PC 1964-1965-1318~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. 1318, SERIES 1964-65 A R~LUTION OF'[~i8 CITY PLANNIN(i CptlMtSSION OF THE CTfY OF ANAHEaI THAT PETiTION P'OR CONDTITONAL USE PERIQT 612 BE GRANTED WFiEREAS, tLe Gty Pl~noin~ Committion ot th~ Ciqr of An~hdm di~ racain ~ rert8sd Patitioa for Condidon~l Use peemitfeom ROBERT B, AND MARY LOU BURROWS, 2168 West Ball Road, Anaheim, California, Owners; PEDRO MORENp, 2qp0 Cridge Street, Riverside~ California~ Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as the easterly 98.08 feet of the south one-third of the east h~lf of that portion of the southeast quar#er of the northeast quarter of Section 17, Township 4 Soath, Range l0 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, that is included within the follorring described linese Beginning at the northwest corner of the lands formerly of Lumis A. Evans, being a point on the south line of Broadway, also being a point westerly 660.00 feet, more or less, from the center line of Euclid; thence south 1320.00 feet to the south lfne of said north- east quarter; thence west 990.00 feet to a stake~ thence north 1320.00 feet to said south line~ thence east 990.00 feet to the point of beginnings EXCEPT any portion thereof which meY be included within the southeast quartez of the southeast quarter of said northeast quarter ; ~ad ORJFDCAw ~L~ /V~.. fft~~_~ Au ~st 31 1964 ~ w~~ ~~~~~ ~i~1OR a'° nold ~ pa~iic 6e~rinQ ~t the ~{ty H~11 ia the Citq of M~heim an 9 r ~ ~t 2:00 o'clock P.M.~ aotice oE sdd pnblic he~rlag h~vin6 beea dnly ~iven ~a iaquired byr l~w ~nd ia accordanse wiffi t6e provi~lons of ths Aa~hdm bimldp~l code, Chapter 18.64, to heor ~ad coaslder evideace for and ~~dnst ~dd propo~sd aoadiUan~1 iue ~nd to inve~tipte ~md m~ke qndin`s a~d isoommend~tion~ ia ~onnecHoa theeewith: ~od .WHF.REAS, ~aid Commlufoa. aha du~ laapx4m. iuvestiption, ~md stndy made by ibelf ~nd ia ih behalf, ~nd afta due considentiaa of W~vld~nce ~nd rmoM oHered ~t ~dd heuiag, doe~ $ed ~nd detenoins ~~ ~~Q {~o: 1. 17ut the propaed ~s i~ peop~riq aae Eor wLloh ~ Condttiond .Ui~ P~emit ls oathoelsed by this Code, to ~t~ establish a church with edUCational buildings on subject property. 2. T6at the propo~ed ose wi11 aot ~dveetely ~ the ~dJoiaia~ l~ad nse~ ~ud the arowth ~nd dwtlapmeat of t6e a~ ia which it i~ propaed to M loc~ted. 3. T6at the sise ~nd sh~pe of ffie site proposed Eor the nse is ~deqn~te to dlow the in11 development of the P~~ uee in a mamer eot detrimentd to the p~rtical~r aee~ ea to the peace, health, s~fety, acd ~atteeal.tel(~re of the Cltisens of ihe City of M~heim. . 4. 'I'dat the traatlag of the Condittoad Use Peemit mder t6e oonditlons imposed~ if ~ny. will not ba detrimeatai to the peace, health, safety, and `enenl welfare of the Citlsen~ of the City of Aaaheim, 5. That the petitioner stipulated to the relocation of the structure ~o setback a minimum 15 feet from the side yard as required by Code. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. Cl-G -Y ~ € ; ~ 1 i ; ~ I i : i • ~ i) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Aoahdm City Planning Commisaion does herebq grent subject Petition for Conditionel Uae Peemit, npcm the following conditioas which are heeeby fouad to be a necessary pcerequisite Fo the proposed use of the aubject property la order to pcesecve the sefety end general welfere of the Citizens e Gtq of Anaheim: • 1t That ±ha owner af sub~ect property shail deed to the City of Maheim a strio of land 32 feet in widtts from ths cerrter lirtt of the street, along Orange Awm.», for str~et widelring purposes. 2. That street improvesent plans shall be preparQd and all engineering r~quirwnents of the Gity of MeheitQ alarrg Orange Avenue. such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving, drairtage fac3lities, or other appurterrarrt work sAall be completed as requimt~y the City Engineer and in accordanc~ with standard plans and specifications ~n file in the office of the City F~gineer; or that a bond in an amount end for~ satisfactory to the City of Maheim shall bt posted-xith the City to guarantee the installation of said engineering requirements. 3. That the owner of subject proparty shatl pay to the City of Anaheim the swn of 15~ per front foot aloag Draage Avenue~ for tree planting purposes. 4, ihat the ~ner of subje~t proparty shall pay to the t;ity of Anahei~ the sum of 52.00 per fron{ foot along Oran e Av nue, for street lighting purposes. 5. That the oaners o~ sub ect property ehall de~d to'the City of Anaheim a 3-foot over- hac~g ease~nent along the easter~y boundary of subJect property. 6. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the qffice of the Director of Public llorlrs, prior to final building inspection. 7e ?hat Condition Nose 1, 2, 3 4, and 5, above mentioned shall be complied with prior to the time that the Buildinq Permi~ is issued or within a oer~od of 180 davs from date hereof, whichever occuis firsfi, or such further time as the Commission or City ~ouncil may grant. 8. That sub~ect property shall be deveiopea suoetantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file w~th the City of Anahe3m marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 6, provided how- ever, that the building shall be relocated to have a 15-foot minimum sideyard setback, as stipulated by the vetitioner. 9. That all air-conditioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view from the abutting street, prior io finai nuilding inspection. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is slgned and approved by me this lOth da of September~ 1964, . ! CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CTfY PL G COMMISSION A'fTES'f: SECRETARY ANAHEiM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as. CTfY OF ANAHEDN ) I~ Ann Krebs~ Secretary of the City Planning Cwnmiaeioa of the City of AneheLn, do hercby ceRify that the foregoing resolntion wes pesaed end edopted at a meeting of the City Plenniag Commission of the City of Aneheim, held on August 31 ~ 1964~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the folloaing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMIdISSIONERS: Camp, Chavos, ~Gaue:, Mungail. NOES: C061MISSIONERS: 1~oae. ABSENT: COMhfISSIONERS: Allred, Perry~ Rowland. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heveheceonto set my hend tt~ia lOth day of Septeraber~ 1964. RESOLU'ftON N0. 1318 c~c L/!~~'!~/1i1~ /~~I'~~(~/ SECRETARY AHAHF.IdI CITY PLANNING COMMISSION _y 1 ~ 1 i ; i ~