been studying properties rnmed by the City directly xest of subject propertiea for use as a paved parking area for the Wmicipal Court, and a turfed recreation and overflow parking area. Hoth depart~ents have included the north-south alley property rithin the boundaries of their study area and have utilized the alley for service ! : ~e parking area. 9. That the St:_e Ml11 offer the delinQuent tax p~perty knrnm as the north-soutb alley in the near future since it ~ras acquired in 1960 and is held for five years, and that at the tivs the property is offered for sale, the Citp in rhich said properties are located have first right of acquisition after the original oxner. ~~ - - -- _ _ ~_ . ~ ~ '~ l ,~ ~~ l0a That the two small parcels of property directly north of the north-south alley property are ormed by the City of Maheim and lie in the path of the logical northerly extension of subject alley to Romneya Drive. lla That the City ?raffic Engireer has reviewed the alley situation and has made the follawing observations~ a. The north-south alley~ if extended to Romneya Drive, could adequately serve as a secondary access for the parcels of property fronting on Lemo : Strest< be That the portion of the east-west alley between Lemon Street and the north-south alley will cause serious congestion and conflict if retained, this access point being in close proxivity to the intersection of Lemon Street and Anaheim Boulevard~ and could possibly serve as a by-pass for the Lemon Street-Anaheim Boulevard intersection. 12. That the westeriy portion of the east-Nest alley~ between the north-south alley and Parry Avenue is necessary as an integral part of the secondary circulation systen serving both the Lemon Street .:nd Anaheim Boulevard frontage propertfes~ ar wall as the proposed court's parkiny lot-recreation area. NOW,.TEIHREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim does hereby recommend that Area Development Plan No. 10 be approved based on the foregofng facts, and further recommendss lo lrtat given the proximity of the properties in question to the propused municipal parking facilityz that a parking district be established providing for an "in lieu payment" for use of the public parking facility, thus making use of the possible maximum building coverage of the properties covered by thi; area development, and to encourage maximum utilization of the municipal parking areae 2. That the City of Anaheim acquire the parcel of property described as the north- south alley and improve and extend said alley northerly to Romneya Urive, Said im~+rovement w.ill pz~vide secondary access to the couzt's parking area and the Lemon Street-Anaheim Boulevard frontage propertieso 3: That the westerly section of the east-west alley, from the north-south alley to Parry Street be retained as a necessery element of the secondary circulation system serving the court's parking area and frontage properties on Lemo~ Street and Maheim Boulevarda 4e That:the easterly section of the east-west alley, froro the north-south alley to Lemon Street be abandonedo Tt1E FUREi~OING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by his 13 day of Augustr 1964. ~ ~ ATTEST CHAIE~+IAti ANAElEIM CITY P ING COMMISSION SECRETARY ANAI~IM CITY PLANNING COMMI5SION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUliiY OF OE~ANGE ) s s o CITY OF ANAf~IM I~ Mn Krebs~ Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anahei~~ do• hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Cit}~ Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on August 3, 1964~ at 2~00 o'clock P.M., by.the folloriny vote of the members thereofs AYESs COMWISSIONERS~ Allred, Chav;,s~ Gauer, Mungall~ Perry, Rowlande NOES: COlaIISSIONERSe None. ABSENTc COI~IISSIONERSe Campo IN WITNESS YYF~REOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of Augustr 1964. C;~l~~~~a !~,G~/, SECRETARY ANAI~IM CITY PLANNING COI~YilISSION RFSOLUTION NG. 12&t ---- ----- ---- - ~.~,~,~~:~~ . - ...:. , ' ~ - ;