PC 1964-1965-1453- ~ . ~ ~ , RESOLUTION N0. 1453, SERiES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COA~MISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOM~ttEND1NG TO THE C1TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETl1TON FOR RECLASSIFICATION NO. 64-65-65 gE APPROVED WtiEREAS, the City Pl~anin~ Comelaaion of the Citq of Ana6eim did recdve a vedHed Petitioa for Recl~ssigca tioaEroa WILLIAM AND ORA Ra SMALL, 1632 West Ball Road, Anaheim, California, DONALD L~ AND KATHLEEN E. BAUER, 13642 Tahoe Street, Westminster, California, and JOHN AND DOROIHY Me CHRISTOPHER, 7450 Junillo Avenue, Canoga Park, California, Owners~ JAIu~S EMMI, 1808 East Comiconwealth, Apartment 102, Fullerton, California, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, Coun~y of Orange, State of California9 described as the South 100 feet of the West 180 feet of Lot 24, Anaheim Investment Company's Tract, as shown on a map thereof, recorded in book 7, pages 33 and 34, Misceilaneous Maps, records of said Orange County~ the South 300000 feet of :ot 24 of Anahe:m Investment Company's Tract, as per map recorded in book 7 pages 33 and 34 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said countyf EXCEPT the south 100s00 feet of the west 180000 feet thereofs ALSO EXCEPT the east 338072 feet thereof ; ~od '~ WHEREAS, the City Planniag Commission did 6old • public heada` at the City Hdl in the City of Aaahelm oa Dec ber ~, 1964, at 2:00 o'clodc P.M. aotice oE ~dd public he~dng h~vlna been duly givea ~s cequired by lea an in accoedaace aith We provislons of We An~heim binaicip~l Code, Chapter 18.72, to 6eor ~nd consider avidence tor and dast add ptoposed reclusi$c~tloa ~ud to iavestl~~te wd ¢dce fiadin~s and recommend~Uoas la connaction theeewith; ~nd ~~ WHE1tEAS, said Commiuieo, ~tter dne ietpection, lnve~tiptlon, ~ad ttudy m~de by ltselE aad ia ib oeh~lf, oad a8er due coaaideretion of all evidence and eepoet~ ofte~ed ~t ~~id headng, does find aed detetmine the Eollowin~ f~cts: 1. That the petitloaer propo~es ~ reclu~iHe~tion of ths abovs dNCribed peoperty from the R~A9 Agricu1tura19 Zone to the R-39 I~uitiple Family Resfdentiel, Zone io establish a forty to sixty unit apartment complexo 2~ That the proposed reclassification is in conformanca with the General Plarn 3„ ~~~ the proposed reclasslEic~tion oE ~nbJect proQedy ls aecessuy aad/or desinbl~ lot the ocd~tly aad pco- per developmeat ot the community. 4~ '-'h~t the propossd ceclu~l8catloe of ~nbject pcopecty doss proPerly rsl~te to the soae~ and t6eir peimitted uses loc~lly e~t~bli~hed ia elo~e proxfmlty to ~ab)~ct pcopsrty ~nd to the sones ~nd their permitted uses gena~lly e~t~b lished throuehout the community. 5. That the pro~~sed reclassification of sub~ect property does require dedlcation for and standard improvement of abutting streets because said property does relate to and abut upon streets and highways which are proposed to carry the type and quantity of traffic, which will be generated by the permitted usesy in accordance with the circulation element of the General Plan. 6. That the Commission recommends to the City Council that every effort be made to allow the palm tre?s located in the parking area of sub,~ect property on Palm Lane to remain, but the petitioner shall resoive with the Engineering Department9 the best location for the curbs, gutters, and sidewaiks in or~er to maintain the proper street width and still preserve the palm trees in their preeMtt Iocation as stipulated by the petitioner. 