PC 1964-1965-1375I 4.Re+'.""....
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RESOLUTIOIf 1f0. 1375, SERIES 1964-63
A RF.90LUT~0[f 01-1~t Cl'R PLA1QfIIA0 OOMI~S~OIf O! TH8 C1T! 01~ ANAHB01
'DlAT PE11'PIOlf lO~t OOIfDlT10lfAt. tfi~ PS~T 63g 8E GRArZ'BD
~ggg~g~ ~ qa p~ Co~a~ d dh Ab ot Mi~i~ ~d aod~ ~ wd8~d PRttio~ ioc Ootl~o~d
U~ P~silt ho~ E~IN E. At~ R~![H B. FEACOCK~ 1701 West Lincoln Avenue, Mah~im, California,
O~mers~ R. S. HOYT,.1R., 146 Eaat Orangethorpe Avenue~ Anaheim, California, Agent of certain
real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as
dsscribad !n Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to Mrein as though set forth in full
~RL~A9~ f~e dq Pl~ Co~i~° dld tiold a pbUe M~da~ ~t ~ pb Hal1 is t6~ Cit~ of M~Lds ae
Octobar 19, 1%4, ~t ~~0 e'dod~ P.11.~ sotla oE wid pnblio hwia~ 6ads~ bNa ddr ~hnn ~s epdi+d b!
lnr ad !~ ssoord~ wl!! tM pto~ldoat ot t5~ An~~is Ymidp~t aod~~ C6~pbr ~.64. to lu~r rmd ~osddu rdd~t
[or ~ed ~ atd piopa~d ao~dltlaaal os~ rtd to !a~ r_td m~ 8adisp ~ r~ooee~dWoa~ la oom~etloa
dwrw!!tit ~ed •
IIHEREAS. ~ Oo~ dl~e ds~ l~p~Wa. 1av~tlPtlon. ~od ~taq~ u~ b~ iwli ~sd ln lb br6di. ~nd
dhr da~ aoetld~e~tlan d~dl Mdra ~sd npoRs ~~t ~dd b~~, do~s Ssd aod d~be~la~ t6t 6ollovle~ 6~ts:
L Tbai th~ pa~pOSed ae~ !s qiop~el~ ae~ ta w6ie~ • Oeeditiosd .W~ Pw~lt is aamods~d b! !5b Cod~, to
,~~ estabiish an automotive service center and related store with waiver of minimum required
parking on aubject proparty. .
Z, 'l~t tM pepo~~d w w111 ~'~t ~~tb~t da ~dl~[ I~sd o~ ~ tti~ ~owt~ ~od dn~lopMSt ot
t~ ~ ia whic~ it ls peapo~~d to b~ bwbd.
3. 'llwt da da ~sd t6~ of t6e ~!b p~opond ~oc tbe ut~ i~ ~dpaate to dlow the fu11 Awdop~nt ot tM
propo~~d uw ~• Mas~c aot d~ela~atd tr tbc p~ttlat~e a~a na to t6e pNC~. herleh. s~f~t7~ ~ad L~su~l w~if~e~
oE W~ Citls~os ot fM Cltr oi M~~la.
4. ze.c m. ~a~ oc m. copa~a~~ o.. ~.-t ~a.~ m. ~mn~e. ~..a, u.er, wW sot be d~l~l
to th~ pwc~. 6ailtl4 ~~7~ ~ t~~nl welhi+ oE tti~ Citls~os oE da Gtr of M~6dm.
5. ?hat two•l`tters w~re receiv~d and two pfrsons appeared is~ opposition to s~ject
~ M1.
. ;~. *~
,-~----~----k------_ _
r R1~6JbA (IM. ii7)
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6ZS Naih &oadwaY. Sc:.. naa. Catitomia t t »;~
~ T.~. ~~.~1 ,~EXHIBIT A ~~ ;
Your No........~22~~..$...._...»._. :. _-
, Our Ocdar No....»..2'i.9322»I'~C_...»
Dianns Has~gravs
. .
