PC 1964-1965-1317 ~
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IAHEREAS, the City Plenning Commiasion of the Citq of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Coaditional
Uae Pecmitfrom CARL W. MONTGOMERY, 544 Hast Mar Vista, Whittier, California, Owner; DAVID
S. COLLINS, 1077 West Ball Road, Anaheiro, California, Agent of certain real property
situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described
in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full
; end
WFIEREAS, t}-e City Planaiag Commission did hold a pnb8c headng et the City Hall in the City of Anaheim oa
August 31, 1964~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of seid public headag having been duly given es required by
law end in eccordence with the pmvlsioas of the Maheim Muaidpel code, Chepter 18.64, to hear ead coneider evidence
for and ageinst seid propoaed oonditinaal uee aad to investigete and make findings and recommendatioas in connection
thecewith; end ~
WHEREAS, said Commiasioa, after dne inepection, investigation, end etudq made by itaelf and la its behelf, and
aRer due consideratioa of all evideace and iepods offered et eaid headng, doea find aad determiae the followiag fects:
1. T6nt the p~oposed nse is propaly one for ahich a Conditlonal.Use Permlt is authorized by thle Code, to
W1t: Develop 3R M~2 use ~(~subjecti ~io L[lB Trf~Ull'@ti ~liuivllly5 a5 SNcGii icu ai~ voveiv,i +Q v-~.•:%..~~i
~~t~stablish~-wholesale storage of petroleum and fluid products within 330 feet of~a school
2. Thet the proposed uee wIll aot advecseiq affect the adjoiaiag laad uses and the gcowth aad development of
the azea in which it is proposed to be located.
3. Thet the size aad ahepe of the site pcopoged for the use is edequete to allow the full development ofthe
proposed use i:t a manaer not detrimeatal to the particnlat area nor to the peace, health, sefety, ead gmerel aelfase
of the Citizens of the Ciry of Maheim.
4. That the grentiag of the Coaditionel Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, aill aot be detdmentel
to the peace, health, seEety, and general welEero of the Citizens of the Ctty of Aaaheim.
5, That one person appeared in conditional opposition to sub~ect petitiono
Cl-G '~
of the county recordcr of said Orar~;e County, "
.iennwi}~nA :~A fo110WD:
Beginni~ at the intercection of the North line of lot
20 oT Tract No. 3~7~ in said city, as per map recorded
in book 101 page 3 of '-•Ti.~cellaneous t4eps, i.n the
office of the county reco:der of said Orange County
with the coutherly prolur~;ation of thc a~e~terly line
of Adams Strect (fornerl,y chrn:n as the we~Lcrly Hessel
i-venue) per• nap :2:a~ =n b^=:= 1^?:`^ 49 of Record of
Survey~ in aaid office of the count,y recorder of Orange I
County; thence northerly aloru; ~aid prolongatien and
said xesterly line to a point thercon distant northerly
57.g? feet from the southcrly line of Wc~t Santa Ma
Street (aharn as the un-n:med east-wcat :~treet) per
said map filed in boolc 1 pa~,e u9 of Record of Surveys;
thence at riLht ar~le~ ca3terly 30.00 fcet to the eas~-
erly line of 3aid Actar.-3 Strcet; thence alon.~ said east-
erly line northerly 1$,~~ :ect, more or leaa, to a line
parallei with and southerly 0.10 foot from the South
line of the exi~tin~ Ice :iouse Duildin~; thence along
said parallel line et~atcrly 13~•G fcet to the weaterly
Avenue) per~saidVraapefiled inaboohelepa~;eru9 FofaRecord
of Survey~; thence aouthcrly alorL; aaid westerly line
to Lhe aaid :.outhcrly line of Wect S:.nta Ana Street;
thence ea~terly alon„ ::aid aoutherly line to thati certain
westcrl~ line of said Tract t1o. 397o shoi~rn on said map
as "iJ 2 07' 17" W 37•77' ~~; thence southerl;~ alon~ said
line to the aautherly ter:~inua thereof~ thence westerly
{ along th~ northerly line of Iots i7, i~, :~i and 2G c:
I said Tract to the point of beginnir~.
