PC 1964-1965-1335~~ RESOLUTION N0. 1335, SERIES 1964-65 _ A RESOLUTION OF'PH8 CITY PLANNIIdd COImSSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEA[ THAT PE'11TION FOR CONDITiO~iAL USE PERII~T 622 SE GRANTED WEIEREAS, ths City Plannin~ Co~mis~toa oi di~ Cily of Aa~Ddm did eecdp a vedfied Petitioa for Condittaa~l Use Peemitfrom the FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH, 125 East Fifth Street~ Long Beach, California, Owner~ DAVE BUTTERWORTH~ Knott Avenue Christian Church~ 315 South Knott Avenue~ Anaheim~ California~ Aaent of certain real property aituated in the City of Anaheim~ County of Orange, State of California,~described as the East 495 feet of the North 257 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 15~ in Toxnship 4 South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes,as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 51, page 11 of Miscellaneous Maps~ records of said Orange County ; rmd WHEREAS~ U-a dty Pl~naia` Commiuioa did hold a pnblic he~dna ~t tbe Gty Hall in tLe Citq of An~heim m September 14, 19b4, ~t 2:00 o'ctoclc P.M., notice of sdd pnbllc 6e~daa havla~ beea duly ~ivan u eequiced bq law ead ia accoedaace aith the peovi~lons of the M~6eim Mocldpal code, Chspter 18.64, to heer and condder evidecce for and ageinst said pcoposed aoaditional n~e ~nd to iavatleate aad m~lce Sndlae~ ~nd recommendations ia ~omection therewlth7 aed . WHEREAS, s~id f~mmis~ion, a{tec dae lntpecHon~ invesdeaHcu~ imd stac~yr m~de by itself ~nd In ib beh~lf, ~ad after dne consideration of ~ll evidence ~nd eepoM offeted ~t sdd hsala~, doas ~ad ~ad dete:mine the followinQ hch: 1. T6at the pcopaed mis is peopeclq aae £or w6l~h a Caiditlou~l.iJs~ P~cmit i~ anthorked by !~ Code, to it;•expand church facilities by the construction of a new sanctuary with waiver of the 35- ~oot height limitation in an R-A Zone. ' ' 2. That the proposed nss w111 aot advanaly ~het ths dJolain~ l~nd nsa ~ad the ~owW ~d d~wlopmeat of the ateu ie which it is peoposed to be loc~ted. 3. That the sise ~nd shape of the site peoposad ~oe the use is adequate to allow tha tnll development of the pmposed use ia a maaner not deMmeatal to ~e p~rticalar aee~ aor to the peace, health, aafety, aad aateeal welfue of the Gtiaens of the Citq of Maheim. . 4. That the ~ac-tin6 of the Conditicael Use Permit nadec t6e coaditioas impoaed, if anq, wlll not be detrimeatal to the peace, heaith, sefety, aad general aelfare of t6e Citiseas of the City of Maheim. 5. That under Codee Section 18a64.070, waiver of the structural height limitation of thirty-five (35) feet is heraby granted in ordar to derelop sub~ect property with a structure 39 feet high. 6o That no one appeared in opposition to subgect petition. t ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ Cl-d .b ) ,~ NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED thrt the M~heim Citq Piwtine Commisaioa doea herebq grant aubject Petitioa 6or Conditievaal Uae Permit, upoa tl~e followIn~ coeditloas wWch are haeby Ionad to be a neceasary preeequisite to the proposed use of the anbf ect propertp in ordet to presave We s~Eety ~nd genenl aelfare of the CiUsena of the Ctry of Meheim: • 1. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with.the office.of the Director of Pub.lic iMorks, prior to final building inspection. 2. That the o~mers of subject property shaii pay to the City•of Maheim the sum of 3?.OQ per front foot along Knott Avenue, for street lighting purposes. • 3. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Maheim the sun of 154 par•.front~foot along Knott Avenue, for tree planting purposes. • 4. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance rrith plans an~ specifications on file with the City of Maheim, marl:ed Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4, provided, however, that plans for future buildings be sub,ject to approval of Development Review. THE FOREGOII~G RESOLUI'lON is si~ued and ~pproved by me this 24th day of September, 1964. A7"PEST: CHAiRNAN ANAHEIM CCfY PLANNIIVG COAaNISStON PRO THYI ~~~~~% ~Y(/ %~~~Z~QJ . SECRETARY ANAHEDM CITY PLANNING C0~[ISSION STATE OF CALIFORIIIA ) COUN1`Y OF ORANGE ) es. CTfY OF ANAHFIMI ) I~ A~ ICrebs'~ Secre~~rY oE the City PianainQ Commissioa oE the City of Aaeheim, do haeby certify that the foreQoing resolutioa was passed end edopted at a meetiag of the Citq Planaipg Commission of the Clty of Aaaheim, held oa September 14~ 1964~ ot 2:00 o'clock P.hf„ bq the foAowina vote of the manbees theceof: AYFS: COMMISSIONERS: ~-llsad, Camp, Chavos~ Gauer, Perry, Rowland. NOES: C010~QSSIONERS: None. ABSENT: CO~IONERS: ~ungall. IN WIINESS WHEREOF. I havehaeuato set my h~ad this 24th day of Septetaber~ 1964. RESOLUTION NO. 1335 ~/~ SECRETARY ANAHEOt CTTY PLANNING CO~ION C2~G -~