PC 1964-1965-1289~/ / "v ~ R ~ ~ ~~ +~ RESOLUTION N0. 1289. SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE C11Y PLANNIN(i CODMSSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEAt THAT PETtTION FOR CONDTTIONAL USE PERYIT 577 SE GRANTED WHERFI~S, the City Plmda~ Commis~ioa oi th~ d~r of M~dm did rec~~re ~ vertfied Patitioa for Conditloaal Use Pacmitfmm CURTIS W. REEDY, c/o Jamea E. Walker, 206 west Fourth Street, Santa Ana, California, CRENSHAW CARPET CENTHR, INCORPORATED and MARVIN B. KAPELUS, 6447 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Nills. California, Owners~ .7ACK KNIGHTON er DALE JANNINGS, 2199 Temple Avenue, Signal Hill, California, Agents of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim~ County of Orange~ State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ~ . ~ ; ~ad WHEREAS, th~ Gty Pl~eaia` Ccmmiwlon did hold ~ p~~lIc he~rine at the Citq H~II in the Citq of Aa~6elm an August 3. 1964, d 2:00 o'clock P.~[., aotice of s~id public he+dng h~vln~ bea: duly aivea ~s iequieed by law ~nd in ~ccoed~ace witlh the provl~loas of tlae Aa~heim Mnaidp~l code, Ch~ptec 18.64, to hear and considee evidence for and c~iost ~dd peopo~~l oondltim~l we ~ad to inve~tipte ~md make dndln~s ~md rxommeadatioas in cooaeetioa thereaithp ~nd WHEt2EAS, sdd Commiwioa, a[t~e dn~ in~pection~ lnvsstl~tloa, ~nd ~tndy m~de by itsdf imd in ih beh~lE, ~ad atter due considentloa of W widecn ~ed apoeb o~ec~d ~t ~dd he~dn~, does Sud ~ad dete:mine the EoUowlne fa¢ts: i i. '1'hat t6~ peopoud a~~ i~ propaly an~ tot w6ieh a Ooodltlond .Ow Pamit !~ ~uthorlsed bq thl~ Code, to ~ wit: establieh a restaurent consisting of 21 cormoon eating concessions with a co~ton dining h ~ area and a cocktail lounge on subject property with a maximum height limitation of 71 feeta ~ i 2. Th~t !h~ peopaed nse wlll twt ~dvanelr ~H~ck tb~ ~djolnia` l~md nse~ ~nd ths `eowth ~md dav~lopment of ~ the acea ia which !t ffs proposed to M loated. 3. Tfi~t th~ sise aad sh~p~ of tbe site propo~ed for t6e nse is ~deqnate to allow the full developmant of the ;~ ~ proposed nne in a mamer n~t detrimentai to the partlculac acea aoi to the peace, health, sa[ety, aad ~enenl welfae of tlie CiBsen~ of the City of Aaahelm. 4. T6~t the ~r~mtia~ of the Conditloaal Use Peemit neder t6e oonditlons imposed, if anq, will not be dehimentel to the pe~ce, hedth, safety, ~ad generd welhre of the Gtlsens of the City oE Meheim. 5e That under the authority of Section 18.64.070 waiver of the height limitation of ~ 35 feet to permit the construction of 71 foot roof structures in hereby grantedo ~ , 6. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. ~ ~ i . n _ _---__._ ___. .~~. ~ ~ --- - - .~-.:.,.~~~ ..__.._ ...~,r,.....~M,~,..._,-~.,._..~__.._......_..__._. ~..._..~.~..---------_---___...___..... _..._ ..~ r ".. . t' ~ ~ UNITED ~ITLE GUARANTY C~OMPANY i f0/ N'eit ~b sh+es~ • P. O. Ba,r ~6 • Se~~t A~t • Ctit/arnl~ TelepL~o~e: Utst Core 71~) 517-7681 ~ a~llated with aad lssuing poltda of ~ ,~~~~,rt ~*~ arTSVP:~,rzT~ ~~~~~~ ~ Ywr N~....~.~. 421-~ pRELIMiNARY REPORT O~r Oni!~ ~.. i ~8~..~.___._ I • • Vntted Title Gu~t~anty Ca~tqt P. 0. Bao~ 4~L6 Sar~a Ar~a, Caliro~~ls jT' « d~, ~] A~t.~= R. S. Brousaat~d Th6 ~epott k inued Prelimi~el to *eoo~d~da4 6dl dod~y~, ~nd ha~nce b~ Waarn 7itk Imunace Canpm' aE P~k1 ~ dtk imnnoa In a~meeMan wlth t64 ada. WbiUt~ 6 ak~f 1h~t acpreued ie aK6 polky. No ~epae.a lfa6ilih 6.wmed by thh teport aoccpt tMt If no poli~ b irucd nnda ~hh oeder the unonnt pid kx thb repat ~hall be the maimum 1Lbiliq of the ~q. UNITEO TITLE OUARANTY COMIANr 4 ~ n.aa...~ 7:ao ~.