PC 1964-1965-1454~ . RESOLUTION NO. 1454, 9ERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF TNE C1TY PLANN1Na COd~tISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOAQIENDING TO THE CI'fY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEa! THAT PETI'fiON FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 64-65-56 HE APPROVED _.,... _, WHEREAS, the Clty Plw~laa Commi~alon of th~ Clry oE Aa~h~lm dld receiw a weifl~d Petitlon Eor R~cln~iHcr Uontrom AHfON D. (~IGER~ 7661 Haldor Place~ Buena Park~ California~ Owner~ JAA~S Ka SCNULER,. 914 Eaat Kat~lla Avsnue, Anaheim, California~ Agent of certain real property situated in thl.•, City of Maheim, County of Orar.ge, State of California, dsscribed as the Northerly 292000 feet of ths Southerly 1074.29 feet of the East Aa:f of the West half of the Northwest quartsT: of the Sout3-rr~at quai~ter of Section 18~ Township 4 South, Range 10 West~ San Bernardino Base 8 Meridiand Excepting any portion thereof included within Tract No. 2062, as shown on a l~ap recorded in Book 72, pages 3 and 4 of Miscelleneous Mapsr records of Orange County,California ; ~ao WHEF~EAS, th~ Cltr Pl~nnis~ Cammf~don d:d lald a public 6uela~ at th~ Clty Hdl in th~ Clty of Aa~heln~ oa Dec~mb~r 21~ 1964~ ~t 4:00 o'clodc P.ll. nou::e ot ~dd pnblic h~~da~ -uvln~ b~en dnly ~ivee u nq~lnd by l~w ~nd la ~ccoed~nc~ with th~ peovlslao~ ot th~ M~i6N~. Maakip~l Cod~, Ch~pf~e 18.92, to hNr ~ad croa~idsr wld~ne~ for ~nd y~ia~t ~dd ptopos~d nela~i9aWoa ~hd to law,~t~ ~nd m~lct 9ndicp ~ad ncomm~nd~tioa~ !n exnn~ctlon thMwtth~ wd NHEREAS, ~dd Comml~~iaa, ~[t~r dn~ W~p~ctlan, iave~ti~tioa, ~nd ~tndy m~d~ bq lb~lt ~nd !n !t~ b~l~1~ ~nd ~fta dn d ~o0 oi ~ wld~nc~ ~ad npost~ otin~d ~t ~dd h~ula~, doN Elad ~od det~rmin~ th~ Eoilowla~ heb: ~.~a~ the pet ~ioner propo6es a reclasaifioatiori of the above described propert from the-R- ~ricultura1 ~ora oo~tyhep Et-3 )dult le Rami R sidantial, Tane to develop avb~~ct prc+p~T2~ ?hat b~o~Gbamissio~r~ rbc8m~e~dentia~~inay singl~toryeconstructionrt ased anltM~ iffed to the ~'~2 Mtu~tipit einilY K b fact thet a i~sw~er den~sity vrou~d oreate smdu~y heavy traff ic on one street wh~ch serva~ Doth `he aul-de-snc~d R-1 a~roate to tha paet, as we.ll as the deep lots on the vres. side of Y~t2aze•~. ~!reet, which may develop for multiple family residential uae. Further that ~ange Av~~ whic~• wi11 receive thie heavy treffic is not developed preeently to the ~ull width of a secondary highway~ 3. That General P1an Amendment No. 24 incorporating low-mediun density Por the ~ieet` sida of Y~lara Street wae adopted by the City Council on September 1, 1964. •~"~ _4. That the proposed reclassifica~ion of subj~ct pronerty is necessary and/or desirabla for tAe•sa~derly and p:oper.deva2opment of ~he ccrrun;ty.. 5. ihat ths propoaad reclassification of subject property does proparly relate to the zonae.and.thair permitted uaes locally eetablished in close proximity to ~subject propert and.ta tha zones and their permitted uaes generally establiahed throughout the community. 6. That the proposed recleasification of aub~ect property does not require dedication for and atandard improvament of abutting atreets because said property doeF ralate to and abu~ u~n streets and highways which are partially improved to carry the type and quantity of i~9~fic, which will be generated by the permitted uses, in accordance with the circulatitin elac~ent. of the .Gas~eral Plan. 7. That fourteen lettera and a petition signed by twenty-nine persons were received in oppoaition, and that one person appeared in favor of sub~ect petitiono POpR CONTRAST FOR MICROFILMIN(} ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?c Rl-A' . -1- ~ ~ . ~ . ..•,rlll'.. _~ .... . ...... . . _ ..,.