, ~
~~~ C~
SEP 1964
This report L iseued p~+elimin~y to rsoordation, Hnal do~~ing, ~sd issu~ce of policy of tide insurance in
connection with this ordsr. Oiu BablUty is wlely that expreased in such policy. No separate liability is
aesumed by thir rspat exapt that i( no policy L iuusd under this order the amount paid !or thia report
shall b~ th~ m~imum liabWty of th~ oomp~y.
By.......__.._ .............................._....__.......
na~ea as ot ~:3o A.M. on 3eptember 17, 1964 l~in 8. Kothe
llestse: .
EDWtN $. I~3ACOCK sad ROTB 8. ~ACOCK, huebaud and xiPe, as Joint
tenants in aommoa. . - .
Tk:e l~d reterred to in this roport is in the state ot Cali(omia, county ot Orange
iN~M~IL+7 u.~ _\.
PARCEL l: Ali that real progErty it~ the aity oP Anaheim, being tha~ por iora
oP Lots H, I and N o! Boege's Addition to Anaheim, as shorm on a map
thereaf recorded in book 3, paBes 2 and 3, Mieoeilaneoue 'Rsaorda ot
I,os Angelea Coru~t~r, California, desoribed ae Polloxa:
8eginning at a point ot~ g Z~ne parallel *~ith and distant 3outherlq
30.00 feet, measured at right at~glos from bhe Northerly line o!
eaid Lot H, eaid point beirrg 3outh 7~' 22' 00" Weat 16.74 Seet
Prom the iriteraection oP eaid ~arallel line with the Sasteri~ lir-e
of said Lot Hj then~e 3outh 7a 22~ 00" West along said paraliel liae
148.36 feeb to the Easteriy lina o! eaid Lot Nj ~hence soath 15' 36' 23"
East along said Basterly line o! Lot N, 22.22 leet; thence Sauth 74°
22~ OOp ~st, parallel with the Northerly line ot aaid Lot N, 33.~
feet to a poiAt on a liae paraliel xith and Northeast.arly 80.OG teet,
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~ .~..._.. ~.,___.____ _ .
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27932~ 1~
Page ~
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messared at right angles from the Northeasterlq lina o! the land de-
ecribed in a Mreotor~e Deed, recorded June 5, 1946,:in book 1426, pge. 88,
orfscsal Reaordsj thenae south 47° 41~ 37" Faet along eala parailel line
?5.~1 t'eet ~o tho begin~ning o! a tangent curv~e concave 3outhxeeterly
having a radiue oP 8,040.00 leet; thence Southeasterly along sai4
aurve through a central angle of 1' 13~ Q9", an ara cliatance ot
171.0~+ teet to the 3outheriy line oP said Lot I; th~riae North
74° 22~ 00" East along said 3outherly line 6 49 See to the .
Easterly line~oP sa14 Lot Ij thence North 15~~38~ 10~ W~aet along •
the Eaeterly linee oP said Lota I and H, 205.iS Peet to the 3outherly
corner ot the lat~d deaoribed in a.deed to the 3tat~ of CaliPornia,
recorded J.ine 11, 1954, itt book 2745, ~age 34, OF2'icial Reaords•
thence Nor~h 45• 45' 52" West along the South~+eeterly line of said ~
land o! the stats o! Calitornia, 33.34 teet to the p~int o! begir~r~ing.
PARCEL 2s The Bast 50.00 Peet o! lote M and N ot Boege~s Addition to
Anaheim, in the aity ot Anaheia~, aa eho~rn on a map thereo! reoorded in
book 3, DaBe 2, Mieaeilarieouo Records, in ~he o2'riae oP the oounty
recorder ot Loe Arigeles County, Ca1 1lornia. !
EXCEPT the 3oubh 100.00 leet of eaid lot N.
AL30 EXCEPT the Norbherly 10.25 Peeti oP said lot M.
PARCEL 3= ~e Norbh 22.22 Peet o! that gor~ion oP th~ 3outherly A
100.00 Peet oP lot N oP Bcege~~ Addition to 1lnaheim, ~,a the ci of ~
Maheim, as sho~n on a asa,p reoorded in book 3, page 2; l~acella eous
Reanrde, in the affice of the courxty recorder ot Los ~gelea Cout~ty, ;
Calitornia, lyring Eaeteacly oP a]3ne para2lel xith and Northeasteriy •,~ ~
80.00 Peet Prom the courae desaribed as having a lerrgth o! 187.28 leet
in a dir~ator"e Deed recorded June 5, 1946, in book 1426, pa, 88, I~ ,~
OPfioial Records of said Orar~Be Caunt3r. ~,._ L_~~
EXCEPTIN(~ traa that portion included xithin Lot N, all minorala, oils
gases and other r~}rQrocarbor.a by ~a*..soever riame kt~ox;i ~rl,thnu~, ho~rever,
the right to drili', dig or mine through the eurPace therefor.