~t. w I~ay 12~ 196~~ AObel~t N17G0~ v~..: CttSNS~iAN CARP~T CBNrSR, Zl~., a aar~po~atian, ar~d ,ti~~~~;s~~,8~ I~f-RVIN 8. XAPBLUS, a ma~t~ris~ msn, ~toh as t~ an ts~diviMd ~, ons-balt ir-ter~at. ,~ MpY i964 ° RE ~V~, ~ ~~.1-N Pr1RCEi. 1 i Ttw xsat 292 Peet o!' that poz~lon o! t~ta so~utheast quart~r ~ of 3ection 22, in Toxnship 4 South, Range 10 Weat~ irt tlye Ranoho Ss~n J1~aa CaJon de San~ Aria, covntq a! Qrange, state oP Calilor~nia-, as sh~ on a me-p therao! reaca~ded in book 51, pege 10, ltl.soel3an~ons I~ps, reco~ds o! ssid arar~ Countyr, desoribed aa lolloxas Commenoing at tb~ aoutl~-est aa~r~er oP said aoutheaat querterj tl~snos nor~h 675.00 leet along the xeat lins o! said southesat qvarterf t.henos east 833.51 lest parailei ~rith the soutih iine o! aaid aouthesat ~uarter to ~he ~rvie poiat oP begitnsin6= tbanae ; eouth 0° 16~ 30 eaat 675.11 lset to a point~ said point being alao tbe soutbesstsrly corrier o! tbs ].ar~d descMbed la deed to Alwyrt 3. JeMell and Luaill~ G. Jexell, reoorded Ootober 5, 1959, . ia book 4912, pa~e 1C2 O!llaisl Reao~da= theaoe ssst alar~g the i aouth iirie o! ss3~d sou~beaati qusrter, t86.49 l~et to ~hs soutrisaat ' aa~ner o! Lu~d comroysd to-Da~id F. Rea~ by BfeQ reaa~d~d ~ D~cemb~r }, 1958, 1=i boolc 1521, pa~ b~3, 01Yta1al R~oo~d~ f ttis:~oe ~ COND. USE PERMIT N0. S.7 7 _ r.ic~~ . , ~ _ . . - . : . . - . . 1 ~.;a..__ '~..m"""~~ _ ~ _ . . - ~ ~ . . _. r~ ~ ~ ' ~ •~ ~ . f; . .~. .._ .... __ ..._._. ._..__.. . .__....... .. .._..... ...... .. . . ~ r9~~ ,J ~ ~ 1.~~ 9281-N Page Q no~h along th~ ~sst li~s of said 1ar~d aonveysd to Rea, 675.00 le~t to Lhe norti2raat oorrssr thereoff thsnae «est alang til~ aarlh iin~ oP said land o! Rea to tYu true pointi o! beginningf ~XCBPT T1~REFROM the aest iS0 le~L of the aouth 360 Peetj AISO EXCEPT TF~REFROM the aouth 60 leet iraluded Kithin I9e-tella Avenu~, 120 feet xide. PARCEL 2: An ~seement aver the eaet 60 lesti of the uast 322 fe~t o!t ThaL portion oP tt,e aoutheaet quarter oP Seation 22, in Townahip 4 South, Range 10 Ka~.±t, in the Rancho San JL~ Cs~on de Santa Ans, aoLmty of Orsngs, state oP Caiiforr~ia, as shoxn oa s msp thereoP recorded in book 51, ps~e 30, Miacellaneova Nlsps, reaords oP ~aid Orsnge County, doscribed as Polioxa: Coum~encir~g at the southxest corrrer of asid aoutheast quarters thence r-orCh G75.00 feet alcrig the rreab lin~ o! eaid soutiheast quarterj thence eaat 833.51 Peet parallel xith the aouth Sine o! asid southeast ~,t~rLer to the trtae poirib oP beginningf thence aou~h d' 16' 30 eaat 675.11 leet to a point, said point being alao the southeasterly corner of the laad deacribed in deed to Alwyn S. Jexell and Luaiile a. Jexell, recorded October 5, 1959, in boak 4912, ps~e 102, oPfiaial Recordsf thence easti slong the south line of said aoutiheast qunrter, 486.49 feet to the aouth- east aorner oP lar~d aomreyed to Donald F. Rea, by deed reco~d~d December 1, 1958, in book 45P1, page 543, OPliolal Rsaords~ thena~ naa~th along th~ eaaL liri~ of aaid land aonveyed to Rea, 675.00 Peet to the northeaati cornor th~reoPj tbsnae weati alc~g th~ aorth lin~ ot said iand oP R~s to Lhe trw point oP beginning= E7ICEPT TF~REFRON Lha south 60 t~t included ~rithiYf l0at~lla Av~nue, i2o raet xsaes ALSO EXCEPT T~RBFAOAt t.hat pot~Cion included within Paro~l 1 her~ir~bow d~scribed. ~ r,~ 1IDJ~ECT TOi - _ 1. Taxes for tt~ lSacal year 186~-65, a lion, no~ y~t payabl~. 2. Taxes for tlu fiacai y~ear 1963-64, Pirst irutailment ;601.76, ~ including penaltyj aeaoM inalsilrosnt =60L.78, inciudirig p~r~ity and ooatsf Asseasm~nt No. 82-270-38, cowriag ths land l~rtin doaorib~d a~,d ot.tur 1Aeid. ,~..