PC 1964-1965-1334~~ _, ~ ~ RESOLUTION-N0. 1334. SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TY PLANNII~iG C01U1~SSION OF THE CITY OF ANAH~AN THAT PETCfION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERlNIT N0. 6?.~.BE DENIED WHEREAS, the Gty Plimaia` Commissian of the Gty of M~helm did eecelve a veri8ed Petition for CondiUond Une Pe~mitfeom DUDLEY B. FF3ANK~ 1621 East 17th Street, Santa Ana, Californta, Oaner of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of'Califarnfa, described as that portion of the southeast quarter of section 17~ ToKnship 4 S'outli; R~nge 10 West, partly in ttw Rancho Los Coyotes and partly in the Rancho San Juan Ca;on de Santa Aha~ as said section is sham on a map recorded in book 51 page 10 of Mlscellaneous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county, described as folloNSi Beginning at a point South 2665.87 feet and West 30.D0 feet~from the northeaet corner of said section 17~ thence West 631.29 feet~ thenca South 413.82 feet~ thence Hast 630.96 feet~ thence North 413.82 feet to the point of beginning, EXCEPT the South 247.00 feet thereofs ALSO EXCEPT that portion thereof iying Mesterly of a line parallel with and 203.00 feet rresterly from the centerline of Euclid Avenue, as shoxn on the map of Tract No. 3672 recorded in book 129 page 5 of. caid Miscellaneous Maps . ; and WHEREAS~ the dty Pl~aaia~ Commission did hold ~ pnblic heutn~ ~t the Clty H~11 in the City of Aaaheim on September 14~ 1964~ ~t 2:00 o'dock P.M., notlce oE Rdd pablic headae having beap duly Qiven a~ reqnitsd by low ~cd ih acooed~nee with the provislons oEthe M~heim Mnaidp~l Code, Chapter 18~64. to hear ~nd consider evideace for and a~ain~t sdd propo~sd conditlond use ~nd to invatl~ats ~nd mtlce fiadina~ and recommendatioa~ in conn~ctioa the~ewit6p aad WHEREAS, sdd Commisdon. ~Eta dne intpeotioa, iave~tiq~tioa, ~nd study made by itself aad ie its behdf, ~nd ~fter due oonsidentlon of all evldence and reporti oHered ~t sdd headn~, does Hnd and detecmiae the Eollowlna facb: 1. Th~t the ptoposed u~e is prop~elq oae 6or e6ich a Coaditiond Use P~mit is nuthodsed by thie Code, to wit: } establish a service station within 75 feet of R-1, One Family Residential, Zoned property. 2. That the proposed use will adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth , and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 3. That the,-granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, will be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Maheim. 4. That deed restrictions :imiting the use of the property to business and professional ; offices, were placed nn sub~ect property at the time the City Council approvod the existing commerciai zoning ~n the property, based:on the fact that the petitioner stated that he was •± desirous of developing sub~act proporty foi-.a business and professional office, and that the ~ develapment azound subject property.has no~E:changed to wa~rant the proposed use. ~ 5. That the rest home to the west of subject property was constructed after deed 3 , restrictad commercial zoning was approved, and.the proposed service station would be detrimental; to the patients of the hame. 6. That one person appeared in opposition to subject petitiono s ~ . s ~'y ~_ r, . ~ Cl•D -1- i ~ ____..~,~ , . ' - •~ , l ) i 1 NOW,.TEIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that ffie M~heim Gity Plaanina Commisstoa does hereby dmy ~nbject Petltlon for Coaditional Use Pe:mit on the basia oE Ne afa:emeetloned fiedlags. ~ THE~ FOREGOIIQ(3 RESOLUTION is si~nned and approved by me,this 24th day of September, 1964. CHAIkMIAN ANAHE~N C1TY PLANNING COh~YIISSION PRO TBd ATTEST: Li~~ SECRETARY ANAFiEIlYt C1TY PLANNIIVG COININISSION STATE OF CALIFORNU ) COUNTY OF ORAI3GE ) se. CTfY OF ANAHF~N ) I~ ~1tfh-~IC~1la~ Secretary of the City PUanina Commission of the Clty of An~Lelm, do hereby cectiEy thet the fore- ~oing resolntioa was pwed and ~dopted ~t ~ meedn~ of the City Planning CommisHoa of the City of pa~heim, held on September 14~ 196s1, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., bq the folloaiaa vote of ths m~mbers thercof: AYES: CO~ISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer~ Perry~ Rowland. NOES: COIV~ISSIONERS: None. 'AHSENT: COlIO~ISSI0NER5: Mungall. , II1 WIINFSS WHEREOF~ I h~ve heremto set my h~ad this 24th day of September, 1964. SEC1tETARY ANAHED! CITY PLANNIIIG COA~ISSION RESOLUTION N0. 1334 C2-D • -~