PC 1964-1965-1336_ -. j 1 ~ . , i •, • • , ) . '. ~ RESOL~Ti0I~F1t0. 1336, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLU1701f OF THE Cl'['Y PLAlfifII~10 COIOf63lON OF 1HE CRY OF ANAH~At THAT PSTITION FOR OONDITTONAL iTSB PBitlllT NO. bGfl 8B DENIED ; AEI~JIS. tM Cttp Plreis~ Coriaiaa oi ~ Gq~ oE M~hM~ did e~cNn ~~d8~d PatiUan ~or Ccaditloo~f Uas P~slt [eo. HAZEL M. PUELL, 16391 F~llows Drive, Orange, California, Amer~ DAVID S. COLI,INS i~ E20NAU~ A. 1CAR06, 1077 Meat Ball Road, Mah~im, California, Agenta of csrtain real property ~tL.~vd in th~ City of Mah~is~ County of Orange, Stat~ of California, deacribed as the Hast } of th~ North } of tM North ~ of the Southw~t } of th~ NortMr~st ~ of Section 27, Tor+nship 4 Soutb, Rany~ 10 M~~t, partly in tM Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana and partly in the itu~bo La~ Bolsas~ at ~hown on a eap r~cord~d in book 51, page 10 of Miscellaneo~s Maps~ records af°tiranq~ County~ Califosnia~ Exc~ptiny therefrae tAat portion destribed ea follors~ Beginning ^~it t1a North~ast cornsr of the North ~ of tM North } of th~ SouthNeat } of the NortMrest } of ~il'id S~ction 27~ tMnce South along th~ East lina of said North ~, a distance of 50 fset~ ~EAlnc~ N~at at right •ngles •ith sald East line 90 f~~t~ thence North at right angles r-ith ssid latt ~ntion~d 1in~ and parall~l Nlth ~aid East line 50 f~~t to a point in the North line of •aid North }~ tAence Ea:t alony ths North lin~ of said North } a distance of 50 f:et~to the point of b~ginning~ and NHEREAS. th~ CQr Pl~mia~ Ooaialaa dtd hold ~ poblic hNda~ ~t th~ Clq HW in tb~ Ciqr of M~6Nm on S~pttmb~r 14~ 19d4• ~t Z:W o'doeti P.II.~ aoekY ot wid pabllc bMela~ 6wla~ bNR ddr d~ ~~~ bY l~w ~sd W~coad~sc~ wftb tlu piodslaes ot t6~ M~la Mmidpal Code. CA~pt~r 1a.61. to AMe ~nd con~lda wid~aee bt ~ad ~plest udd ptopoMd aosditloa~l w~ ~sd Eo lo~tlpb ~sd e~ke Sndlnp md r~oommaad~tloo~ la oomsetion tMNwlt6; ~nd NNEREAS. uld Oo~elsdon~ dbr dw ln~dlaa, int~sdption, ~nd ~tndy m~de by ib~lt ~ed in !b MhalE, ~od dbr du~ ooasid~ntlaa of ~il Md~p ~nd erpoett oEhe~d ~t uld 6Nela~, dop dad ~ad d~imine ths 6ollowle~ i~de 1. '1L~t th~ ptopo~~d w~ !~ prop~elr os~ Lor whfd~ ~ Oondttlanal ~.~ P~eemit i~ ~at6oeissd bp thi~ Code, to wit: ~stabli~h a to~vtr rsstaarant Nith oba~rvation deck and loung~ wi*_h maximum haight of i60 f~~at abow natural grad~ level. 2. That Cod~ Sectioa 18.64.030(2) required that before the Planning Commission may grant a~r requtst for a conditional use pezmii, :t must maka ::ndings af :act by resolution that the evid~nc~ pr~sentad zhoxs that t!u following conditione oxist~ ~t (a) That th~ propos~d use ~rill not adv~raely aff~ct the ad~oining lend uaes and the qro~rth and dwolopment of the ar~a in ~rhich it is proposed to ba locatod. (b) ?hat th~ siz~ and shap~ cf th~ sita propos~d for the use is adequate to ailow the full dwelopment of tha proposFd use in a mann~r no! detrima-.