*:. Z r , z a ~ ~ ~ ~` ~ NOWq THFAEFORE9 BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Pianning Commission does hereby ;ecommend to the City Councii of the City of M ahe3m that sub~ect Petition for Reclassiiication be approved and by so doing, that Titie 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above described property from the R-A9 Agricultural9 Zone, and to inco*porate said aescribed property into the R-2, bultiple Family Residentiai9 Zone, upon the fo'liowing conditions.which are hereby f~und to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject pxoperty in o~der to presexve the safety and general welfa:e of the citizens of tne C;ty of Maheimo 1. That stree.t impxnvement pians shail be Y~epa:ed.and all engineering requirements of tbe• Caty of Anaheim along Velare Street9 such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks9 street grading and paving' drainage facilities, or other appu:tenant work shall be completed as *Rquired by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer~ and that a bond in an amount and fo:m satisfac~ory to the City of Maheim may be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of said engineerino requ3rements. 2e That the owner of sub~ect property shail pay to the City of M aheir the sum of S2s00 per front foot along Velare Street9 for street ]ighting purpose~. 3. That the orw~er of sub~ect property sAali pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15~ per.front fcot.ala~g Velare Street9 for tree planting purposeso 4. That the cu:bs and guttezs shall be repaired..along Velare Street9 as required by the C~ty Engineez and in eccorda~ce with standard plans and specifications on file in tha office of the.City Fncineera 5o That all driveways shaii be a minimum width of 2: feet, and that a minimum vertical clearance of 14_feat ahall be p~ovided for a minimum width of 21 feet and at corner cvtoffso 6~ Ihat Condition Noso :, 29 3, and 4„ above mentioned„ shail be comp2led with within a por.lod.of.180 days from date hereofy or such further time es the City Council may granto 7a That subject property shall be developed aubstantially in accordance with all require- monts of the R-2, Idultlple Family Residential, Zone, and that a11 development be limited to ona_~tory.in hsight~ 8. That trash starage areas ehall be p:ovided in accordance with approved plans on file in the office of the Director of Pub'lic Workso 9. ihet fire hydr.ants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by ;ha Chiaf of the Fire Departmento ~0. Tnat the owmer ur suc~ect property sneii pay to she Gity or Ananeim the sum of 525°00 per ciwe111ng unit to be used for park and re~eation purposes, said aawunt to be peid at the time the building ~armit is isaued~ 11. Ihat a 6-foot ma'sonry wsil shall be const:ucted along the north9 west and south prop- erty lines. 12. That Condition Nos. ~Jy 89 9, and 11, above mentioned, ehaii be compliod wi±h prior to final building inspectiono THE FORBGOIl~ RESOLUTION is aigned and approved by me Iat day of December, 1964. ATTEST~ ~ ~ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAH&IM CITY NING WMAIISSION ~ SECBETARY...ANAHEIK'CIT}f PLAI~DiING ODIdbIISSION STATE ~F CALIEORI~IIA ) C~1JM'Y OF ORANGE ) sso CITY OF ANAHEIII.. ) I, Ann Krabs, Ser,ratary of the City.Elanning Co~ission of the City of Anaheim,do hezeby certify that the•foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a+aeetin of the City Planning Commisaian of the CSty•.of_.Anaheim, ~eld on December 21, 1964~ at 2e00 0'~lock Pold,y by the following vot.~ af the mamber. thereoft ' AYESa ODMNISSIONFASe Gauer, Munga119 N~ES .. f'01! aai^~."mD. ~a .None. ABSFNft Q1W~lS5IONFRSe A1]sed, Gamp. IN MITNESS YIHFR~F, I have hereunto 4 Perry, Rowlande set my hand this 31st day of December, l964. SECRII'ABY ANAH&I CI?Y PLANNING COMMI3SI!~' Res. No. 1454 2 !a . C ~ .\ . ~