PC 1964-1965-1286. _, . .. _.. ...... ..,. r;,.~_._.~,~.~, ....~.._._,~ ~` ~"'"~ .__ ~ + ~ .' RESOLUTION N0. 1286~ SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COAeMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANA}?EIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 1 54 BE ~~~D 14HEREAS,~ the City Planaing Commiasion of t6e City of Maheim did initiate a~ verified Petition for Variance on certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oranae, Staie oi California, described as the North 40 feet of the South 160 feet of the East 135e32 feet of Lot "A" of Tract Noe 97, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 11, page 39, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, EXCEPTING TE~REFROM the Easterly 5 feet thereof as condemned for widening Lemon Street Property owned bye Joe A. Cano, 937 North Claudina Street, Anaheim, California, ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenelag Commission did hold a pubHc headng at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on August 3' 1964~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of sdd public heariPg having bcen duly glven as requieed laav end L- aooadm-ce wlth the provisioea of the Aaeheim Muaicipal Code, Chaptec 18.68, to hear end rnasider evidence fo end agaiust aeid propoaed verleace aad to iaveatigate and meke Mdiags and recommendaUons in coaaection therowith; end WHEREAS, said Commiasioa, after due inspection, inveaUgetion, and study made by itself end ia !ts behelf, end afta due ceaeideratioa of ell evideace aod eepode offeeed es seid hearing, doea fiad aad detecmine we following fects: 1. Thatthe Planning Commission r.equest a variance from tha Anaheim Municipal Godei Section 18038,030(~1 and 2) to permit an existing barber shop and beauty shop as office related uses within an independent structureo 2. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicabie to the property involed or to the intended use of the property that do not aoply generally to the property or classof use in the same vicinity and zonee 3„ That the requested variance is necessary for the preservation and en,~oyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. 4, That the requested variance will not be materially detrimen~al to the public welfare or in,~urious to the property or improvements in such vicini~iy and zone in which the property is locatede 5o That no one appeared in opposition to sub~ect petition. Vl-G _1_ ~ 1 } ~ ~ ~ ~ .r r ~. ~ , I NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED tlWt the An~6eio Gqr Pl~onln` Commlaaion does heeeby ~nnt snbJect Petition foe Vad~ace, npa- th~ foUowie` oooditlau nhieh ~e~ has~bp iomd bo bs ~ a~cessaeY Pr~eeqaisite to the pro- poied we ot t6~ snb)~ct peopeety in order to pce~~ew tL~ ~+fetp ~ad ~ea~l welfaee of the Citlsens of tLe City of Ana6Nm. 1. ihat tRSs Varianc~. is granted subject to the cpsplation nf Rtclassification No. 63-64-124 2. That the bub~r and beauty shop operations shall be limitad to a poriod of two years provided, however, that they shall be sub~ect to review and further sxtension of tims at tho •xpiration of said tvro yaar period. 'fHE FOREtiOIItG RFSOT.UTION is alpud ~ad ~ppemr~d br m~ tWs 1 ay of August, 1464. • „~. ~ ~ •; j CHAIIi~IAN ANAHEDI CffY P II~iG COIOfISSION ? A'REST: ~ S ti ~~i~~~1rZ~ # SECRETARY ANAHE01 CITY PLANNTNG Cf1101LSSI0N ? ~ . ; S'1'ATE 0~' CAWFORNU ) ~ CBUf~"f]i CF ORANGE ) r.z• QfY OF ANAHEDI ) ~ i I~./lqn KT'~bs ~. S~a~duy of the City Pl~nain~ Commis~lon ot t6~ City ot An~hdm, do hereby eedify that the tors- •;,; ~[ e~wlatkn wu pw~d and ~dopt~d ~t ~ m~atin~ ot t6e City Pl~nnia~ Commbetoa of the City of An~heim, held oa August 3~ 1964~ ~t 2;00 o'clock P.M., by the tollowln~ vote oE the membe.~s thereof: AYES: COIOOSSIONERS: Allred~ Chavos, Gauar, Wzngall, Perry~ Rowland. IiOFS: C010[LSSI~NERS: Nat~t• ' ABSEN'!': COIOILSSIONERS: ~~' 4I II1Ti~iESS WHEREOF, I hnre hereunto sat my 6~nd this 13th day of August, 1964. ~/N -__~r~~__ " ~/ SECRE'fARY ANAHE~I C1TY PLANNIIiG COIOlLSS10N RESOLU170[Q NO. 1286 ~ -z ~ i ~ ~ ~ . ~... - ---_- -'- --._ _._..-. _ . . ..+~av_s~s-aat:ys~ :ya..~: