PC 1964-1965-1457RESOLUTION NO. 1457. SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNII~IG COIOdISSION OF THE C1TY OF ANAHEIMI RECWU~IENDIIi(i TO THL CTfY COONCIL OF'6174i 65CTf6]' OF ANAHEIM TNAT PETITION FOR RSCLASSIFICATION N0. t~ ~~PROVED NHEREAS, the City Plw-in~ Commiulon of the City of An~heim did cecelve ~ vecified PetlUon for Recl~ssitlca tlonteom OLIVER Go BAKER, 147 South Beach Boulevard9 Anaheim, California, Owners RUSSELL JAY qr BEN ROCF~LLE, 8681 Katella Avenue, Stanton, California, agents of certain real property situated in the City of Maheia-, County of Orange, State of California, described as that portion of the east- erly one half of the northeast quarter of Section 14, Township 4 south, Range 11 Nest, in the Rancb Los Corotes, as saitl section is shown on a map recorded in Hook 51, Page 11, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, described as fellows~ Be9inning at a point in the southerly lane~of~~the northeast quartar of the northeast quazter of said Section 14~ distant thereon south 89 36 59 west, 41e13 feet from the southeast corner of said northeast quarter of the northeast quarterR thence south 89~36'15" west, 2I6o92 feet~ thence north 0°19'27" west, lOlia94 feet~ thence north 89°40'53" east, I95~25 faat to a point on a tangent curve concave westerly and having a radtus of 16,066 feetR a radial line passing through said point bears north 89°22`2702" east~ thence southerly along said cuSVe through a central angle of 1°21'0501" an arc distance of 378094 feetq thence south 1°58'30" ea~t 320e60 faet~ to the beginning of a tangent curve concave westexly and having a radius of I5,934 fest~ thence souther2y along said curve through a central angle of 1°07'24~1" an arc dist;~andof 3Z2e41 feet tu the point of beginning WHEREAS, the C!ry P1dtNaL Commi~don d!d 6old ~ publio he~dn~ at the City Hdl in the Clty of M~hsLo oa December 21 ~ 1964 ~t 2:00 o'clock P.M. eotice oi ~dd public hNda` h~vin` been duly qven u nquired by 1Rw ~ad ia ~ccor~-cs witb ths provi~iau ot the M~heim dluaic!p~l Code, Ch~Pter 18.72, to he~r ~nd con~idsr evldanc~ Ior ~nd ~gdn~t sdd ptopaed cecla~iBcWon ~nd to iavestl`ate ~nd m~ics $ndiap ~nd naomme-d~tlons in connectloa thaewithi ~nd W}IEREAS, ~dd Commi~~laa~ Jtu dns iaip~ction, lavNtiptioa, ~ad ~tudq m~de by it~slf ~ad !a it~ beh~lf, ~nd oiter due coaoldaatloa of all evidesce ~nd repo~ offeced ~t ~dd he~rta`, doe~ Hnd ~ad det~nalns the toAowln` i~cts: 1, Th~c the p~titloan p~oposM a c~cl~oi8e~tlon ot the ~bow d~scetbed peopeety feom th~iR-A. Agriculturaiy Zonr to the C-3, Heavy Comne.:c3ai, Zone to astabli:;h two 45-unit mote~s w_th a restaurant and a cocktail lounqe. 1 2. That the p:oposed reclassi'~:cation a~d the intended use of sub~ect property is in conforma~ce with the Gene~ai P'lana ;i ;j ':i ~ g, , .. ~ -.. ~ ~ _ ~},~j.`• 3~ Th~t th~ propoud nalu~l~la!!on et ~u~~ot propKty i~ a~oa~~ey ~ad/or a~sinbi~ be tb~ oedely ~ad peo- p~e d~wlopm~at o! th~ aoa4mllb. 4• That th~ peopond ncl~ni9oWes ol wbl~ D~Y ~ V~p~rly nl~b to t6~ ioaN ~od t6~ir p~emltt~d ~u~s !op!!q'tslabll~h~d !a clo~~ prodalq~ to ~ub~~c! pmmp~ety ~ad W th~ soa~~ ~nd thNe p~emitNd n~M pa~nlly hta~- 1l~6~d tksou~ont ths ~ommnafqr. 5. hA+ the proposed recla3aifit-ation of subject property ~oes require dtdication for and st~ida-d imp:ovement of abutting str.euts because said property does relate to and.abut upon streets and highways which art propoced to ca^ry the type and quantity of traffic, which will be generated by the pe:mitted uses, in accordance with the circulation element of the Generel Plan. 6o That no one appeared :n opposition to subjee~ petitione 0 f POOR CONTRA3T FOR MICROFILMIN(} -i- Rl-A . ~ ,: .,~:a;~.,.:.