PC 1964-1965-14091 ~ ~ / ... ~ ~ _" RESOLUTION N0. 1409, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLItNN1NG C0101ISSIOH OF '1~iE CITY OF ANAHF.DJ THAT PE'fI'PION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERIAIT~.47 BB (iRANTED WHEREAS~ the Citq Pl~naia` Commissia- ot the City oE Iln~6dm did :ecdw ~ wd8~d P~titlon Eor Condidoa~l U~ePermitirom the FIRST C}fftISTIAN CHURCH OF ANAF~IM, 325 1Mest Broadway, Anaheim, ~alifornia, Owner~ MARKO Eo B7fICH, 1333 South Euclid Avenue, Anaheim, California, Agent of certain real property situated in +,he City of Anaheim, County of Orange; State of California, described ae the East 165 feet of the West 330 feet of the North 650 feet of the East half of the Northwest quarter of the NortMrest quartar of Section 13, Trnmship 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho S~n Juan de Santa Ana, as shorrn on a Map recorded in Book 51, page 10 of I~lisce'Llaneous Maps, recorda of Orange County, California ; ~nd WHEREAS, th~ C~ry Pi~naiaa Commlulon did hold ~ ~,nbflc heuiat at th~ City Hall ia the Clty oE M~im oa Novedtbez 9~ 1964~ at ?:00 o'clock P.bI., notica ot udd pnbllc h~ada[ h~vlni Me~+ dv1Y [~v~° °~+9~ b9 l~w ~nd in ~ccord~nc~ wit6 t6e paovl~lau ot ths M~hdm ~Inal~dpal cod~, Ch~pbr 18.W, to hear ~nd ~oa~id~c wld~aee ~ foe ~ad qdn~t ~aid pn~po~~d aoaditland w~ wd tc lavati`at~ ~nd m~ln tlndlap ~ad roommad~tlon~ !a eoae~ctioa t6~r~with; ~nd ' WHEREAS~ said Comml~~ion, dt~r ~~ in~pktiaa~ lnvNtiptla~. ~nd ~tndy mad~ by lb~U ~md !a ib Mh~lt, aad alter dne coaNd~cation of tll wid~ncy ~ad npoet~ og~nd at ~dd 6we:a~, doa pnd ~nd debemie~ th~ EoUowfa~ factr 1. T6at th~ propos~d w• !~ prop~ely ao~ tor w6leh a Caadltlon~l.Ur~ PNmlt !s ant6odsed by thie Cod~, to ~~; eatablish a permanent church fecility consisting of a chapel, sanctuary, and educational f acilities on subject property. 2. 7'h~t th~ propa~d w~ wl11 aot ~dvaNtq ~H~ct tb~ ~d~oinia~ l~nd wN ~nd th~ ~rowth aad dw~lopm~nt ot ehs m~ in whic6 it !a pr~po~~ to M located. 3. Th~t th~ ~ls~ ~ad shap~ ot th~ s!b propo~~d toe t6~ nN is ~dpwt~ to ~llow th~ tu11 dw~loPm~nt ot th~ Propo~~d nu la ~ mWIK o0t M~l1~~Gtt~ t0 tll~ Q~COI~t ~~ OOf ~0 tL~ PNC~~ 6~aleh~ saf~ty, ~nd pnMl wdEne of th~ Citts~ o! th~ CitY ot M~h~. 4. Th~t th~ ~nntln~ ot the Condltlontl Uw P~emit md~c th~ ~oaditlaa~ impa~d, it a~y~ wlll not b~ d~trlm~nt~l to tbe p~~o~, ~~~lth~ uf~ty, ~nd pn~nl wsihn ot th~ C1U:~u~ ot th~ Gty ot An~bNm. 5. ?hat th` petition~r etipulated to d~velopment of the propoeed facility in three stages, namely the chapei firety the educational facilities aecond, and tha sanctu,ary third. .,~~ 6. That no one appeared in opposiiion io auuju~i. Na~+~.0~~. c~a -1• ; , . ~ ~ ~ NOW, THEREt+'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED th~t the M~6dm City PlanaiaQ Commiwion does hereby ~nnt subject Petition toe Conditlw+~l Use Pemiit, upon the Eollowing ccnditioa~ which ~ee h~[eby fonnd to be ~ aece~~~ry Proeequlsite to the proposed use ot the ~ubJect propedY In order to pre~erve the s~t~ty ~ad ~enenl w~lf~ro oE the Citizeas of the Clty of Anaheim: ' 1. That the owr~ers of subject proplrty shall dPed to the City of Maheim a 3-foot overhang easeme~t along the easterly boundazy o£ su5ject property. 2e That the ovrrters of subject property sha'1 pay to the City of Maheim the sum of 15~ per front foot along South Street for tres pianting purpoaes. 3e That trash storage azeas sha3.1 be provided in ~~COZdaRCe w3th a~p:aved plans on f ile with the off ice of the Dire~tvr of Public Morks~ 4. That the ftre hydra~ts shaiT be installed.as required and determined to be necessary by the Ch~ of the Firt Departmente 5. Tha+ Condition Nose 1 end 2, above awRtionedo shall be complied with prior to the time that the Huiiding Permit is issued or within a period of 180 days from date hereof, whichever oocure first, or such further time as the Commission or City Council may grant. 6. That Condition Noso 3 and 49 above mentioned, shail be complied with prior to final building i~spection. '7., 2hat oubje~t property ehali be developed in three staaes as stipulated by the petitione~ and shall be subetantially in accordance with plane and spec:ficationa on fiie w3th the City of Meheim' marked Ezhibit Nos~ 19 29 and 3< 8~ That all air conditioning laciiities shali be self-contained or properly shielded from view from ,~butting streetso THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION Is si~ned ond ~ppeewd by me thla 19th day qf November, 1964. CNAIRMAN ANAHF.IM,CITY PL G COAlMISSION A17EST: %~~2~i~^rv SECRETARY A2IAHEAM CITY PLANNIIVG COMhl1SSION STATE OF CALIF~RNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANdE ) ss• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) T, ~nn KroM. Sx»t~ry of ths Gty Pl~neln~ Commi~~ioa ot We City of Aa~beim, do hereby eerHtY tb~t ths fore`oia~ resolntion wu pused md ~dopt~d ~t a mestin~ o[ t6e Clty Pl~aain~ Commis~loa oi fine ~;ty ~i ~+nah::a, held oa November 9, 1964, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., bY the followln~ vote oE the membees ehersof: ~yES: COMa11SSI0NERS: Gauer, t~ungally ~Qerry, Rowlendo NOES: COlUNISSIONERS: None~ AgSqQT: C0IQILSSIONERS: Allred, Camp. IN WITNESS q~EiEREOF, I k~vohereunto ~et my h~nd thl^ 19th day of November~ 19640 ~~~~ ~~vL~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM C1TY PLANNING CON(MISSION RESOLUTION N0. 1409 C2-G . ~2~