PC 1964-1965-1431- i _ ~ RSSOLUTION NO. 1431, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTl'Y PLANNING COIIYISSION OF THE CI'fY OF ANAHEAI THAT PETTfION FOR CONDI'fIONAL USE PERAQT NO.6~L BE DENIED T ~ ~ :;' ----~ r F ~ ~ gL Y' X Y ~ wHEREAS, th~ dtp Pl~nain` Commisslaa of the City of An~Leim did eccelve ~ vedflw PeUti~ for Condltional Use Peemit6om NICNOIAS J. DOVALIS, 930 South Magnolia Street, Anaheim, California, Owner; JAN¢S M. LEIGH, 11312 Brookhurst Street, Garden Grove, California, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; and WHEFEAS, the Gty Pl~aala~ Commissloa did hold a publlc heada~ ~t the City H~II ia the f itq of Aaeheim on ~ November 23, 1964, at 2:00 o'dock P.M., aotlce of sdd public he~tla~ h~vlug been dnlq `ivea as requtred by 1fw wd in ~cooed~mce wiffi tht p~ovlsioos ot t6e An~heim Nmidpd Code, Ch~pter 18.64, to hea aid consider evidence Edr ~ad q~iast ~dd proposed conditlond use ~nd to investl~ate ~ad mNce findin`s ~nd recommend~tion~ in coaneetion therewith: ~nd WHEREAS, sdd Commissioa, ~fta dne ln~~ction, iave~tleatioa, and study m~de by itself ~nd ia its behalf, ~ad ~fter d~• coaHdentioa of ~Il evidance ~od npoet~ oH~r~d ~t tdd 6e~dn~, does flnd ~ed deteemlae the 6ollowins E~ds: 1. T6K the ptopwed nse is prop~ely on~ foc which • CondiUond U~e Peemit is wthodsed by this Code, to wit: establish an on sale beer bar on subject property. 2. That ~ne pro~o^ed u~e tvill ~dv~-ce!y ~f:'c: ~'hc ~d;c.n:r.g :~r,d ..sec ar.d t; e gzou~ ~ and development of the azea in which it is proposed to be locatede 3. That the proposed use would be incompatible to the small neighborhood shopping area in which it is proposed to be located. 4. That the proposed use would be intermingling v~ith a restaurant use~ which would have an adverse affect on the children patronizing the restaurant. 5. That the proposed use would be incompatible xith a slot car race track patronized by teenagers. 6. ?hat the proposad use will be within 600 feet of the high school, and, therefore would not be permitted by the State. 7. :hat two persons appeared one of whoa~ presented a petition signed by 26 property owners opposing, and another petition signed by 14 persons favoring subject petition. Cl-D -1- '_ " y i . ; ~ ra s:~ e ~ -- ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Title Insurance and Trust Company ~ ~ ow~NOC eouNTV o~r~ec ~00 N01~TN MAIN ~TR[R SANTA ANA T T1 T~ '1 ~ • ~ . MiON~ fA J•iiii ~~ 4..L f~~ +~ f C I~A 11 1 ! l ~ /\ I " ~ ' . .. I'~j~aury ~71 Z~~~ +~ f IMPORTANT . Nhen replying rcfcr to 7 ~ :111: Our No. j'jrj~i~{> ~`?; `iwrn ~` I:~..~.Z.~V1~~.^.-r~l~iJ L ~.:~.r.~ W •i0•'i22 ~:~.,Go:~ txi'ovv^ T•ou1_val•3 ' •G«1'':~?:7 Gl'0~'~~ C11i3.'OY''i1ii1 Yourllo. 20~1 . • ::V till: ~~i~~Llw I'w fCil~ , . Thc foUowing ia a rcport of the title to the land dcscribed in your application for a Policy of Title Ineurnncc, and is madc aithout liahility and without obliqation to issue ~uch policy. In addition to any acaptione ~hown hc~ein, and not clcarcd, the policy, if iasucd, will conuin wnditioni and at~;•:'lat~one and alw exapuon~ from its coverage u may bc rcquired by ehe particular form of policy ieaued. D:~ted as of I~'CJi''aai'',y ~l~ l~G~~t ?:30 a.m. _ • I:C:'J ::OOri Titlo O~iccr Vcstec: . IiiCiiOL.^.S .7Gi:1 DC3VALTS AI~i~ LI.T~,'rt~,i D.^~'.r~1?~.z<",, llu:.ba,`~tl ~.."sd t:iFe~ ~ cc:.w.w~2~~ p: opcrtiY a~ ta : a~•cc'! 1~::. IIiCIi0L.1S 3. DWAI,IS 1~:D LT7.