PC 1964-1965-1420RESOLUI:ON I~„ :52,0„_Series :964-65 A RFaOLU.''ION OF ?HE CIiY PLANNING Q~MMISSION OF IH'c CI7Y OF ANAhE1M RE~MMENDING TO THE CTTY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY ~JF ANAHE;A~ THAT GENFgp1, pl,p,N pHIE,W'UA~ENT NDe 44 BE DISAPPROilID YINER'eA~y '_he ~i:y ~~t~ncii of the C~:y of Maheim did adopt a Gene:ai Pian by Reso:ution No., 63R-8b9.• show;r.g :he generai descziption ~nd extent of :and uses vrithin the Ci:y ~nd indicatin~ the piesent be:ief of the C:ty Gun::ii as to poss:b;e fut~re deve'_opcnsn: arki redeve:opmQ~t vf iand wi!n.n the Ci*_y; and _,_~ W'riEREASy ~he "'~.y P~anning Co~rsn~ssior of ±he Ci*yo uf Anaheim d1d receive a verified ~ Petitlo;i fci Re;,.ass:fic.+~ion Nca 54-65•5d9 whi:h petiticn has 1mp11cations on poii.ies , :+s expres:;ed on said Gene°,+~ Plar~ er.d WH~3tFAS~ in con;~n:.:!on ~,:th the notlce of the hearing on said Rec:assiftcation, .;~~.,a ;.~ .~ :j_~~ ~tvnr ran:~ .iirg the ..onsideration of an amendment to the Generai Pian in *he genai.~.. .a.:a`..on ~nd vic:nity c: sUb~ect property of said Reci3ssif:c;at:on; and WHFREAS„ ~he C:~y P;a~~nir.g Commiss:on d.d hold pt;biic hearir~sa'. ~he City Haii ii~ the Citv ot Anahe.m on O;~o~ez 26 ard November 9„ :964, a*. 2s00 0`ciook P,Mloo notice c~f said p~io:i~: he~r:r3a h~vi~:q been d;.;y given aa required by iaw and in a:;cordance with the provisions of i.he Mehe:m Ik~n.i::ip~: Ccdey tu hear and ;;onsider eviden~e for and against s~id Amen~i~ent to Lhe Ger!ra: Pian and eaid proposed Petiticn for Reclaesification to '^~-a=•:a~ie ,~nd makA find:ngs an~ _ecommendatior? in ,-onnaction therewithg and YYHERFASy s;~id Cummis5ion a!te- d~p inspectiony :nves'lgstion and study made by itseit and :n its behaif and aite_ due constderatian of a;i evidence and reports offered at sald hesiinyy DOES HERFSY FII~ ,~ :'r:+t •;he present ger~e:ai descr;p:ion and extent of ;and uses in the aforemen:.oned 3rea adeqt~~te:y :ep:eaents past and current City po':lcies rega~ding possib'Le t;:~Lre deve;opmen± ui said general area, located eaeierly of ~urlld Avenue on !he south sid~ of Lincoln Aven~e and directiy west ot Loara Strseto 2. Thai ~tio ov:dencs was p:esented at sa:d hearing which wou:d justify the City P:ar;n:r.g Commisaior, :ecommendinq a change in the above mentioned poiic:ea to the City Coun~:'.a ;i, Th~t Exhibit "A" cf G~neral P;an Am~ndment No. 44 do~s no~ constitute - ar, acceptable A~~teTriBtive to cu:rer.t policias as illustrated on the G~n~ral Plan. 4. That `h~ a~tion taken on Reclasaific:ation No. 64-65-53 be coneidered at the ann~~1 :~view. ~ ~ Y ~ ~' ~ a -a - 'a,l/' • _ . ~ ~ ~ _ _ ~ . . . NOMp THEREFORE9 BE IT RESLILVED that the Ciiy P:anning Commission oF the City of M aheim does hereby recommend to the City Gouncii of the City of Maheim that sub~ect Geaerai Pian Amendment be disapproved on the basis of the aforementioned findings. THE t~RB'iO~NG RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this i9th day of November9 19640 ATTESTa /AA s.+ / ~i -/ Y/• / RETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COI~IISSION STAT& OF CALIFORNIA ) OOUMfY OF ORANGE ) as~ CITY OF AH.1HEIil. ) CHAI AHEIM CITY P NING 0.1MMISSION Iy Ann Krebc„ Secsetary of tha City Planning Commisaion of the City of Anaheim~ do hereby ce~tify that ihe fosogoing.resolution was paeDed and adoptod at a maeting of the City Planning..Commiasion of the City of Anaheim, h~1d on November 99 1964q at 2t00 0'clock P„MIa9 by.the fo:lowing vote of the members thereofe AYESe OOWAISSTONFA3e Gauerv Mungaii~ Perry, Row'land. l~qESt WMWISSIONfiRSe None. A89ENI'n GnlAY7SSI0DIF9Ss Alired9 Campa IN WI2NESS WHERL~JF, I have hereunto aet my hand thia 19th day of November, 1964. < 4 Y' ~ 5 ~ _"~ Rees No. 1420 ~~ S CRETARY PNAHIIM CITY PLA~!IING OOMIrII6SI0N 7