7. lhat no one appeared in opposition to sub~ect petition. Rl-A '1' ~ _, ~ , • .._... ~ :~ ~ -- NOiI~ Tt~RFFI-0RE, BE IT RF~LVID tha± the Anahe:m City Pian~ing Commission does hereby Tecommend to tne City Councii of the City o"r rlnaheim that subject Petition for Re~lassiiication be a~proved and9 by so do;ng9 '.hat T~tie ':8-Zcni;ig o~ the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exc:ude tte above dascribed prope:ty irom ~he R-A~ Agriculturaiy Zone9 and to incerporate said described p:ope:ty ia!c the R-39 Mu:;.ipie Famiiy Hesidential9 Zone, upon the foliowing conditions Nhith are hereby fosnd to be a ne_essary prerequ:site to the proposed use of subject proper~y in c=de= to p:eserve tne ~sfe1y and gEneral H•e'Lfare of ihe Citizens of the City of Anaheim, ; Tha: the awne:s of sLbje,:t proper'y si~a:: deed to *he City o: Maheim a strip of :and thirty :eet in w:dth, °rcm the cer.ter ~ine ef the s*_reet, along Palm La~ie Southy for street widening purposes. 2e That s:seet imF.*ovement pians sha:i be prepared and ali engineeriny requirements of the City o: Maheim along Paim Lane So:;th and Pa:m Lane East., ~uch as curbs and gutters, side- waiks, s.reei g_ading and pav?ng, drainage fa:iiit:e5y or other appur*enant wcrk shall be comp:eted as requi:ed by the ~ity Engineer and in accordar.ce ,~ith standard pians and specifi- catio~s on fi;e in the ofiice oi the City Eng;neel; or that a bond in an amount and form sat- isfaciory to the City of M aheim shaii be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of said engineer~ng req~uirements, 3e ?nat the odn~s of subyect prcoe:ty st~ail pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of S2v00 per fron: iaot a~a~g Palm Lane South9 :o: s*:eet lighting purposes~ 4. That *he owners of s•:bject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15a per f~on* foot a:c.ng Pa:m Lane South and Palm Lane East9 f'or tree pianting purposeso 5~ ;nat trash storage areas shaii be pzovided in ac~ordance xith approved pians on file with the o~fice o: the Director o~ Pubii~ Works~ 6~ that fire hydrants shail be instaiied as required and dete~mined to be necessary by the Chie.•' cf the Fire Departmente 7a 2hat ihe arners cf s,:b~ect property sha:i pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of S25o00 per dwei:ing unit, to be used ior park and re:reation p~rposes, ~aid amo~nt to be paid at the time the bui:ding permit is is~ued~ 8.. That drive.rays shali be a minimum widin or 2i feet~. 9.. That a minimum vehi::e clearance of 14 i~eet shail be provided for a minimum width of 'Z1 cee+ ~~~ 3! ^n.ne~ r•~4-~CCe i0. That Condition Nose :, 2s 39 4 and ;29 abcve men~ioned9 shali be complied with •witt:in a period of :80 days rran date hereof, or such further time as the City Council.may grante li. Yhat Condition Hos~ 5, 6~ and 7, above mentioned9 shali be compiied with prior to final bullding inspec!ion. 12. That the o»~ners of sutject proper:y shaii deed to the Clty of Anaheim a 3-•fcot over~ hang easement along the east baundary of subjec; propertya ~•• TI~ FORH~II~'i RESOLUT;ON is signed and ATI'ESTa SBCRETARY ANAHQiI CITY PLANI~LTt~G ~10iISSION S?ATE OF CALIFaRNIA ) WUNTY OF ORAlGE ) ss. CIrY OF ANAHELY ) approved be me s i h day of December9 1964~ CHAIRi~AN ANAHEIM CITY ANIVII~ WMMISSION I, Mn Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim9 do hereby certify that the foregofng resoiution was passed and adopted at a meet:ng of the City Planning Commission of the City of Maheim, heid on December 7, 1964y at 2s00 0'clock P,Moy by the follorving vote of ttn ~embers thereofs AYESt COiWISSIOtiH~Se Allred, Camp, Gauer, kungally Perry, Rowlande t~AES: Cd81ISSI0NFRSt None. ABSII~II'a COYYISSIODiHiS: llone. IH MITl~SS MHHt~F, I have h~reunto set my hand this 17th day of December, 1964e ~ F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Res. No. 1453 Li~~~~~'L~'2~iG`Q/ SECRff!'ARY ANAHQ CITY PLANNING OOMMISSION