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Title Insurance and ~ust Company ~ '
!00 NORTM A NCSTREET O~ SAfiTA ANA ~~~~~~ L~1 c t`-)7
PNONE 547.»»
Augusb 12, 1964 .
: • ;d.~. D~.vid S. Collins
1077 West Ball Road
; Anaheim, California
When'rcplrin6 rcfer W
on~ rro. 387214
Yonr No.
- Tbe followin6 is a rcport of tl~ tiAe to t6e land dexribed in rour ~pplieuioa for a Polie~ ot Ti1k trourana, and is
te~dr wilhout liabilitl and withoM o6liaation to i~eue sueh policr. In addition to ~nr ~apliom moMn hercin, and
not ekared, the polie~, if isucd, rill contain rnnditioro and atipula~~. _~ and also c~eptiom from ip aorer~6e a~ m~~
bt required b~ 1he p~rtialu fone of poliry ieened. •
Dated u of JulY 15 1964 ,e ?:3o a.m. ~,'~ 1 i l.~~=~ , ~~~e/
~ iien McComba T'~~
. . Ve~oee:
CARL W. Ni0NTa01~'~RY.
~ ~~ ~
, ~. ~~f -s.= - --. . . -
~ ~
I~w, THEREPORE, BE IT NFSOLV~ that the Anehaim City Planning Commission does hereby
gr.ant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions which are
' hereby found to be a necessary prarequieite to the proposed use of the subject property in
osder ta preaerve the safaty and genaral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Mahaima
1. That tha ownsr of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land ;
29.5 feet in width. from the canter line of the strect, along Santa Ana Street, for stroet i
widening purposas. ~.
2. That the owner of subject property ahall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land
30 fset in width, from the center line of th~ street, along Hessel Avenue, for street widening
purposes. ~
3. That straet impro:~aaient plans shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of
the City of Anahaim along Santa Ana Street and Hessel Avenub, such as curbs and gutters, '
sid~walks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurt~nant woric shall ~
be complet~d as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and
epecifications on file in the office of the City Englneers or, that if approved by the City ~
Engineer, that a 2 year bond in an amount and form satiefactory to the City of Anahaim,
and subj~ct to the appr~val of the City Enginser, shall be postad with the City to guarantee ;
the installation of said engineering requirements. ;
4. ?hat the ownar of subject property ahall pay to tha City of Anaheim the sum of 52.00
per front foot along Santa Ma Sireet and liessel Avenue, for street lighting purposes.
5. T~at the owner of subject property shal.l pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15«
per front foot aYong Santa Ana Street and Heosel Avenue, for tree planting purposes.
6. That tha owner of sUb,~ec1: property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a 3-foot overhang
eas~went along the southerly and aasterly boundaries of subject property. ;
7. That trash storage areas shail be provided in accordance with approved plana on file +
W1LI1 it10 OLIICY o[ Llte ult'lictv3' ui ru~iili. ~iiiwb. 4
8. That fira hydrants shall ba installed as required and detur^~ined to be necessary by
the Chisf ot' the Fire Depaztment. !
9. That Condition Nos, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, above mentioned, shall be co~i:ed with
prior to tha time that the Building Permit ia issued, or within a pariod of 180 days from
dat~ hareof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Commission or City Council
may ,qcant.
10. That Condition Nos. 7 and 8, abov~ mentionod, shall ba complled with prior to f inal
building inspsction.
11. That subject property shall ba developed subatantially in accor~ance with plans and
epecifications oa fila with the City of Anaheim, markad Exhibit No. 1. ~
THE FaRH~OING RE90LUTI0N is signed and approv~d by me thia lOth day of Sept~mber, 1964. !
~1~~ ~
WUM'Y OF OW-I~'iE )as.
I~ Mn Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Conm:ssion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby
certify that tho foregoing recolution was passed and adoptad at a maeting of the City Plan~ing
Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on August 31, 1964, at 2~00 0'clock P.M., by the
following vot~ of the mambora theraofi
AYB4t QOMMISSIONERS~ Cmnp, Chavos, Gauer,.Mungall, Perry, Rawland.
IN IIITN~S MHERF~F~ I hav~ h~reunto set my hand this lOth ~ay of S~ptember, 1%4.
Reaolution No. 1317