PC 1964-1965-1377---..____.Y--- - _. -- . ~-r.,~~:ri.....~.,,~......... ._.__-__---___~ . - - - ------- __._.___--_ - '~ ~ . i 1 ` ~ ~ ~ _ RESOLOTIOIf X0. 1377, SERIES 1964-65 A RF•SOLUTION OF THB C11Y PLANNII~iG CG'm~SI~N OF THE C1TY OF ANAHE~I 'If1AT PETITION FOR CONDTTIONAL US~ PER1i1T ~+33 SE dRANTED WHEREAS. ths Gq~ Pl~oaina Camminion oL f6~ d~ oi Aa~6dm dld nctlN ~ wd8ed P~litlon for Coaditiond Uae Peemit6om LARRY AND R06LYN GOLDBERG AND a6CAR AND RITA GINSBERG~ 600 North Euclid Avenue, Suite 686~ Anaheim, California, Umerst LEROY RO6E~ 600 North Eu~clid Avenue~ 5uite 686, Anahaim, California, Ag4nt of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as the South 5 acres of the Southxest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Sect3on 7, Toemship 4 5quth, Range 10 West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 51, page 10, Miscellaneous Maps~ records of said Orange Coun~ty~ EXCEP? TE~REFROM the ~ast 1 acre ; md WHEREAS~ t6s Cltq Pl~min~ Commi~d~ did lwld ~ pabllc he~elna at the Citq Hdl !a th~ Gtq oE An~hdm an October 19, 1964~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M.~ notiee of ~dd pnblic h~adaa bavia~ bsaa d~iq `iven u eeqnired by laav .ed in ~coocd~nes with the ptovlaloaa af the Aa~hheim Mnaidpd code, Ch~pter 18.64, to heu and condda evldenae for aad ~plnst sdd peopo~~d oonditional w~ ~nd to investlaate md m~1ce 8adin~~ wd isoommsadWons in eonaeotioa theeeaitht ~nd • WHEREAS~ sdd Commi~~ion, ~e dne ln~p~ct[oa~ iavestlptim~'~md ~tnqq m~ds by lbelf rmd in ib beh~lf, ~nd after due cauidentlon of ~11 wld~ac~ ~ad npoeb o#ee~d ~t s~id 6e~dn~, doa 5ad ~nd deteemine ths followlae hds: 1. Th~t ths ptapo~ed m~ is peopaly oa~ 6oe whid~ a Candition~l,Up P~it L authods~d by tLls Code, to ' ait: establish two convalescent homes on subject property. 2. That tb~ pcopo~ed ws will not ~dwea~ly tihd tbe ~dJoinin` l~ad we~ ~ad ths ~eowth ~ad d~wlopment ot the ~eeo !a ahich it L ptopo~ed to bs loated. 3. '11iat the ~ise ~nd shap~ of the ~ite propo~sd ~or tbe nts is ~deqwte to allow the fnll dsvelopment of tLs - propoced use ia a matasr not detdmentd to the p~etioalat ue~ noc to the peace, health, safetq, ~nd ~eaenl w~lfare of the Citlseas ot the Cit9 of M~hetm. . 4, Tfiat ti~e granting of the Conditloael Use Peemit nnder the wnditlon~ imposed, if ~ay, wW not bs deteimaatd to the peace, hedth, saEety~ aad genenl aelfare of the Citlseas of the City of Aa~helm. 5. That .a standard 20-foot alley has been dsdica~ed along the east.boundary line of 5ubjec+_ pro~prty~ and p~titionex.has.stated that~a request has..been made to the City Council to abandon the newly dedicated alley, if subject petition is approved. ~ 6. That no one appeared in ~pposition to subfect petition. Ci-G ,•,,;: . ..,.,,.~~~ ___ ~• , _ . , ~' ~ ~ _ j . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that t}-e Aaaheim City Plenning Commisaion does hecebY gcent subject Petition for Coaditlonel Use Permit. upon the following coaditions which ~e heceby found to be a necessery pcerequisite ~o the peoposed use of the subject propetty in ordec to pteaetve the safety and genecd welEare of the Citizens of the City of Maham: ' 1. That trash stnrage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director.of Public 1Morks. 2o That.f ire.hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire.Department. 3. That Condition Nos. 1 and 2, above mentioned, shall be complied Mith prior to final bui.ld3.ng, ins~ection. ~ d. ihat subject.property shall be dex~eloped substentially in accordance with plans and. specifications.oa file.yrlth tKe ~itv of Anaheim. marked Fxhibit Nos. 1 through 7. ~ 50 1'hat all air conditioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view from abutting streets. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed aad ~ppeoved by me this 29th day of October, 1964. ' i i CHAIR~AN ANAHEIM CITY P ANNIIdG COb~NISSION ATTEST: ~ . . SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIIIG COINMISSION STATE OF CALIFORrIIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sc. CITY OP ANAHEISi i I, ?Ann-.~CrEbp~ Secretery of the Gty Plamlag Commission of the City of Anaheim, do heceby ceRify that the ' foregoiag resolution was pessed and edopted at a meeting of the City Planniag Commission of the City of Anahdm. ~° . held oa OCtober 19~ 1964~ at 2:00 o'ctock P.MI., by the foUowIag vote of the membees thereof: ~:~'~ AYES: CO110~lISSIONERS: ~~P~ -~avos, Gaue;, ~lungall, Rowland. ' NOES: COl9YQSSIONERS: ~!'~ AHSENT: C06~QSSI4NERS: AllrBd. . ABSTAIN~ OOMNISSIONFRSi Perry. IN WTfNESS WHEREOF, I havsherennto set my luad this 29th day of OCtober~ 19b4. - . ~/`'i~/~ , ~ SECRETARY ANAHEllYI CITY PLANNII~TG COMl~S.SION _~