PC 1964-1965-1402; _;~ .1 ~. RESOLUfION NA, i402a Series :964-65 A RESOLUfION OF THE CITY PLANDiING WMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHIII~ RE001~9dENDING T'0 THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHQM ?HAT TITLE EIGHTEEN OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL 4~DE CHAPTER i8~529 M-ly LIGHT INDUSTRIALo ~DNE SECIION 18,52v0609 SITE DEVEIAPMENT STANDARDS BE AMENDED WHEREAS9 the City Councii has establ:shed a height standard poiicy in the Commercial ?ecreation Area, and WFIEREASy Exhlbit Noo 5y adopted as a guide, indicates that a height of 100 feet above grade ievei of the property wouid be in ac:;ord with this policys and WHEREAS9 the M-~, Light Inductriai,Zone does not nflw establish a height iimit for structures more than 150 feet from a singie family residentiai zoney and IMFEREAS, Se:tion 180520060(2-h) provldes for "storagey parking9 or other permitted uses" in the setba:.k area which nullifies the effec~ of the setback areay and WHEREAS9 the Gity Planning Commission did hold pubii~, hearings a± the City Hall in the City of M aheim on O~:tober .i9 and October 269 i964, at the hour of 2e00 O~clock PoMo9 notice of said pubiic hearing having been d•~iy given as :required by laK, to hear and consider evidence for and against said amend~ent and ta investiga:e and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith~ NOW9 ?HPREFORF BE IT RESOLVID that the Gity Planning Commission of the City of M aheim does hereby recommend !o the City Council of the City o£ Maheim that Chapter 18,52y M-;9 Light Industrial, Zone of Tit1e Eighteen or the Anaheim Municipal Code, Section I8~52o000, Site Deveiopment Standards be amended as foiiowse (I) BuiTding ar,d Structurai Heigh: Limitations iaj Tne i:eight oi any b~.itiing or st-.uctusa wii.i~:n inree h;.ndrad (500j fe~t of any residentia; zone bound3ry shali not exceed one-third of the dis- tance from said b~ilding or st:uc+ure to the zone boundaries, provided that the height of any building or structure within sixty (60) feet of an~y xesidential zone boundary shali not exceed twenty (20) feet, nor shall any buiiding or struc:~uie be ~;loser to the zone boundary than the height of the wali or side of ihai sr,ructure~ Streets or a:ieys may be included in caicalating distanaea 2 ' `, (b) The maximum height o: all other buI?dings or structures shall be one ~ hundred (iC0) fee±• ~ and BE IT FURTHFR RE:7DLVED, that Section 18~5?_~060(2-•h) be deletado THE f~REGOING RESOLUTION is signed and appraved be me this 5th day of'November, 19640 ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY NNING aD1AMISSIO ATTEST: SECRE:ARY RHAHEII~ CI?Y PLANNING ~NMIISSION STA?E OF CALIF~ftNIA ) ~UNTY OF ORMGE ) sse CITY OF A~IAHEIb ) I, Mn Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim9 held on October 26, 1964, at 2e00 0'clock P,~loy by the following vote of the members thereof: AYESa OOMMISSIONfRSa Allred9 Cam~y Chavos, Gauer9 N6~nga11, Rowlando NOFSs OOWE.ISSIONFBSa None, -- ABSENls OOWdISSIONER~c Per.ry ~ - IN IMITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 5th day or November9 1964, ~~~~~L~7/`2~ SECREfARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNlNG GD4IMISSION