~ , .. , . ; ~ -3 .~ _~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that t6e Anaheim Cltq P'lannin6 Commiasion does hereby recommmd to the City Couacil of the Ctty of Anaheim that aubject Petltion for Recl~saifiatlon be approved and, by ao doing, that Title 1&Zoning of the Aneheim Municipal Code be emended to e:clude the ~bove desccibed ProPecty fcoe~ the R-A, Ag_icultural, Zone, ~3nd to incorporate said desc:ibed property into the C-3, lieavy Commercial, Zone, upon *_he foliowing co;ditio~is which ~re ~ereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preser~e the safe~y a;d general welfare of the citizens of the Ciiy of Anat:eim~ la That final p?ans for developma<<~ be ~unmitted ,o Deveio;.mer.t Re~;e~v prio~ ±o issuance of a bu:lding permite 2. That the ovmer of subject p:ope=tv shall deed to the City of Anaheim a si_ip of land 64 feet in width, including 15 fcct =ad~~~.s ~.~rne° =eturr.s at Beach BoL:eva,d9 for str^et pu:poses as shaKn on Exhibit Noe 5„ 3. That s±ree~ imp_ovement p:ans shal; be prepa~ed and all enginee~ing requirements of the City o: M aheim a:cng Beach Bouieva•=d aad G;aciosa Lane, ~uch as curbs and gutters, side- walks, street o~•adin9 ar.d paving, drainage facii:cies, c~ othe= appL:r~enar.t tivo=k shali be completed as rern~f^ed by the Cit~r Enginee: and in ac:ordarce wi±h standard nians and ~peciri- •ca:ions on fiie in ;7e office ef 'he C;ty Eng:neerg or that a bond :n ~n am:•vnt and io=m satis- factory tc the City of A~aneim shai~ be po:;ted ~,i±h ;he C;ty '.o quasantee `.he irti ~aiiation of sai3 sr,gince_i^~ -~°qL~'ements~ • 4. That the owner of subject p^operty s'rali pay yc the City of Anaheim t~p sum of 32.00 per .ront Foot a'.ong Beach Boulevard and Graciosa Lnne, for street ~:ghting pu:•roses. 5. That the cwner of su5ject p~operty ~hail pay to ±he.City of Mahe:m the sum of :5a per f^ nt foot along Beach BoL_.eva_d ~pd Gsacio~~ Lane, ra: +ree pl~nt:ng ~ar~~seG•. g, That t=asn sta:age area~ ~neii bi~provi ed in acco:~ance w~th app-ov plans on f ile. with the office ~Y the Di:cecto: of Pub2fc Warks~ 7, That Conditiun Noso '_, 29 3, and 49 above men~ior.ed, chail be compi:ed wfth within a period of i80 d~y5 f=om the daie hereof, or such iu:ther time as thP City Council may grant. 8~ Tha'. the comple:ion of these recia~sification p:c;•eedings :: contingent upon the approva: oi ;+ _evised map of Ten:a~ive Tract No. 5:n:.e THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is siQned ~nd appioved by me tLi~ 31st day of DeCember~ 1964. ATTEST: ~~iyl~~l/ _ SECRETAEtY ANAHE~M C1TY PLANNIN(1 COtANISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COIIlfTY CF ORAN(iE ) ~~~ CITY OF ANAHEM ) , CHAIRMAN ~PiAHEIM CITY P fi CO1Qq3910N I, 'Ann Krebs~ S~cnt~eY o! th~ City Pl~aaln~ Commiuloa oE th~ Clty oi M~h~lm, do 6MbY c~l~Y th~t ~~ ~~' ~oia~ raolutloa w~~ pu~~d n~d ~dopt~d ~t ~ mNUa~ o[ th~ Clty P1~anln~ Comal~~loa ot th~ Clty oi M~6Nm, 6dd oa December 21, 1964, ~t Z:00 o'clocic P.bl., by tli~ loliowia~ vot~ oI th~ m~mb~es tbn~ot: l1yES: COMAIISSIONERS: Gauer, ldungall~ Pezry, Rowlanda NOES: COIQdI33I0NERS: ~one. ABSENT: COI~AIISSIONERS: Allred, Camp~ 1N WPi'I~iESS WHEREOF, I h~v~ ha~uato ~~t my h~nd thi~ 31st day of December, 1464~ ~P, W+ RESOLUTION N0. 1457 ' SgCRETA(tY ANAHEW CiTY PLANNII~id COIqOSSION .~ \ RyA ~ # r . ' s : : ~ ~ ._ . ~, ~ ---