~.......... _.:._ _.:,~:xr... . ..::._, 't.. _: _ _ ,.., .._ _. ....~..,,__. _ ~ . _~~._. ___-__ _____ __ .. .~: ~.~ ,.... . ., ., • UNI'rED TITLE GUARANTY ~OMPANY SOI Ilest 8fb Shest • P. 0. Box 446 • Soeta Aiw • Cal!/ornla Telepboas: (Area Code 7151 547-768/ a~liated with and issuing policIes of WESTERN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Yoar Ne.._._........422-RS ._,_,,,,_„ PREI.IMINARY REPORT . a. o~ n... 8282-N , . , . United Title Gaaraaty Company P. 0. Box 446 Santa Ana, Californis ` Attnt R. S. Brouasard ThB repott & iaved Drdiminu~ ro rcaotdation, 6~u1 elodnp, ~nd baunn bq Watan 7i~e Irnunnce Campony of policy oE dtk inauance ia oonnedbn wieh ~6k ada. W6illt~ b~olely dwt o~prcsted in sucM polky. No upnte liability u ossum•.: b~r thiF repat acupt tlut iE no poli~ $ iwued undet fhk acdet the ~mount pid fac thb repoK shdl be the muimum 146ilitr of t6e oomp~n~. UNITED TITLE GUARAHTY COMPANY . ti ~ waa ...t i:ao ~... !~y 12~ 1984 Rob~t~ Nison v~a..: . CORTI3 M. t~D~F, a marrisd man, u I~4a sal~ awfi ~i~er~a~rr D~D~~i-• 7fie I~nd reFereed to in thi~ repoR is deraibed ar PARCEL ls That portion o! the aoutit-east quarter o!' Section 22, Toxnahip 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San Jv-an Ca~on de Santa Ana, in the county of Orange, etate o! Califorrila, ae shoxn on a map thereof recorded la book 51, page 10, Miscellaneous Mape, reoorda o! Orange Coua~ty, California, dascribed as toiloxss Comaencing at the southxeat cornar of ee~id southeaat quarterj thence north 675.00 feet alang tha xeat lihe ot said aoutheast aa~iQ aoutheaste~uarter3to thsetrue~point olibeginningf~thence o! south 0' 16~ 30 eaati 675.11 Peet to a point, taid pola~ bsir~g also th~ southeaatar3y cor-Mr of th~ land desnribed in deed to Alxyn 3. Jerreli and Iuaiii~ G. Js~r~ii, r~aordsd Oatob~r 5, 1958, ir- book ~812, pag~ 10i, Ottiaisl Mcords~ t~no~ east along th~ c~c~ ~7 ~ r•u.~ ' . t ~ .__._.._~~-. ....,,._ . :...:.. ...... .._, ...,... _ • ' ~ .. ,... , . ~ _... __.. . ....... _ ._._._. fl~ ~~ 8282-N Page P aauth lia~ of said ~outheast quarEer 486.49 Peet to the southeast ~ corner of land conveyed to Donald F. Rea by deed recorlied Decembar 1, 1958, in book 4521, page 543, OfPicial Recordsf thence north along the east line of seid land conveyed to Rea, 675.00 feet to the northeaat corner thereoP= thence xest along the north iins o! said land cf Rea to Lhe true point ot beginning. ~7(CEPT TI~REFRO~i ths south 60 leet included rrithin Katella Avenue, 120 feet wide) AISO EXCEPT TH~SREFROM the xest 292 feet. PARCEL 2: An easement over the east 60 Peet of the wast 322 Peet o! that portion o! the aoutheast quarter oP Section 22, Townehip 4 South, Range 10 Weat, in the Rancho 3an Juan Ca~on de Sa~nta Ana, in the county oP Orange, atate of Califosnia, as shown on a map theraoP recorded in book 51, page 10, o! Miacellaneoue Maps, records of Orange County, Calit'ornia, deacribed as Poiloxes Commencing at the eouthrreet corner oP aaid aoutheaat quarter; thence north 675.00 feet along the rest line oP aaid aoutheaet quarter; thenca eaet 833.51 feet parailei xith the south line ot aaid aoutheas quarter to the trua point of beginningj thence eouth 0' 16~ 30" esat 675.11 ~'eeL to n point, said polnt being aZao the aoutheasterly corner of the land deacribed in deed to Alwyn S. Jewell and Lucille G Jewell, recorded October 5, 1959, in book 4912, page 102, Official Recordaj thence east along the aouth line oP said aoutheast quart~r- 486.49 Peeb to the southeast corner o! lanQ conveyed Lo Donaid F. Rea by deed recorded December 1, 1958, in