PC 1964-1965-1428~, ::~, _, t . ~ : i , ~ ......__. __~._. ...___._.._ .-' .,..___ . ..,~ ~ _ a p . . _ .. . y~,- '_, - ._ ~i' RESOLUTION N0. 1428, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLI)TION OF THE CITY PLANNING COlIbIISSION OF THE CITY ~P' A.'VAHEIDA THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE Pl QltIT 650 BE (iRANTED WHEREAS, th~ City Pl~nala~ Coami~~loa oE th~ City oE M~h~im did raceive ~ v~etil~d P~tltloe for Conditloa~l U~~ PeemltErom J. RICHARD HUFFMAN, 2500 West Orangethorpe, Suite "J", Fullerton, California, Owrvr~ AtPI'HONY DEPIANO, 1750 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, Agent of certain real pron.r:y s;±•uated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, describad as the s~:~therly 185 feet of the northerly 251 feet of the west half of the northeast quarter of t~e northeast quarter of sectian 17, Township 4 South~ Range 10 West, in the Rancho Los C•oyotes, as the north half of the north half of said section 17 is shown on a map of Tract No. 2299, recorded in book 70 pages 44 to 49 inclusive of Miscellaneoue Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county~ EXCEPT the weaterly 520 feet thereof ; and `; :] ;, :~ ::; 1 i~ p ~ WFiEREAS, ths City Pl~aninQ Commi~don did hold a publlc he~dn` ~t th~ City H~11 in the City ot An~helm on November 23, 1964, ~t 2:00 o'dock P.N., notice of ~~id publlc he~dn` h~viq~ Deen duly ziv~n u eequlrad by l~a ~nd ia ~ccocd~nce wlth the provlsion~ of the M~heim Munldpal code, Ch~ptee 18:64, to he~c and condder evldeace for ond ~`dart ~dd pcopo~ed condiUoad use ~nd to iavest~a~te and m~e findinp and rocommendWoas la conn~etion therewlth; ~nd .. ' , WEiEREAS, s~id Commisaion, ofter due lnspecEion, lnvestlQatioa, ~ed study m~de by itselt ~nd in ita behdE, ~nd ~hsr due coe~id~eatioa oI dl widence and repod~ oHared at ~dd he~dn~, doe~ find ~od deNcmine the EoAowln~.hctr 1. Th~t tAe peoposed we i~ propedy ons foe ahlch a Condltload ,U~e Pe~mlt !~ ~uWorlsed by thi~ Oode. to wlt: Pe~± en-eale beer and wine in conjunctlon wi~h existing restau:nnt, and the amendment of C-I deed restriction of business and professionai usebs on6ly on subject property, as filed in con~unc~i~~~e th~e e~o~v~~o~tR~~l~a~s~~ ~~~a`,t,~s i~3lnia~ I~~~Lies ~ad the pawlh ~nd d~vdopmrot ~ot th~ ~n~ in whic6 !t i~ propor~d to b~ loc~ted. 3. '1b~t the dso u-d sh~ ot the dte pwpo~ed foe the we is ~dequ~te to allow th~ tull dwelopm~nt of the pwposed u~e in a mwur not detrleaeatd to the p~eticnl~r ~ee~ na to the pe~ce, he~lth,~r~fety, ~dd ~bn~nt Vrilf~a of the Citisens oE the Clty of Anahdm. , 4. Th~t the a~atln~ ot eh~ Conditload U~e Permlt undec the coaditloas impo~ed, !f ~ey, wfll not M deteiment~l to the pe~ce, hedth, s~fetyr, a+d ~enenl aelE~ce oE the Citlsens oE the Clty oE Aa~haim. • ' 5. That no one appeared in opposition to sub~ect petitiona Cl-G -1- ` "". .._ . ;~ _ ~~.;~~-.:_>:>. , ,..::,:.,~..,._ ..~._ . ..»„ __. _. /_ . J ~ ~' ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED thet the M~heim City PlaaninQ Commission does hereby grent subject PetiUon fot Coaditlon~l Use Permit, upon the followina cronditlons ahich aro hereby found to be a necessary prorequlsite to the proposed uee of the subject propecty in ocder to presecve the aafety and general aelfare of the Citizeas of the City of Aneheim: • le That the owner of subject property shali pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15¢ per front foot along Lincoln Avenue, for tree planting purposes, prior to the time that the building permit is issued or within a period o# 180 days fram date hereof} whichever occurs fisst, or such further time as the Commission or City Council may grant. 2. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim9 marked Exhibit Noso ly 2y and 3. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ia siQned and approved by me thls 3rd day of December, 1964. . ~ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY ANNiNG COMMISSION ATTF.ST: ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNRVG COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEI61 ) I, Ann Kreb~, Seceetery of the Ciry Pl~nning Commission of the City of An~helm, do hereby ceetify that the foregoine rosolution aas pused and adopted at a meedng of the City Pl~nning Commirilon oi lhe City oE A~~:t~eim, held oa November 23~ 1964~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the Eollowlog vote of the membecs thereot: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Mungall, Perryy Rowlando NOES: COA~qSSIONERS: ~oneo ABSENT: COMMISSI~NERS: None~ IN 14ITNESS WElEREOF, I h~veherouato set my hand this 3rd day of December. 1964. SECRETARY ANAHl~ ITY PLANNtNG COMM1SS10N ,;~ '(~ RESOLUTION N0. 1428 ~ `I .y. ' ~ C2-G .~ a ~. ~ ~ ~,~...~~, ~ ~ I; ~: ~ - _.. . _.~._ ...... ........ ~ _._:_.~ ~.... ~.. .. . . ^.' . _..~ '' r~,~ .._ :, 3 y ~ ~ t ~ s i ~ i