~~:I DO'F1.;..YS, lzusb2nl ar:d ;~~~.i'e, ezch a3 ~o an wzdivic?ad one- ;:al~ 5.i:tcra t;, aa tio Parcel 2. Exccplion~: • POOR CONTRAST FOR MICROFILMIN(} ~ ; ~ r t ,. , Parcel 1. ' :hat portion of the sauthr~est ~~uarter of the 3outhwest auar~er of ~ection ic~~ 101~11Ship ~+ South, F~~e 10 West, in the R, ncho Los Coyc~tes, cit;~ of !in~heim, county of Gran~;e, state of C~zlifornia, a:3 said Eection is shotrn on a raap ,recorded in c~oo:c 51 p::;e 10 oi Pdtacellaneous i•iaps, in the office of the county recorder of said county, described as folloca3: ~c;;it:~1~I1~: ~~ ~ po:nt o:~ thc ;~estc:l;- linc oi s~id sc~~3on lu, no. ~hcrl~ ~53. ~?J i~:et f_ 0;1 t::c sou~Y.i:csL corner of the south~oe:t quarte:.• of 3aid section 1t3, said point bein; the r.orthurc~t~:rly corner of lund daaaribed in Parcoi 1 in a dec~i to Gharlca L. Toboy~ c~ ux, racorderi J~nuar~~ 15, 1~!32, in boo;: ~274 pat;e 30~ of Offici~l Recorda; thcncc: Pfor;:licrly 144.00 fcet alon;~ the t~rc~tcrl;/ lir~c of •~aid accL•ion 1£3, to the northire~terly corner of land dc:~crlUed in a deed to ??;~~*h*. ~tl~rid~e, •et ux, rccord~:d Septenber 22, ~95~, in bootc 2823 pa~;e 214 of Official Reco~ds; thence eacterly 2~4.00 feet alorL; the northerl~ line o~ ~a±d Ethricl~;e land to the northeast corner oi 3aid land oi' Ethrid~c; thence southerly 144.00 feet, parallcl v:ith the weaterly line o£ said aection ln to the nortlierly line of aaid lobey land; thence ivesterly 2~L.00 ieet alon~ said northerly line to the point of beginnin~. Parcel 2. ' ~ The Nortlz 12~.00 feet or the South 288.00 feet of the t~Jest 2)4.00 Peet, nicasured alor~; ~he South and ~Jest lines ~~ the sou~hr~est qua. ter of the southc,re3t yuarter of ,ection 1£3, Townshfp 4 South, Ran~e 10 y~lest, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, city of Anzhein, county of Oran;e, ~tate oP California, ~s 3aid section i~ sho:cn on a map recor~ed in book 51 pa~e 10 oF iTiscellaneous tdaps, in the ofi'ice of the county recorder of said aounty. i , ------ ;- i ~ ~ , ; • 1 ~ _ • . . y p31'12j4~` j ; . ,ti~`Z ~ . ~6j~ . ~~ ~ `~~ .~. N ,A -. ~ . _ . e ~~ ~`v~h = ~ e~N ~ . ~ COND. USE PERMIT N0. ~ ''~%20 '~~ "'~ . ~G~n~L~ r; POOR CONTAAST FOR MICROFILMIN6 `1 i ~~ s ~-------- - -_ _ _ _ . - _, - :~ .~ ~ . _ __ .~ .~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the M~heim City Planning Comtnieaion does heroby deny subject Petltlon for Conditionel Uae Permlt on the baais oE the aforementioned Eindings. THE FOREGOIlVG RESOLUTION is aigaed and approved by me.this 3rd day of December, 1964, ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY L NIIVG COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ ~~J SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORN2A } COUN1'Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEDYI ) I~ Antt~l6T~b~, Secretary of the City Planning Commiesioa of the City of Maheim, da hereby ceRiEy that the fore- goiag reaolutlon wu paased and adopted at a meeting of the Ciry Pleaniag Commiasion ofthe City of pnaheim, held on November 23~ 1964~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the [ollowing vote of the membera thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONEt2S: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Mungall, Peiry, Rowland. NOES: COll~IISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my haad this 3rd day of December~ 1964. RESOLUTION N0. 1431 C2-D /~~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIIN CITY PLANNING COMMISSION .~ _ _- - ~