book ~L521, page 543, Officiai Recordsf thence north along the eaat line o! said land aonveyed to Rea, 675.00 Pe~t bo the northeaat aorrier thereolf thence xeat along the north 1ine:oP edid land oP Res to the true polat of beginning. EXCBPT T~REFROM th~ soath 60 te~t inaluded rithin Kateila Avenue, 120 loeti vride j ALSO SXCEPT TI~FROM t.bat portiion~SAalud~d xithin Para~i 1 h~rein- abov~ described. --- - ~-~M~ ~7 7 . r,. , ~ ~~ ~ ,1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Maheim City Plenaiag Commissioa does hereby grant subJect Petitioa for Conditionel Uae Permit, upon the following coaditioae which ere hereby found to be e necessary pterequieite to the proposed uae of the subject property in order to pteeerve the aefety ead geaeral aelfem of the Citiseas of the City of Aaaheim: Cavi ~f~Ma~ieimta~ongi~a~e}~a ~ve~iue,seuchlesbcur~span~dgutteis si~eKal~CS 9stseetrg~ra~in ~endhe ~ngineer~sorntbatf a bondiin an ~tamo mtaa~nd form satisfactoriyi to thepCity ofgMra eim shailtbe post- ed with the City ot guararttse the installation of sai@ enq3neering requirementse 2e That tiye or+ners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2000 per front foot along Katella Avenue, for strset lis~:t3ng purposeso 3o That the ovmers of subject property shall_pay to the City of Maheim the sum of15~ per front foot alc~q Katella Aver~ue, for tree planting purposesa 4a Yhat Condition Noso..l, 2, and 3 above.~ntioned shall be complied with pr?.or to the time the b~rilding permit is issued ar wi~hin a period of ~80 days from date heroof, whichever occura •firat9 or such further time as the .Co~ission or Cou-tcil may grant. ga That trash storage ar as sha 1 be provided in ac~ordance with approved plana on file in the office of the Dir~,ctor of ~ublic ~orkso 6. That fire hydrants sha11 be installed as required and determinect to be nectssary by the Chief of the Fire Departmento . 7o That provisian of a 20-faot strip of land sha21 be landscaped anc} said landacaeing maintairted on ~the Ketella Avanue fxontaqe of subject property9 as indicated on Exhibit Noo 1~ ~hat plarts for said landscaping shall be submitted-to and svb~ect to the appraval of the uperi ~endent of Parkway Idaintenancee ~o That ~11 air-conditio~ing facilities shall be property shielded.from vie~r from abutting streetso 9o That Condltion Noso 5, 6, 7q and 89 abnve mentioned, shall be compliad with prior to final building ;nspectiono 'l0o That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordauce wfth plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim9 marked Exhibit Nos~ 1 through 5~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end approved by me thie 13th day of Augustq 1964a ~ ~ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM C1TY PLANNIN OMMISSION AT'TEST: ~~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORMA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ' ) sa. CITY OF ANAHEIIN ) I9 Att'it=Krebs 9~ Secretqry of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foeegoiag reaolution wae passed end edopled et e meetiag oE the City Plenning Commission of the City of Meheim, held on August 3~ 1964~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the foAoaing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COh~[ISSIONERS: Allred9 .Chavos, Gauerq Mungall, Perry, Rowland~ NOES: COA~YQSSIONERS: ~oi~eo ABSENT: COA~RSSIONERS: Campo IN WITNESS Wt1ERE0F, I havehereunto set my hand thia 13th day of August~ 19640 RESOLUTION NO. 1289 ~~~~~/~.l e~C~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COINMISSION C2-G -~ ! 's , .~ ,t ~ ~ ~ .;~ ~ ~ ,