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NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED th~t the M~heim City Pl~nning Commissiaa does heteby grent subJcct
Pptition Eor Conditional Use Permit, npoe the foUowin4 coaditloe~ which ~ce 6ecebq fonad to be a necessary prorequlsite
to the peoposed use of the snbject property in oeda to preserve the saEety ~nd geuenl welhre oE the Citisena of the
Gtq of Maheim: •
1. I'hat ttw ~s of subject proparty shall.deed to t~e City of Mnhei+m a strip of land
45 f.eet in ~ridth~ fronr thr centrr l~trre of tt~e street, along~MeacMe~tvr ~Av~t~ue for street
wi,dert2~ ptaposes~ers of subjeCt prope t she11 pa to t e City of Ma the sum of S2.00
per frontfifaot alor-g Martchestrr ltverme, '~h~lfa Str~ an~ ~e~ Stree~t~ .~f~traet lighting
P~ps3$SThat the o~ess of sub3ect prop~rtp shall pa to tht City of A1ii~ta the-aa~ af .l5~per.
fratt fa~t alaay•Yanchester /Rve~r, Thali$ Straat-~ Cw~ter Str #or tree purposes
4e That ths~sidrwelks• aeoc# drireways shall be insta}~aed ait~sg~hester veawe as
required.bp .tbe~it.y.~ and~ .}a accordaxce with stand~sd~•pla+s ane~speoific.atioos: oa fi1Q
in •the office .of the Ci y E~gineer, '
5. That :he driveways shall be installed aloag'ihalia Straet, as required by the City
Engineer ar~d in accordanc~ rith atandard pla~ and spacif icationa, ow f ila: in. the. off.ica af the
Cit~ Ecgine~ra ;
6. That the~da~-aged and~lor hazardous sidawelks shall bo•ra~aire~ a1wy.Thalia.Straet and.
Center Straat. '
7. That trash storaga areas shall b~ prauided in accordance with appravad planc oa file..
with th~s 'of.f i~e of the Direcicr of Publ ic Morks.
S; Tl~at Conditiorr Nos. 1, 2,-3, ebova:m~ntiorre~t sAall be ca~piied xith prior to the time
that .thc $uiid3ng A.~tt .is. .isswd or with a{~esio~ of 180 days..fro~ ~ste-lias~af. ~hicl~wvar
ocaur~ first,- or such furthQr time as. the ~asion .or City Council may grant.
9.- T~ ~ditioe~~dios. 4~ 5, 6, ancF 7, abwe~ ~rtfonedy s1sa11 bP co~npliod. witA psior. to
final bui~~l.ing'inrpection.
l0e Thrat subjQCt .{uopQrty sball br develoFee! substantially in accordant.e with plans~. ar~d
spacificetions oa file with the City of i.naheim,.marked Exhibit Nos. 1, ~, and 3.
11< That all air conditioning facilities shall be property shielded from view from abutting
THE FOREGOIIQG RESOLUI'ION is sipied and approved bq me Wls 29t of October, 1964.
l;~~/L~/n ~.~.~
:x .
Ir Apn Kreb~~, Seaetary oE the City Pl~aeing Commission of the Ctty of Aneheim, do haeby certify that the
fore~oing reeoluUon au pas~ed and adopted at s meetina oE the City PlanninQ Commisston oE the City of Aaaheim,
held aa October 19~ 1964~ at 2:00 o'ciock P.6I., by the followlnQ vote of the membecs the~o~
AYES: COlO[ISSIONERS: ~amp, Chavos, Gauer, kungall, Perry, f~owland.
IN WITNESS WfiEREOF, I 6RVehereunto set my haad tl~i~ 29th day of October, 1964.
Cl-G -~