PC 1964-1965-1407E . A ~ i ~ ~. ~ 3 . .. RFSOLUIION !~. a407. Series 1964-65 A RE90LUTION OF.THE CI7Y PLANNING ~WIISSION OF THE CI?Y OF ANAHQM RE~MILEIiDSI~ TO ?HE CITY CAUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AAIAHEIM TH1-? GEN&RAI, pLAN AkFN~IEHP ID. 42 BE DISAPPBDYm 11IiEREAS, tAe City Ca ncil of the City of Maheim did adopt e General Plan by Resoluticn No. ti3R-869, showir.g th~ general datcription and extent of Iand uses withir. th~ CiLy and indicatiag the preaent balief oi the City Counail as to possible future dsvslopm~a~ aad rad~xalapm~nL..of land within ths City; and x}{FRFJIS, th~ Cit+~ Planning Co~iosion of ths City of Mah~im did rece'~ve a verif iod p~tiiion for R~ciaa~iiication ~Io. 64-65-39 and Conditional Os~ Permit No. 632 which peLitioaa hava impllc:at3ons on polici~e as expr~as~d on ssid Gsn~ral P1anR and xHERFJIS„ in confunction with the notic~ of the hearing on eaid Rsclassifi~ation and Conditional Us~ Parmit. notic~ waa a14o giv~n regarding th~ consid~ration aF an am~ndmu~i.to the Gan~sai Piac in th~ g~neral location and vicinity of sub~ect prop~rty of said.g~olasaif ication and Conditionai Ue~ P~rmit; and IUHERFJIS, th~ City Plenning Commission did hold pubiic hearingset the City Hall . in th~ City of Mah~im c October 19, October 26, and November 9, 1964, at 2~00 0'clock P.M.~ notiw of aaid public h~ariru~ having b~en duly givin as raquired by law and in accordanc~ with.tha provisions of the M ah~im 1lunicipal Code, to haar and conaidar evlduic~ for and agaiuat s~id Miendment to ih~ General Plan end eaid propoe~d petitiona for Reclau if icaLion and Co~nditionel Use Permit to inv~etigate and make f indings and recomm~adatiaaa i~s connacti._ tborawiths and MHFSFJIS,..aaid.Commisaion aft~r due int~action, investigationY and etudy made by itaalf and 1A its b~half and aft~r d~ conaid~ration of all evidence and r~ports off~r~d at taid ~~arings, OOFS HER~Y FIIm i. 7hat the ~r~sent g~neral deecripti.on and •xtent of land usas in the afor~m~ntion~d az~a adoquat~ly ropr~sonts past and curr~nt City policie• ragardiag po,sibl~ futur~ d~velopm~nt of eaid gsneral area, g~nerally aituatad on th~ p~riphsry circl• on both eidas of East Street north And south of Sycamor~ Av~nu~. 2. That no ~vid~nc~ wai pr~sant~d at said h~aring which would ~uettfy ~ th~ City Planning Co~is~ion r~co~om~ndinq a chang~ in the abov~- nwntion~d paliciu to th~ City Council. 3. ~'hat lt~chibit ~ i-' oi u~n~rai :.ian :su:r~~~~~t l:~. ~= a=s- .^.-t co.^.et~tut! an acc~ptabl• aiternativ~ to curr~nt poliaia e~ illu~tret~d on the (i~n~ra; Plan. 4. That th~ psop~rty con~id~red in a~n~ral Plan Am~r.dm~nt No. 42 b~ ro- viw»d again at th~ ennuel r~vievi of th~ G~n~ral Plan to d~t~rmin~ wh~tha• any ch,ng• will b~ w~rrant~d. _ ~ , . t - • .. ~. .r _ - > NOWo THFREFORE9 BE IT RESOLYID that the..City Planning Commission of the C~ty of Maheim does he:eby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that subject Geqeral Pian Amandment be di5approved on the basis of the aforementioned findings,. THE taRBCiOING RE30LUTION is signed and approved by me this 1 of November, 1964 ~ . CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY NI1~ CAMMISSION ATTESTa __SC~~t~ ~~`.e/ SECRETARY ANAHIIYI CIiY PLANNING OD1dMISSION STATfi OF CAI.IfaRNIA 1 COUM'Y OF ORANGE ) sse C7TY OE ANAHEIH ) , I9 Mn Krebs„ Secretary of the City Planning Comnission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing reso~ution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of :he C.~ty of Anaheim9 heid on November 9, 1964, at 2e00 0'clock P,Ma by.tha fo:lowing vote of the aembers therbofe AYESe CAIrI1rIISSI0N~9e Gauer, liiunga119 Perry, Rowianda I~p$Ss COIAYIISSIONfRSe Noneo ABSENft ~lWISS1DNERSa Aiired, Campa IN IIITNESS WFIStB~F, I have harsunto sat my hertd thia 19th day of Novembsr, 1964. Rea~ l4~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHQld CIiY PLANNING OOMMISSION ~ _ __ __.~