±a~. to the particular araa nor ta ths peac~, h~alth. safety and g~nexal we:'ra.*.a. (c) ?hat tho granting of the conditional use permit under th~ conditiona imposed, if anr, will not b~ detrim~ntal~to th~ peace, health, safai.Y and general rnlfara of tha citizanc of tha City of Mahaim. 3. That baa.d upon the evid~nce submitted by the peLittoner and received at the Public Nearing tha Commission findat (a1 That tne propoaed use rrill adv~rs~ly affect the adjoining 'land us~s and the qrarth and developsont of the area in which 1t Sa proposed to be located. (b) That tha ~ize and shape of th~ site proposad for the use is not adequate to allolr the full devaiopwnt of tde propos~a use in a menn~r not detrimental to the par- ticular ar~a nor to the paace, health. safaty and genaral ~re~fare of the citizens of th~ City ~f Maheim, and; (c) That tM grantinq of th~ conditior.a2 uee permit Nould ~ be detrimental to the peace, h~alth, saf~ty and g~Aeral walfare of tha citiz~ns of the City of Maheim. (d)• ?hat p~titiontr has fail*d ta propoee adequate ingress and ~greas to th~ land- lock~d p,op~rty. ,(e) ?hat th~ height of ttu pa~apossd stru~,.,re would be datrimentai to th~ residential and co~rcial Iand d~volops~nta in tl~ vicinity. ~ (f) That th~ Citq's comtrcial-recreatioasl heiqht limitation policy, ~d~~n applied tc subj~ct prop~rty suggest.~ that ths tuiqht of my struct~ae should not exc~ed 177 feet, and, finally, C1-D ~9~ I'hat six (6) ptrsons appaared reprss.~~ing single femily baQe owners and Dianey- land in c~pposition t~ ±he aubject petition and that eeveral owners of property xithin the commercial-zecreat:on azea appeared in support of s~ject petition. --- - . ~:_- __ ._- -- ~ .-~ ~ ~ ') i_I NOW,.THEREFORE, BE I~ RESOLVED th~t the Aaaheim Gty Pl~mine Commissioa does herebY denY wbiect Petittoa for Coaditioa~l Use Peemit on tke basis of the ~tocemeatioaed 8ndings. THE FOREGOII~G RESOLUTION is iigned ~md approved by me •this 24th day of September, 1964. ATTEST: Sg.CRETARy ANAHEA[ GITY PLANNII4G COMMISSION ~r~~r.~,~ .~ CHAIRI(AN ANAHEINI C1TY PLANNING COI~MISSION 7 PRO THd S'1'ATE OF CALII+'ORNU ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) e~• CTfY OF ANAHF.11~[ ) I, Anp Krebs ~. Secnt~q' ot the City Pl~naia~ ~ommi~sioa of the Clty of Aa~heim, do heceby cectify thet t6e Eoce- `oin~ resolntlon wu p~sssd ~ad ~dopted ~t ~ meetla~ of the Gtq Pl~aniae Ccmnduion of the Gtq of pn~heim, held or. September 14~ 1964~ at 2:00 o'clodc P.Y., by the ~o11wHn~ vote oE the memben theraof: AYES: COIOIISSIONERS: Allred~, Camp, Chavos ~ Gauer, Perry. NOES: COiOQSSIONERS: Noas. 'AHSENT: COMMI3SIONERS: Mungall~ Rowland. IIi WTPNESS WHEREOF, I have heeeaato sat m~ h~nd d~ir 24th day of September, 1964. gg~tE'1'Agy ANAfi£DI[ pTy pLANNING COMMISSION RF..",OLUTION N0. 1336 C~D '~