PC 1964-1965-1417RESOLUTION N0. 1417, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF '17~E CiTY PLANMNd OO~Oti OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEiM THAT PETCTION FOR CONDTIIONAL OSE FERYIT 646 •BE GRANTED NHEREAS. the Ck7 Pl~nain~ C~mml~~im ef th~ City ot M~dm did wcdh ~ wd8~d P~tltlon tor Condltlan~l U~e P~emit6om WESTERN VILIAGE, 9027 Alondra Boulevard, Be:lflower, California, Qmer~ ORCO BU:LDING /~HD DEYELOPI~M , INGORPORATED, 600 North Euclid, Suite 645, Anaheim, California, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Ana!-eim, County of Orange, State of California, described as Parcel 2i The South half of the East half of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section :4, Trnmship 4 South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as shoxn on a aap racorded in book 51, page 7 and folloring, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County~ EXCEPTING TE~REFROM the South d83 feet~ ALSO EXCEPTING TI~REFROM the East 200 feet of the North 89a16 feet of the South 572e16 feet ; ~nd :; ;s ;~ i 'i ~ -----t ~ $ Y ~ m WHE6tEAS, the City Pl~ania~ Codmissioa did hold ~ pnblie he~tla` at t6e GYty H~11 in th~ Citr of Aavtslm oa November 9, 1964, ~t 2:00 o'dock P.N.. noUce ot wid public heala~ havla~ bNa duly ~iv~u w t~qnlesd by l~w ~ud ia ~ccord~nce with We peovision~ of the Aad~eim Maaidp~l code, Ch~pter LC;51, W he~r ~nd coa~id~r widenee foc ~nd ~Qai~ut ~aid propoced oondltloa~l wo ~nd to lovatlpte ~nd m~lce pndlup wd t~ooam~nd~tlon~ in oom~ctioa therewlth~ and WHEREAS, sdd Oomsisslan, ~Rn dnt ln~psatioa, iave~tiptlat, ~ed stndr mad~ by lb~lt ~ed ln ib behdt, ~md ~Rer dne rm~identioe oE ~1! evid~ncs ~ad epods offeeed ~t ~dd 6udn~, dou 8nd ~d d~bemin~ the Eollowla~ hcts: I. Thot the pcopo~od u~t le propecly oae [or whlch a Cond!!loaal,Usa Pem+it !s anlhosised bq lhia Cods, to ~~. estabtish e on~ and two story multipl~ family planned residentiai,development with car- p~rfs and waiver ofx i) single story height Iimitation within 150 feet of R-A, Zoned property z1 minimum floor areao 2. That tb~ pcoporsd nse will not ~dverady ~ffkt t6~ ~dJo~aln~ l~nd tuM ~nd Un {rowlh ~sd dw~lopm~at of the ae~ in whie6 it i~ peoposed co be loaE~d. 3. Tb~t th~ ~is~ ~nd ~h~p~ of the ~lu peapo~sd for th~ u~ b~deqr~N 'to ~llow t~~ f~l! d~v~lopm~n! of t1M Propo~ad we ln ~ m~nn~r aot deteimentd to th~ p~eticala ~ aar to ebe pe~, 6u1t5, a~E~r, ~ed ~~n! ~ of the Gdaens ot the Citq ot M~3ela. 4. Th~t th~ ~atia` oE th~ Conditload Use P~emit md~r We aoadiUaas impw~d, iE ~ay. wlll oot b~ dKdeeaW to t6e ps~c~, hetltb, s~E~ty, ~nd ~anenl wslhrs oE the CiUs~u~ oE t6s Cltq ot M~hdm. 5. That undei the authority of Codei Section 18.64.070 wafver of the required floor area to permit the deve~opmwlt cf eubject property with t~ra bedracN~ apa:t~ass~s c: 473 square feet each and two story construction within 150 feet of R-A, Zoned property is granted. 6. ?hat no one appeared in opposition to eub~ect petition> Cl-G -1• NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED that the M~h~im Gty Pl~aaia~ Commiuioa don henby `ru-t wbieet Petltlon Ior CondiUon~l U~e Pesmit, npoe the foflowln` condltions whleh ~a her~by Eonad to be ~ necn~~ry pnrequi~it~ to the peoposed use of the ~ubject propeety ln order to pre~~rve th~ ~~f~ty ~ed ~enenl a~lhn of tha CitisN-s ot th~ City ot An~hdm: . la That trash storage areas shall bepr ovided in accordance wtih approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public 1Norkse 2~ That fire hydrants shall be installed•as required and determined to bs necessary by the Chief of the Fire Departmento 3. That the oMSezs of subject property shall pay to the City of Maheim the sum of 525.00 per dwellirtg unit to be used for park and recreation puiposes, said amovnt to be paid at the time the building permit is issuedn 4~ That the cMners of subject property shail pay to the City of Meheim the sum of 15¢ per frarrt foot along ~vstern Avenue for tree planting purpoaes. 5. That access to tbe subject psoperty be obtained by acqu iring a portion of Lot "A" of Tract Noe 3886 along the westerly property line and Lot "A" of Tract Noe 5102 along the norther- ly property lineo 6o That Condi~ion Nosa 4 and 59 above o~entioned, shall be complied with prior to the time that the bui'ldirig pQrcnit is iscned or Wlthin a periad of 180 days fram date hereof, whichever occurs first. or sUCh further tima as the Commission or City Council stay granto 7~ ihat Condition Noao i and 2y above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building inape;.tiono B, That sub,ject property shail ba de~eloped substantia::y in accardance LY~LFI ~:ans and specifications on fiie with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Noso 1 through 11. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION i~ si~ned and ~pproved by me thi~ 19th day of November, 1964. i CHAlt2AfAN ANAN£11d CITY PL IIiC COl~4diSSION A1"fEST: ~~ SECRSTARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COM6IISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHBiM ) I, Ann Krobs, Seccetary of the City Plonnin~ Commit~ioa of the Cfty of An~helm, do henby ceetlly th~t the foreeoin` reaotntioa a~s pu~ed ~nd ~dopted ~t • meetln~ ot the Clty Pl~nnia~ Commisdon of tha City of M~heim, be~d ~ IVovembez 9~ 1964, at 2:00 o'ciock P.bI., by t6e followla~ vote of the membns thereot: AYES: COI~QtISSIONERS: Gautr, llunga119 Perry, Rowiand. NOES: C01~HISSIONERS: ~ne" AffiENT: COf~IiSSIOtiERS: Allred, Campe IN pI1NES3 WfiEREOF, I 6~veheeeunto set my h~nd thls 19th day of November~ 1964. R~SOLUTION N0. 1417 C2-G ~/vvcil'f~ SECRETARY ANAHE~1 CiTY PLANNMG COMMISSION -2- ~ lOOR COPTRAST FOF~ MICROFILMINa ~ 3 . ~ ..