PC 1964-1965-1346. ~ i } ~, RESOLUIION I~D. ~46. Seriee 1%465 A RFSOLUfION OF THE CITY PLANNING ~MMISSION OF THE CI?Y OF ANAHEIM ?F1tMINATIt~ VARIANCE I~S. 350~ 1036 and 1051 IIt~REAS, the City Planning Cocmission granted Yariance No. 350 by Resolution No. ^ 159, Series 1954-55, on May 16, 1955 for the waiver of the required 70 foot wide lot, ~ 7200 square foot lot area and the 1150 square foot minimwo house area in the development ~ of Tract No. 2567, and 4 ~ 111iERf~1S, subsequ~nt zoning actions on sub,~ect property have altezed the single family f reeidential developoent of tho property for which Vs~riance No. 350 xas granted, and ; MI}~BEAS, a school, park, and apertments presently exist on subject property, a~d MHERFJIS, tAe City Planning Coamission grantad Vari~nce No. 1036 by Resolution No. 65. Series 1958-59~ o~ Octob~r 8, 1958, to erect a sign for a i.V. repair service as a home occupation, and whereas the City Council requested that the petitioner apply for a varianca to coaduct.+.he T.Y. repair service, and , MHFRFJIS, the City Plenning Commission granted Variance No. 1051, by Resolution No. %, Serles 1958-59, on November 3, 1958, to permit the operation of a T.V. and small appliance repair sarvice and erection of a 3 foot by 5 foot sign on the sa~ae property as that considered under Variance No. 1036, and MF~REAS, subject property approved for the T.Y. repair shop now has a service station oper,at ion on it. l~i,'~ THEREPORE~ be it resolved that the City Planning Commission of the City of Maheim do~s hereby terminate Variance Nos. 350, 1036, and 1051, based on the foregoing findinga. THE FaRB~II~ RF.~LUTION is signed and :,pproved by me this 24th day of September, 1964e ~1 i~i~~.,~,~ Gi~.t~ , CNAI Atr 1i CITY PLANNIJ~ C03U6ISSI0 ~ PIiU TBI A?TESTt .~G i~/~'t~ S~RETA&Y MIAHQY CII'Y PLMQIII~ Q1l1NISSION STATE OF CAI.IPORMA ) CAUM'Y OF ORAI~GE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHIIM ) I, Ann .Krebs, °x:cretary.of. tha City Planning.Ca~ission of the City of Anaheir~, do hAreby certify that the furegoing.resolution was passed and adopted at a maeting of the City Pianning Commission of the City of Maheim, held on September 14, 1964, at 2i00 0'clock P.M., by the following voto of the members thereof~ AYHSe CDIWISSIONERSe Allred, Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Perry. 1~A$St OOMLIISSIONERSi None. AB9FMs aCWY,ISSIDliFBSe ~~Jungall. ABSTAI Nt (AlI1lISSIONm3t Sowland. IN MITNE5S XF~F, I have hereunto set my hand this 24th day o. September, 1964. I ! ~; i~~y'./ ~~~~Zc.~~~c./ SBCREIARY ANAE~IM CI?Y PLANMI~ ~IIYIISSION _ ~~ lr) RESOLIlfION Pq. 134§~, SeTi@S 1964-65 A RE90LUTION OF ?HE CITY PLANPRNC~ ODMMISSION OF ?HE CITY OF ANAHEIM TERMINATING VARIANCE bAS. 350, 1036 and 1051 YIF~REAS, the City Planning Commission granted Variance No. 350 by Resolution No. 159, Series 1954-55, on llay 16, 1955 for the waiver of the required 70 foot wide lot, 7200 square foot lot area and the 1150 square foot minimum house area in the development of iract No. 2567, and. ~'?~` NHFRFJIS, subsequent zoning actions on subject property have altered the single family ~ rasidential dnvslopmsnt af the property for which Variance No. 350 was granted, and ' NfHFREAS,. a school, park, and apartments presently exist on sub~ect property, and KHEREAS, the City Planning Commission granted Variance No. 1036 by Resolution No. 65,. Serias 1958-59, on Qctober 8, 1956, to.erect a sign for a T.V. repair service as a home occupation, and vrhereas the City Council requested that the petitioner apply for a varianca to conduct.the T.V. repair service, and ~fHEREAS, the City Planning Comnission granted Variance No. 1051, by Resolution No. %, Seri.es.1958-59, on November 3, 1958, to permit the operation of a T.V. and small appliance repair service and erection of a 3 foot by 5 foot sign on the same property as that considared under Variance No. 1036, and KF~REAS, subject property approved for the T.V. repair shop now has a service static+~~ operation on it. t~AMI, THEREFORE~ be it resolved that the City Planning Commission of the City of Maheim does hereby terminate Variance Nos. 350, 1036, and 1051, based on the foregoing fiadings_ THE FORB~II~ RE~LUTION is signed and a~~~~oved by me this 24th day of September, 1964a CHAIRI! HQM CITY PL.INNING OOMMISSIO , PRO TBi ATf EST: ..r~~~~7?/!'t~ ~ SECREfABY ANAHQiI CITY PLANNING ODMMISSION STAiE OF CALIFaRMA ) ~IJNfY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI?Y OF.ANAHEIM ) I., J1na .Krehs, Secratary•of. #he City.Planning.Co~nission of the City of Maheim, da hAreby certify that.the.foroguing.ro.solutioA-was..passed and adopted at a.aaeeting of the City P3annin.g Comm!ssion of the City of Maheim, held on September 14, 1964, at 2~00 0'clock P,11., by the following voto of the members thereofs AY$St COWIISSIONFRSt bA~S~ . OOWIISSIONERSt AB9EETf: 001(ItISSTO~~ ABSTAIHt ODMHISS,IOl~3S: IN MIT.'~BSS 11HER~F % Allred, Camp, Ct~avos, Gauer, Perry. None. Wuigall.. Rowland. ~ I have hereunto set my hand this 24th day of September, 1964. ~~s~~t/ s~r~xY Mu~w cm ~.a~nNC oow~issioa